Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tips To NOT Overspend in 2013 + a $100 Cash Giveaway : Rather ...

I am proud to be a part of a fun personal finance blog project and giveaway organized by Jeffrey over at Savings theme of this giveaway is the ?No Spending Challenge?. It can?definitely?be a challenge to not?overspend. As I have already documented, I have a huge?Weakness For Bright and Shiny Gadgets which makes it especially tough for me. I swear?they just call out my name and slowly reach in my pocket for my credit card. With that in mind here are a couple tips to avoid overspending on stuff you really don?t need, followed by the easy entry form to win $100 cash via PayPal. Make sure to get yourself entered?

Freeze the Dam Things

The tip of freezing your credit cards in a huge block of ice was first introduced to me back in 2007 by Lynnae at Being This may seem silly and childish, but if you are in a position where you can?t afford to add any more?expenses?to your credit card balances, freezing your cards is not so silly. For many, it is a necessity. The key here is to make sure you freeze them in enough water that you can?t read the numbers. By going without your credit cards you force your brain to re-think how you spend money.?The?Take-Away: By the time you defrost the dam things the impulse to buy will have worn off.

Enforce A Cool-Down Period

The next time you?re brain is telling you ?I need this, I need this NOW? try this technique. Make your brain think about something else for a 10-minute cool down period. Read a magazine, do jumping jacks, mow the lawn, stare at sun, whatever, just do?something?other than think about the product you want to buy.?The?Take-Away: If you can get through the 10 minute period the impulse to buy will have worn off.

Have you tried either of these techniques? If so, were they?successful? I look forward to your comments. Now go win?yourself?$100 bucks!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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