Monday, December 31, 2012

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Animal Crossing para 3DS chega rapidamente a 2 milh?es de c?pias vendidas

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Asia stocks wilt hours before U.S. fiscal cliff hits

BANGKOK (AP) ? With just hours left before the U.S. hits the "fiscal cliff," stocks on the other side of the world wilted as investors sold off riskier assets to lock in profits just in case budget negotiations fail in Washington.

American political leaders face a Monday night deadline to reach an agreement before steep tax increases and spending cuts begin to take effect Jan. 1 ? this, at a time when the U.S. economy is still struggling to recover from the last recession.

Democrats and Republicans have failed so far to reach a budget deal despite intense negotiations. Much of the impasse centers on how to address the automatic tax increases that take effect in 2013. That's when tax cuts first enacted under President George W. Bush, and extended under President Barack Obama, are scheduled to expire.

That would drive taxes up for nearly all Americans and deplete the already fragile economy of $600 billion. And budget cuts of 8 percent or 9 percent would hit most of the federal government, touching all sorts of things from the military to weather forecasting.

Some economists predict the tax-and-spending effects of the fiscal cliff could eventually throw the economy into recession. If the deadline passes, politicians still have a few weeks to keep the tax hikes and spending cuts at bay by repealing them retroactively once a deal is reached.

Still, the failure to adhere to the deadline will be bad for investor confidence, according to Francis Lun, managing director of Lyncean Holdings in Hong Kong.

"I think the market reaction to that will be very negative. This means the U.S. will never be able to bring its house in order. And the deficit will continue to accumulate," Lun said. "No meaningful reform and no solution in sight. You can throw confidence out of the window."

The uncertainty drove down stock markets on the last trading day of the year. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 fell 0.5 percent to 4,648.90. Hong Kong's Hang Seng, trading for a half-day, was flat at 22,668.48. Benchmarks in New Zealand, Singapore and India also declined. Mainland Chinese stocks rose. Markets in Japan and South Korea were closed for the New Year's holidays.

Even if Washington bypasses the fiscal cliff, the next crisis is just around the corner, in late February or early March, when the government reaches a $16.4 trillion ceiling on the amount of money it can borrow.

Republicans won't go along with raising the limit on government borrowing unless the increase is matched by spending cuts to help attack the long-term debt problem. Failing to raise the debt ceiling could lead to a first-ever U.S. default that would roil the financial markets and shake worldwide confidence in the United States.

Compounding that is U.S. earnings season in February, according to Peter Esho, chief market analyst at CityIndex in Sydney.

"There are some very aggressive assumptions for earnings to improve in 2013 and ... if the earnings numbers don't meet expectations, it is going to be quite disappointing," Esho said.

Benchmark oil for February delivery fell 8 cents to $90.72 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 7 cents to finish at $90.80 per barrel in New York on Friday.

In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3215 from $1.3221 late Friday in New York. The dollar fell to 85.95 yen from 86.07 yen.


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Blow for French president Hollande as court throws out plans for 75% supertax on wealthy

  • Stinging rebuke to one of Socialist leHollande's flagship campaign promises
  • His largely symbolic measure was intended to hit incomes over ?820,000
  • But would have brought in just ?250m - compared to France's ?70bn deficit

By Mark Duell


French President Francois Hollande suffered a fresh setback yesterday when his country's highest court threw out a plan to tax the ultra-wealthy at a 75 per cent rate and said it was unfair.

In a stinging rebuke to one of under-fire Socialist Hollande's flagship campaign promises, the constitutional council ruled that the way the highly contentious tax was designed was unconstitutional.

It was intended to hit incomes over ?1million (?820,000) but the largely symbolic measure would have only hit a tiny number of taxpayers and brought in up to around ?300million (?250million).

Embattled: French President Francois Hollande suffered a fresh setback yesterday when France's highest court threw out a plan to tax the ultra-wealthy at a 75 per cent rate and said it was unfair

Embattled: French President Francois Hollande suffered a fresh setback yesterday when France's highest court threw out a plan to tax the ultra-wealthy at a 75 per cent rate and said it was unfair

It was an insignificant amount in the context of France's roughly ?85billion (?70billion) deficit.

Au revoir: Actor Gerard Depardieu recently announced his intention to turn in his French passport and move to a village in a tax-friendly Belgium

Au revoir: Actor Gerard Depardieu recently announced his intention to turn in his French passport and move to a village in a tax-friendly Belgium

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was quick to respond, saying in a statement following the decision that the Government would resubmit the measure to take the court's concerns into account.


