Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rico's Quickies - 'Weird' Little Tricks Designed To Improve Your ...

Article Directory :: Self-Improvement/Motivation Articles

PURPOSE OF THIS QUICKIE: To Maximise Your Self Esteem

WHY THIS QUICKIE IS VALUABLE: Raising Your Self Esteem Raises Your Automatic 'Drive' (What You Are Happily Willing To Do For Your Future) And It Makes You Instantly More Attractive To Employees, Business Partners, Potential New Friends And The Opposite Sex.

QUICKIE: You're Worth It

Not everyone says nice things.

But it's nice when they do.

Why is it 'nice' ?

Because it raises our self esteem.

Which is a 'nice' feeling.

But if we rely on others to raise our self esteem, it may never happen.

So we must actively do it ourselves.

We must regularly say nice things to ourselves.

If you 'beat yourself up' and get mad with yourself or focus on your mistakes or shortcomings or criticise yourself, you will lower your self esteem and then what you are willing to do for your future will lessen and you will become less attractive to others.

If you take time out for 'you' time, say nice things to yourself and speak softly with yourself and focus mostly on your achievements or successes or strengths and congratulate yourself often, you will raise your self esteem and then what you are willing to do for your future will grow and you will become more and more attractive to others.


The best place to do this exercise is in a nice relaxing bath. In private.

Just lay there and try to allow as much relaxation to come into your body as you can. Try to switch focus from annoyances of the day to the good things in your life.

Then quietly say to yourself "You're brilliant". "You're amazing". And "You're the best" several times each.

Try to say it with love as if you were saying it to someone you care deeply for.

Then try saying other things in that same tone of voice.

Things like "I really love you" or "I'm truly sorry" or "You and me we're a team" or "You're my best friend".

Experiment with saying other things to yourself.

Watch what happens after and days later.

You will find that people treat you better at worst. But you should find other pleasant things happen to you.

Repeat this exercise at least once a week to maintain and grow the effect.

If you enjoyed this "Quickie" please spread the word so that more and more people can benefit.

Best of luck, joy and happiness to you.

BTW, TRIED MY AUDIO TRACKS YET ? I've Produced Special Relaxation Audio Tracks That, After Listening To, Create, Maintain And Bring You The Life You Would Love To Have. Click To Get One Free...

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