Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Self Improvement | Daily positive affirmations for law of attraction

Posted On: Tue, November 27th, 2012 | Comments: 0 | Views 8 | Word Count: 562

How affirmation can be defined??

Thinking positively is the road towards the fundamentals of personal growth. The way you think and the word you speak are the revelations of your affirmations. So your affirmation can be either of ?negative? or of ?positive? denominations. As we keep ourselves busy with our inner dialogue; we keep on shuffling between negativities and positivites. Any one will try to focus on the positivites and keep the negativities at bay. In our daily chores, whatever our inner truth or inner beliefs prompt us; we reveal it through our affirmations.

Our affirmations are our beliefs.

Whatever we think as true, they turn to be our beliefs. That means we are the creators of our own truths. We learn about the truths since our childhood. The truths are been programmed in our sub-conscious mind by our parents, elder siblings, teachers, family members and friends during the early ages of our life. All our thought patterns are not going to serve us during our daily chores, so naturally the affirmations goaded by negativity are replaced by the positivities. As a normal function, our subconscious mind soaks all the beliefs and basing on these beliefs creates a world around us. Our subconscious mind, being powerful, hardly sieves true or false from among their mixes and so incidentally creates the affirmation whatever it finds to be believable.?

If the law of states are to be referenced, ?like attracts like?, i.e. negatives attract negatives and positives attracts positives, whatever are our dominant thoughts they find the ways to get manifested. So, it is desirable that bringing positive changes towards reality, our thoughts must be programmed. The powerful ?arm of positive thinking? should be our daily affirmations in positive way. The reflection must come like,? I can do it, I love this??.etc.? ?An affirmation must meet all the following requirements to become effective:

  • Affirmation should be precise and specific
  • Affirmations needs to be positive, example?(I am healthy, in place of I am not sick)
  • It is desirable that affirmations should be expressed in present tense, example---(I love my fate, in place of I will love my fate)

Suitable time of expressing affirmation

The ideal time to express positive affirmation for law of attraction is in the morning when you get up and also in the night when you go to bed. It is a psychological drill, the more you think about it you will get the faster result of it becoming as a reality. As our subconscious mind becomes programmed to believe the affirmations, it results into conversions into positive actions for our conscious mind. You must feel about its most possible emerging appearance likely to be.

Law of attraction

Here are some useful tools for you to condition yourself according to your desire:

To change yourself you need to change your conditions. Your innermost thoughts may find expressions while you are amidst your ambitions, fancies, wishes and whims. You can relate it with the growth of a sapling from a seed. When we want to change our condition, we need to ponder about its way of changing.

Ambrose Clinton? is a prolific writer. He has been writing articles for the last 4 years with internet marketing experience exceeding 2 decades. His flair for writing is manifested in the high quality articles that he writes ?law of attraction? which are original and copyright material.

Keywords:?Laws Of Attraction,the Laws Of Attraction,daily Affirmation,affirmations,affirmations For Success,the Law Of Attraction,


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