The court's ruling took issue not with the size of the tax, but with the way it discriminated between households depending on how incomes were distributed among its members.

A household with two earners each making under ?1million (?820,000) would be exempt from the tax, while one with one earner making ?1.2million (?980,000) would have to pay.

The French Government approved the tax in its most recent budget, amid criticism that it would do little to stem the country's mounting fiscal problems and would drive away the wealthiest citizens.

Meanwhile President Hollande's popularity has been tanking as the country's unemployment continued its rise for the 19th straight month.

France's most famous actor Gerard Depardieu recently announced his intention to turn in his French passport and move to a village in a tax-friendly Belgium.



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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Envoy wants Syria solution in 2013

CAIRO (Reuters) - The international peace envoy for Syria said the situation in the country was deteriorating sharply but a solution was still possible under the terms of a peace plan agreed in Geneva in June.

He said the state would collapse without a solution, reiterating warnings that the country could turn into "hell" and a new Somalia.

"I say that the solution must be this year: 2013, and, God willing, before the second anniversary of this crisis," Lakhdar Brahimi said at a news conference at the Arab League in Cairo, referring to the start of the uprising in March 2011.

"A solution is still possible but is getting more complicated every day," he added. "We have a proposal and I believe this proposal is adopted by the international community."

Brahimi is the joint U.N-Arab League envoy charged with trying to mediate an end to a conflict that has killed at least 44,000 people. "The situation in Syria is bad, very, very bad, and it is getting worse and the pace of deterioration is increasing," he said.

"People are talking about Syria being split into a number of small states ... this is not what will happen, what will happen is Somalization: war lords," he said.

Somalia has been without effective central government since civil war broke out there in 1991.

Brahimi, referring to the Geneva plan, said: "There are sound foundations to build a peace process through which the Syrians themselves can end the war and fighting and to build the future."

The plan included a ceasefire, the formation of a government and steps towards elections, either for a new president, or a new parliament. But it left the fate of President Bashar al-Assad unclear although the Syrian opposition and foreign governments who back them insist he must go.

(Reporting by Maria Golovnina and Tom Perry; Editing by Angus MacSwan)


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Dave Johnson: No More Lucy Filibuster-Fix Footballs

There is a chance to reform the filibuster in January, with a proposal to "make them talk." Will the Charlie Browns in the Senate let Lucy pull away the football yet again? As George W. Bush said, "Fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."

In recent years Senate Republicans have used the filibuster to block over 380 bills and nominations. There has been a terrible cost to the country as Republicans blocked bill after bill, solution after solution, nomination after nomination. (They even blocked the Disclose Act which would have let the public know just who is paying them to obstruct.)

Constitutional Option

Two years ago there was an attempt to reform the filibuster, using "the constitutional option" which involves changing the rules at the start of a new Congress, which happens the January after an election. According to The Brennan Center for Justice article, A Short History of the Constitutional Option:

The Senate's authority to change its rules by a majority vote stems directly from the Constitution, which authorizes the chamber to "determine the Rules for its Proceedings." And unlike other legislative actions, such as expelling members or ratifying treaties, the Constitution does not require a supermajority to approve rules changes.

The 2011 effort to change Senate rules and make it more difficult for an obstructionist minority to block the will of We, the People was stymied by Senate leadership, with an agreement between Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell that "Republicans would make an effort to filibuster less."

Of course, Lucy pulled away the football Republicans went back on that agreement and filibustered ... everything.

Make Them Talk

Now another new Congress will convene in January, 2013, and another effort is underway to reform the filibuster. This new proposal in front of the Senate to reform the filibuster returns to the form of filibuster that the public understands, namely talking all night.

But now there is a "bipartisan" proposal to head this off, offering to really, really hold the football still this time, offering an agreement to not filibuster as much. TPM has the story, Dueling Filibuster Proposals Leave Reformers Scrambling,

The McCain-Levin proposal, unveiled Friday after bipartisan negotiations, would make it easier for the majority leader to bypass motions to proceed and guarantee the minority two amendments on legislation regardless of relevancy, Steven S. Smith, an expert on Congress at Washington University in St. Louis, told TPM. It would also remove obstacles on motions to go to conference and approve minor presidential nominations.

Levin told reporters in the Capitol that the plan "will hopefully overcome the gridlock that has so permeated the U.S. Senate." He added: "It is a bipartisan proposal."

