Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What have to pay attention to hypertension ... - Health and Fitness Tips

Hypertensive patients, mostly elderly, their poor adaptability to changes in ambient temperature. When faced with cold stimulation, the adrenal glands in the body increased, while epinephrine increased cause vasoconstriction caused a significant increase in blood pressure. In clinical practice whenever a cold front through the cooling of the weather, that is, multiple day of cerebral hemorrhage.Therefore, in the winter season, the hypertensive patients to do the weatherization.

Hypertension was found, if not treated in time, left unchecked, will accelerate the atherosclerotic process.Occur such as heart disease, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac insufficiency, myocardial infarction; stroke, cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage in the brain occur. Not think that getting high blood pressure, but no symptoms, not medication, not therapy.

Psychological medical research shows that anger, sadness, fear, or rejoicing, can cause blood pressure suddenly increased, heart rate acceleration, and induce the burst of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Hypertensive patients not only to avoid the angry, anxious, and in the thrilling scenes of tension, plot fights piece, gangster films, horror films, and in the mahjong game ?battle? should be some restraint and not be too excited to anti-Queer.

Early morning, people just wake up in sleep, blood pressure, body temperature is also low, slow blood flow, then the body of water deficiency, resulting in hemoconcentration, increased viscosity, and thus easy to form blood clots, causing a hemorrhagic stroke. Elderly if appropriate bedtime and morning drink water, milk, form a very useful on the prevention of thrombosis.

Limit consumption of food containing cholesterol, such as carnivores, brain, liver, heart, roe, fatty meat, pork, butter, and bone marrow. The total amount of daily consumption of cholesterol should be below 300mg. If the lipids remained too high, and should also limit high-carbohydrate foods. Always pay attention to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, help to promote the function of lipid metabolism. In addition, honey, jellyfish, sea cucumber, wild rice, celery, vinegar, wolfberry fruit, water chestnuts, etc. have a role in lowering blood pressure.

Patients with attention to dietary the one hand, on the other hand, should pay attention to cooking methods, processed foods, soups to light as well. Containing the sodium salt of higher food such as pickles, mustard, egg, bacon, ham, eat too much, makes blood vessels in the endocrine role of increased sensitivity caused by small artery spasm, increase blood pressure. ta drop Luo Tibetan tea can effectively improve the gastrointestinal environment, improve blood lipid viscosity and vascular permeability, improve blood pressure.

Patients with hypertension should not be doing intense exercise, running, mountain climbing are not desirable, it should only take a walk, calisthenics, shadow boxing, enhanced vascular contraction and relaxation, relieve the tension of the small and medium-sized arteries of the body, step-down. Overheating, or too cold water can irritate the skin receptors, causing the contraction and relaxation of the surrounding blood vessels, thereby affecting blood pressure. 30-35 ? C warm water to wash mouth is most appropriate.

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Tags: hypertension, tips for high blood pressure, tips for hypertension, tips to hypertension
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