Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Real Estate Follies of CNET Millionaire Halsey Minor - Boom ...

Monday, November 19, 2012, by Rob Bear Photos: Preservation Nation

Web entrepreneur Halsey Minor became a centa-millionaire off of the success of the CNET tech media company, but a combination of overly prolific purchasing and the recent financial crisis left Minor amid a mountain of debt, with his crumbling mansions losing value quickly. Perhaps none of his holdings was worse off than the historic Carter's Grove plantation, near Williamsburg, Va. Built in the 1750s for the grandson of an early Williamsburg land baron, the Georgian mansion at the heart of the property was constructed by English craftsmen and is recognized as one of the country's finest examples of Georgian architecture. A jewel in the crown of Colonial Williamsburg, it was nonetheless a bit too far from the walkable district to justify the exorbitant cost of upkeep, so the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation listed the 476-acre property for $19M. Minor purchased the house and surrounding acreage in 2007 for $15.3M, with $5M in cash and the rest financed through the foundation. At the time, Minor promised to undertake necessary renovations to repair the roof and planned to turn the property into a marquis equestrian facility, but after falling short of cash, he skipped the improvements and allowed the condition of the historic gem to deteriorate.

By 2012, the flagging estate was the subject of a Washington Post piece that bemoaned the "sorry fate of tech pioneer Halsey Minor and historic Virginia estate Carter's Grove." According to the Post, a February inspection by "Virginia's Department of Historic Resources found a leaking roof, broken climate-control system, pervasive rot, cracked paneling and indications that the house is shifting and may be unsound." A letter from that department to Minor claimed that "deterioration has now reached a critical level and is accelerating rapidly. Irreversible damage...has occurred." The LLC Minor formed to purchase the property recently declared bankruptcy, leaving the historic mansion's future in question. Meanwhile, an article from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, penned as a response to the Post, claims that the house is not beyond saving, and that the roof and HVAC system were repaired, thanks to the attentiveness of the state, the court-appointed trustee overseeing the property, and cash from the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. While the issues have been shored up, it seems unlikely that Minor, who still owes around $4M on the property, will ever be the one to captain its return to glory.

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