Will Senate Democrats once again whiff on doing something about Republican obstruction? Will they fall for yet another "agreement" that will be negated a few minutes after Democrats think an agreement with Republicans has fixed the problem? Will Charlie Brown fall for it again?

Fix the Senate Now, a coalition of over 50 national organizations, explains why Democrats should hold to the reform plan that "makes them talk" in, "Thanks, But No Thanks" - Reid & Senate Democrats Should Reject Weak Senate Rules Offering,

A handful of Senators today unveiled a U.S. Senate rules proposal that falls well short of the meaningful change needed to overcome the unprecedented Senate obstruction of recent years. Instead of a serious reform effort, today's offering is little more than a status quo, business as usual, recipe for continued Senate gridlock.

They should make them talk. This is a pro-democracy move. First, it stops the obstruction. Second, it allows senators with serious and honest problems with a bill to bring this to the attention of the public by holding a real, honest-to-goodness talkathon. Third, this would engage the public and give We, the People a chance to weigh in and agree or disagree with the objection.

What You Can Do

Contact your senators and let them know how you feel about making them talk. This is so important.

Visit Fix The Senate Now's website, and sign their petition. Follow them on Twitter and on Facebook.


This post originally appeared at Campaign for America's Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture. I am a Fellow with CAF.

Sign up here for the CAF daily summary


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The latest news from Spain and the Costa Blanca,

For our December meeting we chose the long haul to Lorca. We arrived with 21 players to tackle this talked about course. I must say on arrival the course looked in good condition and some players were aghast at the width of the fairways.

The staff were very good and allowed us to delay tee off for half an hour as we lost two cars, of which they arrived in time.

The weather was wall to wall sunshine and not a cloud in the sky.
The greens were not holding and were very quick, most players scored well on the front nine then went to pieces on the back.

A good score of 23 points after eight holes was recorded, and the highest on the back nine was 14 points. The format was singles full stableford.
On feed back there were a few players that thought the course was very tough and would not hurry to return, most enjoyed the day and thought the lay out was good and would like to tackle it again.


N.T.P Hole 6 J. Kemp Hole 8 A. Daniels Hole 12 not hit.

Most points par 3's P. Hampshire 11 pts Most point par 5's P. Ives 6 pts both winners winning on others getting other prizes.

Longest Drive P. Ives Winning a meal for two at the North & South ( Thanks George & Mo )

Best Guests E. Owens 27 pts & P. Cooper 26 pts

Cat 2 Winners 3rd D. Moore 22 pts 2nd G. Parker 23pts 1st D. Smith 27 pts

Cat 1 Winners 3rd D. Smith jnr 31 pts 2nd J. Kemp 31 pts 1st J. Morgan 34 pts

Winner Bull up Trophy D. Smith for not adding to it from the last meeting.

We returned to the Bull Flanagans Bar for a hot meal and a few beers. Thanks Chris and staff. If you are looking for a friendly society contact the secretary on 966714005 or 634144840.

Next meeting 25th January Bonalba Challenge Cup against Shenanigans.

Happy New year to All our members.

Filed under:

Home Insurance | Spanish Home Insurance | Home Insurance in Spain | Spanish Property | Spain Property | Spanish Real Estate | Spain Real Estate


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3 Elements of Leadership Power! | Self improvement tips

In an article discussing the need for innovative products and profitable service offerings, Vinutha V., points out that, ?improvements are only the expected results, not the source of competitive advantage. Improved product development through innovation arises from the knowledge and experience of employees.? [Source: The Financial Express - appearing in ZDNetIndia News]

Soft skills, ?holistic development?, ?employee empowerment? and other terms are merely euphemisms for leadership energy ? they are the process, purpose and principle which supply people with knowledge and propel them to take competent action.

?Is not the holy energy of true love ever sagacious, far-sighted and prophetic? Truth is not isolated: it is not a part, but the whole. It is love, and beauty, and joy. The wise man does not believe and opine, but he knows and is the very truth which he utters. His thought is action: his knowledge is love? [Emerson's Essays, by A Disciple, in the US Democratic Review Volume-16, Issue-84]

Leading is an act of energetic purpose ? it?s the directing,

focusing, shaping or configuring of energy towards a desired objective.

Over time and the distance of space, leaders use the energies available to them to become that instrument through whom energy propels the group.

