Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dog and Cat Fur: The Untold Suffering Endured by Beloved Pets for ...

Animal Welfare, Petitions ? By Heidi Raynowska on March 31, 2012 8:44 am

Target: Chinese and U.S. Legislatures

Goal: To make more clothing companies fur free by making consumers more aware and banning the use of dog and car fur for clothing.

The tag won?t mention that the fur coat or boots you?re considering buying are made with a tabby cat or golden retriever, but they could be. A lot of the clothing in America is imported from China and some of the fur products are made from ?mans best friend.? The cats and dogs that we love so much are killed in grisly ways for the cost of fashion. This evidence has caused an uproar of people boycotting fur; a hopeful outcome for a tragic situation.

In 2005 PETA(People for the ethical treatment of animals) did an investigation in China that revealed some harrowing truths. Dogs and cats were crammed in cages with no food or water, they were so weak they could barely move. Many had wounds from fighting because they were driven insane by the conditions. The animals were thrown from trucks in these cages by the thousands, the fall must have broken their bones. They were taken out of the cages only to be thrown into the killing pen where they were strangled, boiled, or even skinned to death.

This horrific operation still exists today and all this suffering is for something so superficial; fashion. China supplies the U.S. and Europe with half of their fur products. The fur that comes from cats and dogs is deliberately mislabeled, it is up to us to be more aware of where our products come from. No animal should be tortured for fashion and when a fur product is purchased there is no way of knowing? if we are wearing an animal just like our beloved pets. Legislators should be urged to ban the selling and production of cat and dog fur, but the most effective solution to this issue lies in consumers choices to boycott all fur products and companies that sell fur. The reality is that the production of any animal fur is barbaric and cruel. This commitment at an individual level could end so much suffering endured for such a superficial cause.


Dear Chinese and U.S. Legislators,

Dogs and cats are being heartlessly tortured in China for the production of fur products. These coats and boots are then mislabeled so the public does not know that they are in fact wearing the remains of ?mans best friend.? This barbaric trade for superficial fashion should be banned by China and the U.S.

People deserve to know exactly what their products are made of, perhaps if Europeans and Americans were aware of the torture endured by domestic pets to make fur products they would boycott the companies that sell them. The public must be educated on these realities so they can make informed decisions.


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