Friday, March 16, 2012

Why Nothing Can Beat Private Guitar Instruction.

The two main options to learn guitar efficiently (meaning: this excludes self-study) are private one-on-one lessons and classroom instruction, be it guitar lesson for beginners or advanced guitar lessons. Private, one-on-one lessons are the best approach to learning guitar, because a private guitar coach tailors lessons to you, or there are online guitar lessons too. You don't have other people in class to be nervous about, and you can ask questions that you normally wouldn't. Here are several reasons why you should invest in one-on-one guitar instruction rather than enroll in a class setting. Gladly, there are a lot of options available when it comes to private guitar lessons in California.

A Private Guitar Coach Tailors to You

When you are in a one-on-one lesson with a guitar teacher, all of the teacher's focus is on you and your playing. In a classroom setting, multiple students all simultaneously are vying for the teacher's attention. Those other students might be holding you back when they are not up to your level, or make you feel uncomfortable when they are a lot better than you are. Either way, they take away attention you could be getting from the teacher. As a result: you probably occasionally are making mistakes that go unnoticed cause the teacher's attention is absorbed by another student, or you probably could use some more guidance and pointers every once in a while, which you are not getting for the same reason. In conclusion: his focused attention on you only in a private lesson set up, results in you learning much more quickly and efficiently.

You Are More Nervous in a Classroom Setting

It is already bad enough just messing up or feeling self conscious in the presence of 1 teacher, imagine having 20 other guitar students sitting around you who all witness your insecurities. It's human nature to get self-conscious when you compare your guitar playing to the playing of the other people around you in the room. In a one-on-one lesson, there is nobody else around who can make you nervous with their energy and playing abilities. There is of course also always the possibility in a classroom of having some people who feel a need to show off or to get noticed. None of that in a private guitar lesson: there is no competing, no ego, no having to's, no social pressures... just you and your teacher.

Ask Questions You Normally Wouldn't

Of the many differences between a classroom setting and a one-on-one guitar lesson, one major difference is the sense of personal comfort. Like for example: the comfort of being able to ask any question you want without having to worry that you might say or ask something dumb. Do you remember the times in school, where you wanted to raise your hand in class and ask a question to clarify something your teacher said, but you chose not to because you feared that the question might make you look dumb in front of everybody in class? That fear of being or appearing inadequate in the face of a group can be strong. That fear surely will hold you back from reaching your truest potential. In a 1-on-1 setting where it is just you and a teacher, you can ask away all you want because there is nobody else around to judge you.

So the gist of it is that taking private instruction: you progress much more quickly, get personalized attention, get constant guidance directed towards you only, feel like you are in a more caring, safer learning environment and get a lot more out of the lessons. However: there are some disadvantages too. One of the main disadvantages to one-on-one instruction is that it is more expensive than classroom education. Another disadvantage is that you are not getting the benefits of being exposed to the fear of having to perform in front of your peers, which is a great learning experience. No tougher audience than your class mates in a guitar class. It's great preparation for later musician's life. Nevertheless, those few disadvantages are negligible compared to all the advantages you get out of personalized instruction. The extra cost is most definitely worth the much stronger results, training and progress you get in return, and the psychology of dealing with performance anxiety, gets mastered just by being out there and performing in front of your friends till you feel confident enough to play in front of strangers.


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