Where does that energy come from? It is already present in many forms and places, specifically it is:

=> inside and outside the organization ? generally called the organization?s environment,

=> a function of an organizational sub-system [usually configured as a department or section with its own unique set of policies, processes & interactions] or from outside agencies that interact with the system,

=> the products, results or energy flows produced by employees and associates.

What does energy look like? Actually seeing energy with

the naked eye is impossible but with the aid of applied knowledge, we can see evidence of its effects.

Every manifestation of energy assumes an aspect of the following forms:

- A physical circumstance or object;

- An intellectual impulse or calculation;

- A spiritual activation or expression;

- A developmental permission or evolution

Skillful leaders sense the truths of energy, they use it to facilitate, enable, empower or enlighten their people. They use moments when energy is at its greatest strength to train or educate people and develop their commitment, self-actualization and abilities even further.

The 3 elements of leadership power are:

=> Enable or empower people [physical & develop]

=> Enlighten or educate people [intellect or inspire]

=> Energize or elevate people [inspire or develop]

We know that leaders like Jack Welch, Tom Peters, Gandhi, George Washington and Jesus Christ have understood these fundamental principles ? think of the substantial legacies left by those leaders, look at how they helped to accelerate the pace and light the way towards change and progress for their followers.

?Leaders aren?t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that?s the price we?ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.? Coach Vince Lombardi

You can be the channel, instrument and focus through which energy works its magical transformations ? it?s up to you to make it so!

Copyright ? 2005, Mustard Seed Investments Inc.,All rights reserved.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Bill Thomas is publisher of leadership skills trainingmaterials. courses & programs. ?Your Leadership-UltraNet!? is the Web?s only ULTRA-Performance Empowerment System That Shows You How-To Think-like, Act-like, Behave-like, Believe-like and then Manage-like a Creative, Confident, Persuasive, Highly Effective Leader, Each & Every Day!



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Saturday, December 29, 2012

NASA'S Space Launch System core stage passes major milestone, ready to start construction

Dec. 28, 2012 ? The team designing America's new flagship rocket has completed successfully a major technical review of the vehicle's core stage. NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) will take the agency's Orion spacecraft and other payloads beyond low-Earth orbit, providing a new capability for human exploration.

The core stage preliminary design review (PDR) was held Thursday (Dec. 20) at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., and included representatives from the agency and The Boeing Co. Boeing's Exploration Launch Systems in Huntsville is the prime contractor for the core stage and its avionics. Marshall manages the SLS Program.

"Passing a preliminary design review within 12 months of bringing Boeing on contract shows we are on track toward meeting a 2017 launch date," said Tony Lavoie, manager of the SLS Stages Element at Marshall. "We can now allow those time-critical areas of design to move forward with initial fabrication and proceed toward the final design phase -- culminating in a critical design review in 2014 -- with confidence."

The first flight test of the SLS, which will feature a configuration for a 70-metric ton lift capacity and carry an uncrewed Orion spacecraft beyond the moon, is scheduled for 2017. As the SLS evolves, a two-stage launch vehicle using the core stage will provide a lift capability of 130-metric tons to enable missions beyond low-Earth orbit and to support deep space exploration.

The purpose of the PDR was to ensure the design met system requirements within acceptable risk and fell within schedule and budget constraints. An important part of the PDR was to prove the core stage could integrate safely with other elements of the rocket's main engines and solid rocket boosters, the crew capsule and the launch facilities at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Core stage designers provided an in-depth assessment to a board of engineers composed of propulsion and design experts from across the agency and the aerospace industry.

"Each individual element of this program has to be at the same level of maturity before we can move the program as a whole to the next step," SLS Program Manager Todd May said. "The core stage is the rocket's central propulsion element and will be an optimized blend of new and existing hardware design. We're building it with longer tanks, longer feed lines and advanced manufacturing processes. We are running ahead of schedule and will leverage that schedule margin to ensure a safe and affordable rocket for our first flight in 2017."

The core stage will be built at NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans using state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment. The plant continues modifying its facilities and ordering materials for construction of the rocket. Michoud has built components for NASA's spacecraft for decades, most recently, the space shuttle's external tanks.

For more information about the Space Launch System, visit:

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Fearful of ban, frenzied buyers swarm gun stores

The phones at gun shops across the country are ringing off the hook. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has surged since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., that took the lives of 20 schoolchildren and six teachers and administrators.

