Saturday, August 6, 2011

How Basketball Players Can Become Better at Shooting | 3NM.ORG

Shooting the ball is the easiest and also the most difficult aspect of basketball. You must have the ability to shoot from all locations of the court, while others on the other team are attempting to stop you. Also, you have to figure out when to take the basketball shot and when to throw it to another team member. What follows are some proven techniques and strategies for perfecting your shooting skills.

One of the most awkward things about shooting a basketball is that you are never in the same location more than one time. You have to be able to shoot from right under the basket as well as from a long distance. This is why it is good thing for them to prepare shooting the ball from varied locations and angles of the playing area. For instance, it would be a smart move to practice some free throws. But, you do not want to limit yourself to a shot that everyone knows to expect. You want to have the ability to shoot correctly from various areas that others would not expect. To be a well-rounded player, you should be comfortable making any kind of shot, no matter where you are on the court, as long as you?re within range.

It?s important to be conscious of your natural shooting range in basketball. While your shooting range can be increased with practice, it?s best to only shoot within your current range during a game. The distance from the rim where you?re fairly accurate is your range; when you shoot from beyond this, your accuracy fades quickly. Naturally, if time is running out and you have to take a shot, you?ll take it no matter where you are, but ordinarily you should stick to shooting from the range that?s natural for you. If you want to become a better shooter, focus primarily on improving your accuracy from within your range, and not so much on increasing your range (though this may occur anyway over time).

Shooting a basketball may involves your whole body but the position of your hand and your arms is really important. Be sure you?re using your fingertips because that is what gives you control of the ball. It will be difficult to shoot accurately if you mainly use your palms because you won?t have as much control. Another thing to keep in mind is keeping your arm as straight as possible, with the elbow under the ball. If your elbow is out to the side at all, this will tend to distort the shot and cause the ball to veer in the wrong direction. Use a fluid motion when shooting the ball, with your fingertips, arm, and elbow forming a single unit. Making basketball shots is something that you will improve upon if you make the effort and work on your form. These tips will be helpful when you continue training and pinpoint the things that you want to improve. But, you should also work on your own areas that need working on. If you think that you have problem areas that are weak, then work on them as opposed to forgetting about them so that they will get better in the end. Even the best players in the world cannot stop practicing and must continue to work on their shooting skills to continue moving on up.

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