Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Male Circumcision Improves Sex for Women | HealtheFitness.in

Male Circumcision Improves Sex for Women

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines sexual health as ?the state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction and infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive, respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.? This channel focuses on understanding sexual health issues of special interest to women.


These are fundamental and universal rights.

Irrespective of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation or personal capacity we all have the right to experience the pleasures of sexual intimacy, free from coercion, legal or social sanctions, or personal criticism. Observation of the responsibilities attendant upon the exercise of our rights is equally valued.


Women?s sexual rights are of particular concern in that women have far less freedom than men regarding choice of sexual partner, fertility management and disease prevention. Central to the lives of women and girls is their reproductive health. To have the capacity to make informed choices regarding if and when to have children, the number and spacing of those children and to have appropriate ante- and post-natal care is fundamental to their individual well-being and to the well-being of society.


WAS gives particular attention to the protection of children who are the victims of sexual abuse. Governments have moral and legal obligations to provide prevention measures, protection and treatment. Every child has a fundamental right to bodily integrity and to spend their childhood in an atmosphere of trust and caring.


Making special provisions to meet the sexual and relationship needs of people with a physical or intellectual disability, or for those with chronic illness, should be a priority for governments. WAS is a strong supporter of sexuality education that provides protection, teaches social skills and optimizes options that allow individuals to make informed choices.


Personal autonomy depends upon the ability of the individual to make informed, responsible choices. In order to be able to achieve this, the individual must have access to evidence based sexuality education from appropriately trained educators. The provision of a wide range of resources enhances peoples? capacity to maintain their own physical and mental sexual health. Above all, learning to value and respect others enhances relationships and makes for a more harmonious world.


Breast Enhancement Facts:


While many of us may not be happy with the appearance of our breasts, it is good to know that we come in all sizes and shapes, and we can actually improve their appearance ? whether it be increasing their size, enhancing the shape and contour, or adding to the firmness and beauty of the female form. If we are not happy with our current breast size and appearance, we now have the knowledge and resources to do something about it.


The development of small amounts of breast tissue is usually the first sign of puberty in girls. Some girls notice breast growth and substantial breast size increase as early as 8 years old, while others don?t start maturing until age 13 or 14 or later. The timing is determined by the individual?s biological ?clock? that tells your body to start producing high levels of the female hormones estrogen and other hormones such as progesterone and other estrogens. Breasts go through about 5 stages of maturity over the next five to six years, until they reach their full growth potential by age 17 or 18. If, for some reason the breast growth cycle is never fully completed, there are natural breast size increasing options that are both a realistic and safe option to surgical breast augmentation.


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While breast size is mostly determined by genetics and hormonal levels in the individual during puberty and even various stages of life such as pregnancy, there are also some environmental, or outside, factors that have been hypothesized to play a role in the size of a full grown women?s breasts.


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Women who may have been malnourished, exercised obsessively, or dieted a lot in their teen years may have experienced stunted breast growth, or an incomplete cycle of full breast maturity, leaving them with a smaller sized bust than they may have had on a healthy and balanced diet in the formative breast growth stages. This is all conjecture, but it does make sense if you think about it. The breasts are ? in essence ? ?extra? tissue that the body does not really need to sustain itself, rather they serve the biological purposes of motherhood. See why we know you can increase your breast size naturally. It?s worked for many women already.


This is why the first thing most women (most, not all) say they notice shrinks and loses size and volume when they lose weight, is their breasts. For some, this may be a blessing, for others, they want to hold on to all of the fullness in their breasts they can, as breasts are viewed in our society as an object of sexual allure and femininity, and most women want to increase their breast size rather than decrease the size.

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Source: http://healthefitness.in/male-circumcision-improves-sex-for-women/

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