By Joseph Pisani,?Associated Press / December 29, 2012

Clerk Lance McCoy shows a variety of weapons including an AR-15 style semi-automatic at Kizer Guns and Ammo near Nacogdoches, Texas. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has jumped since the Dec. 14 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and six adults.

Andrew D. Brosig/The Daily Sentinel/AP


The phones at Red's Trading Post wouldn't stop ringing. Would-be customers from as far away as New York wanted to know if the Twin Falls, Idaho gun shop had firearms in stock. Others clamored to find out if their orders had been shipped.

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Overwhelmed, gun store manager Ryan Horsley had to do what no employee would ever think of doing just days before Christmas: He disconnected the phone lines for three whole days.

"We had to shut everything off," says Horsley, whose family has owned Red's Trading Post, the state's oldest gun shop, since 1936. "We were swamped in the store and online."

The phones at gun shops across the country are ringing off the hook. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has surged since the Dec. 14 massacre in Newtown, Conn., that took the lives of 20 schoolchildren and six teachers and administrators. The shooting sparked calls for tighter gun control measures, especially for military-style assault weapons like the ones used in Newtown and in the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting earlier this year. The prospect of a possible weapons ban has sent gun enthusiasts into a panic and sparked a frenzy of buying at stores and gun dealers nationwide.

2012 enters the record books. Were you paying attention? A news quiz.

Assault rifles are sold out across the country. Rounds of .223 bullets, like those used in the AR-15 type Bushmaster rifle used in Newtown, are scarce. Stores are struggling to restock their shelves. Gun and ammunition makers are telling retailers they will have to wait months to get more.

Store owners who have been in the business for years say they have never seen demand like this before.

When asked how much sales have increased in the past few weeks, Horsley just laughed.

"We haven't even had a chance to look at it," he says. Horsley spends his days calling manufacturers around the country trying to buy more items for the store. Mainly, they tell him he has to wait.

Franklin Armory, a firearm maker in Morgan Hill, Calif., is telling dealers that it will take six months to fulfill their orders. The company plans to hire more workers and buy more machines to catch up, says Franklin Armory's President Jay Jacobson.

The shortage is leaving many would-be gun owners empty handed.

William Kotis went to a gun show in Winston-Salem, N.C., last weekend hoping to buy a rifle for target shooting. Almost everything was sold out.

"Assault rifles were selling like crazy," says Kotis, who is president and CEO of Kotis Holdings, a real estate development company based in Greensboro. "People are stockpiling."

He left without buying anything.

Luke Orlando's parents were able to get him the 12-gauge shotgun he wanted for Christmas to bird hunt, but his uncle wasn't as lucky.

"At Christmas dinner, my uncle expressed outrage that after waiting six months to use his Christmas bonus to purchase an AR-15, they are sold out and back ordered over a year," says Orlando, 18, a student at the University of Texas.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Study hints that stem cells prepare for maturity much earlier than anticipated

Dec. 27, 2012 ? Unlike less versatile muscle or nerve cells, embryonic stem cells are by definition equipped to assume any cellular role. Scientists call this flexibility "pluripotency," meaning that as an organism develops, stem cells must be ready at a moment's notice to activate highly diverse gene expression programs used to turn them into blood, brain, or kidney cells.

Scientists from the lab of Stowers Investigator Ali Shilatifard, Ph.D., report in the December 27, 2012 online issue of Cell that one way cells stay so plastic is by stationing a protein called Ell3 at stretches of DNA known as "enhancers" required to activate a neighboring gene. Their findings suggest that Ell3 parked at the enhancer of a developmentally regulated gene, even one that is silent, primes it for future expression. This finding is significant as many of these same genes are abnormally switched on in cancer.

"We now know that some enhancer misregulation is involved in the pathogenesis of solid and hematological malignances," says Shilatifard. "But a problem in the field has been how to identify inactive or poised enhancer elements. Our discovery that Ell3 interacts with enhancers in ES cells gives us a hand-hold to identify and to study them."

In 2000, Shilatifard identified Ell3 as the third member of the Ell (for "Eleven-nineteen lysine-rich leukemia gene") family of elongation factors, proteins that increase the rate at which genes are expressed. "At the time, we didn't think much of Ell3 because it was highly expressed in testes," says Shilatifard, noting that then people thought that sperm were merely vessels used to carry paternal DNA to an egg and that associated factors would have little relevance to the regulation of future gene expression in the resulting embryo.

But a few years back, a curious Open University graduate student working in the Shilatifard lab, Chengqi Lin, started exploring a potential function for the neglected gene by initiating a global search for regions occupied by Ell3 in the genome of mouse embryonic stem cells. His search in collaboration with a bioinformatician in the Shilatifard lab, Alexander S. Garruss, revealed that Ell3 sits on more than 5,000 enhancers, including many that regulate genes governing stem cell maturation into spinal cord, kidney, and blood cells.

"What was interesting was that Ell3 marked enhancers that are active and inactive, as well as enhancers that are known as "poised," says Lin, referring to a transition state from inactive to active. "That indicated that Ell3's major function might be to prime activation of genes that are just about to be expressed during development."

The fact that silent genes can be "primed" for expression was no surprise: researchers knew that the enzymatic machine that copies DNA into the RNA blueprint for proteins -- a protein called Pol II -- often pauses at the start of a gene, presumably revving its engine in preparation to jump across the genetic start gate in response to a developmental signal. However, Shilatifard and colleagues showed several years ago that paused Pol II is not a prerequisite for rapid transcriptional induction.

The surprise came when researchers used a molecular trick to deplete mouse ES cells of Ell3 and then did a "genomic" survey. They found that paused Pol II vanished from the start sites of many genes in Ell3-deficient cells. This means that not only does Ell3 preferentially mark stem enhancers, but also that its presence there is necessary to keep an idling Pol II ready for action.

Most of the current study defines how, when the developmental time is right, enhancer-bound Ell3 cooperates with components of a big-boss elongation factor called the Super Elongation Complex to release Pol II from the start gate, allowing the expression of genes required for stem cell differentiation. Critical among those findings is their observation that mouse stem cells depleted of Ell3 failed to activate genes expressed in mature cell types.

These results alone are cause for any lab to start chilling the champagne, yet a surprising coda to the study, leaves readers with yet another revelation. Collaborating with Fengli Guo, Ph.D., head of the Stowers electron microscopy core, the team prepared highly magnified images of mouse sperm and observed that both Ell3 and Pol II were present, in sperm nuclei.

In mammals, gene expression regulated by Pol II, a process known as transcription, does not begin until the formation of a single-celled zygote, that is, well after the union of sperm and egg germ cells. "It is very significant that Ell3 and other factors that regulate transcription are found in sperm," says Lin, the study's first author. Lin is cautious in interpreting this finding, "but it would be very exciting to further investigate whether transcription factors found in sperm could contribute to the decondensation of sperm chromatin or even further gene activation after fertilization by serving as epigenetic markers."

Shilatifard is also cautious as questions remain to be explored, among them whether Ell3 and Pol II actually contact DNA inside sperm or whether similar processes occur in unfertilized eggs and function in this process. Nonetheless, he feels this finding has fundamental implications, not only for development, but also for where he's going next.

"This work has opened up a whole new area of research in my lab," says Shilatifard, who has in the last decade focused on aberrant gene expression associated with leukemia. "If we find that transcription factors bind to specific regions of chromatin in germ cells, I may focus on germ cells in the next few decades. This would open a huge door enabling us to determine the role of these factors in early development."

Zhuojuan Luo, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in the Shilatifard lab, also contributed to the study.

Funding for the study came from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, the National Institutes of Health (Shilatifard R01CA89455 and R01CA150265), and Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stowers Institute for Medical Research, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Chengqi Lin, Alexander?S. Garruss, Zhuojuan Luo, Fengli Guo, Ali Shilatifard. The RNA Pol II Elongation Factor Ell3 Marks Enhancers in ES Cells and Primes Future Gene Activation. Cell, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.12.015

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Five questions that will be answered by UFC 155

The UFC's end-of-the-year cards are usually stacked. Despite injuries, UFC 155 is no different. It features intriguing bouts that will answer some burning questions.

Did a knee injury hold back Cain Velasquez the first time he fought Junior dos Santos? When the two first met up last November, Velasquez reportedly had a badly injured knee. He was knocked out in 64 seconds. This time a (seemingly) healthy Velasquez will get to show if he deserves the heavyweight belt.

Has Chris Leben returned to form, for really real this time? Since Leben was on the original "Ultimate Fighter," he has been a man who wrestled with his demons. Most recently, those demons took the form of a banned pain killer which resulted in a one-year suspension from the UFC. Against Derek Brunson, Leben can show he's again the man who knocked out Wanderlei Silva.

Can Tim Boetsch be the next guy to challenge Anderson Silva? Though his original bout with Chris Weidman was called off because of an injury to Weidman, Boetsch still has another opportunity to show he can beat up opponents. He wants a chance to beat up Silva,* and this bout with Costa Phillippou is an opportunity for Boetsch's fighting to shine.

Or should Alan Belcher be the man to take on Silva? It's been more than three years since Belcher lost a fight. His last four fights have been stoppage wins. An impressive win over Yushin Okami could put him in line to fight for the middleweight belt.*

Is Todd Duffee still the knockout artist who once graced the octagon? Back in 2009, Duffee knocked out Tim Hague in a mere seven seconds. After that, the hype train was running behind him full steam. It was derailed when Mike Russow came back to knock Duffee out in the third round of their bout. Duffee was cut from the UFC, and is getting another shot at the octagon on Saturday. He'll fight Philip De Fries on the Facebook preliminaries, and get a chance to show if he can still knock people out very quickly.

*Assuming the next middleweight belt is based on competitiveness and earning a title shot by fighting, not by calling opponents out. Considering what has happened recently in the UFC welterweight and light heavyweight divisions, there are no guarantees.
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A Size 2 Is a Size 2 Is a Size 8

'Tis the season ? to return all the gifts that didn?t work out. For many recipients, those gifts will be clothes. Even if you are lucky enough to have an aunt who understands and appreciates your style, you still may not get that coveted reindeer sweater in a size that fits. In part, that?s because America?s clothing size system is rather confusing, as the following article, first published in January 2012, explained.


Illustration by Mark Alan Stamaty.

If you are like me, you may have had the following deflating experience: After confidently selecting a pair of jeans in your size from the rack, you find yourself alone in a tiny dressing room, desperately in need of heavy machinery to get them onto your body, wondering why, oh, why clothing sizes don?t make sense.

Cheer up! You?re in excellent historical company; people have been moaning about sizes for the better part of a century. ?I don?t know who the mythical size 36 is who forms the basis of sizing,? complained one indignant retail executive in a 1927 New York Times article, ?but average, tall, short, thin and plump women come into a department store and the 36 size fits none of them.? A young Katharine Graham reported for the Washington Post on a similar subject in 1948: ?As most harassed mothers know,? Graham wrote, ?size 5 in a little girl?s dress can mean almost anything.? It?s enough to make you wonder: Was there ever a time when sizes were standardized?

The federal government did take a stab at it in the early 1940s. That was when the Depression-era Works Progress Administration commissioned a study of the American female body, an effort to instill a method to the sizing madness. At that point, the ready-made clothing industry was in its infancy. If your clothes are made-to-measure?as they were in an earlier era, particularly for wealthy women?there?s no need for a standard set of sizes. But as European couturiers were hobbled by World War II, an American fashion industry developed, with New York as its capital city. New York?s all-star cast of designers, among them Claire McCardell and ?Sophie of Saks,? specialized not in couture but in ready-to-wear. And as wealthy women began to purchase premade clothing, pressure mounted to ensure that it fit in a consistent way.

The ready-to-wear sizing system that existed prior to the ?40s was first developed for menswear. Scholars have found evidence of standardized men?s sizing as far back as the Revolutionary War. By the War of 1812, the Army was in the practice of holding stocks of ready-made uniforms sized according to a single measurement, of the chest?based on the assumption that you could deduce from it a proportional understanding of the rest of a man?s body. So, when manufacturers in the early 20th century began to produce women?s clothing, they based women?s sizes exclusively on a single measurement: the bust.

The only problem? Bust measurements on their own are not particularly accurate indicators of a woman?s size or of the rest of her proportions. As we all know, some small women have very large breasts, and some large women have very small ones. This sizing conundrum was particularly irksome to the Mail Order Association of America, which was well aware by the late 1930s that women often returned clothing because of poor fit.

In an attempt to resolve this problem, the Works Progress Administration gave two statisticians, Ruth O?Brien and William Shelton, a grant to conduct a nationwide survey of women?s measurements. O?Brien and Shelton sent more than 100 trained operatives out into the field, where they measured almost 15,000 women, taking 59 distinct measurements of the female form. When the data came in, O?Brien and Shelton hoped to determine whether any proportional relationships existed among measurements that could be broadly applied to create a simple, standardized system of sizing.

Sadly, the data didn?t cooperate. The best system O?Brien and Shelton proposed was based primarily on height and weight. But the statisticians wisely recognized that women might balk if a sizing system forced them to confront?or tell a sales clerk?their own exact poundage. As an inferior alternative, they imagined a system based on a single measurement of the upper body and combined that with a height index (regulars, longs, and shorts), and a lower body girth index (regulars, stouts, and slims). ?The nomenclature adopted would probably have to be on some arbitrary basis, as is the present system of shoe sizes, rather than representing the numerical values of some anthropometrical measurement,? O?Brien and Shelton wrote, summing up what is perhaps the pair?s most lasting contribution to modern sizing: Even though a measurement can be extrapolated from a size, the actual numbers we use in women?s sizing are not, themselves, measurements.

?It was pretty impressive, what they did,? says sizing scholar Lynn Boorady, noting that they devised something like 27 different sizes. But, she says, ?It was an obscene number, and obviously not useful for anyone manufacturing.? It wasn?t until almost a decade later that the National Bureau of Standards* (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) reanalyzed the O?Brien/Shelton data and came up with an official system?one that has served as the basis for all future systems. Women?s sizes were derived from bust size?with all other measurements based on the proportions of an hourglass figure?and represented by even numbers from 8 to 38. These basic sizes were combined with a T, R, or S, to indicate height, and a plus or minus, to represent lower body girth. The system was published as a commercial standard?a recommendation, legally required only for the pattern-making industry?in 1958. The industry was at first enthusiastic about these recommendations, and major mail order companies like Sears and Montgomery Ward started to adopt these government sizes. But enthusiasm eventually flagged. By 1970, the NBS downgraded its Commercial Standard to a Voluntary Product Standard, and by 1983, the government withdrew the standard entirely, damning future generations to inconsistent fits and many, many mail order returns.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dragonfly Shows Human-Like Power of Concentration

Dragonflies lack humans' big brains, but they still get the job done, according to new research that suggests that these insects have brain cells capable of feats previously seen only in primates.

Specifically, the dragonflies can screen out useless visual information to focus on a target, a process called selective attention. The new study, published Dec. 20 in the journal Current Biology, is the first to find brain cells devoted to selective attention in an invertebrate animal.

Selective attention is crucial for responding to one stimulus among the dozens of distractions that clamor for notice at any given time, said Steven Wiederman of the University of Adelaide in Australia.

"Imagine a tennis player having to pick out a small ball from the crowd when it's traveling at almost 200 kilometers an hour," Wiederman said in a statement. "You need selective attention in order to hit that ball back into play."

But little is known about how the brain locks onto its targets and ignores all else. To find out, Wiederman, who is from the university's Center for Neuroscience Research, and his colleague David O'Carroll turned to an unlikely animal. The researchers have long studied insect vision, and the dragonfly turns out to be quite adept in that arena. [Photos: Dew-Covered Dragonflies & Other Sparkling Insects]


"The dragonfly hunts for other insects, and these might be part of a swarm ? they're all tiny moving objects," Wiederman said. "Once the dragonfly has selected a target, its neuron activity filters out all other potential prey. The dragonfly then swoops in on its prey ? they get it right 97 percent of the time."

Using a glass probe with a tip 1,500 times smaller than a human hair, the researchers measured the neuronal activity that enables such amazing aerial hunting. A similar process is at work in the primate brain, O'Carroll said in a statement, but researchers weren't expecting to see the same thing in an insect that evolved 325 million years ago.

"We believe our work will appeal to neuroscientists and engineers alike," O'Carroll said. "For example, it could be used as a model system for robotic vision. Because the insect brain is simple and accessible, future work may allow us to fully understand the underlying network of neurons and copy it into intelligent robots."

Plenty of other insects have inspired robot designs. Swiss scientists, for example, have built a hovering drone that mimics insects in its ability to survive collisions with hard objects. Sometimes insects are recruited directly. North Carolina State University researchers reported in September that they'd managed to create cyborg Madagascar hissing cockroaches. The scientists wired a microcontroller to the insects' sensory organs, enabling them to steer the cockroaches' movements.

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas?or LiveScience @livescience. We're also on Facebook?& Google+.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Finless Porpoises in Peril

A survey has found that fishing, pollution and other human activities along the Yangtze River in China are driving a freshwater mammal, the Yangtze finless Porpoise, to the brink of extinction

dolphin photo The Yangtze finless porpoise is in decline in the wild, with the latest estimate suggesting it might be critically endangered. Image:!/image/web-72578595.jpg

Fishing, pollution and other human activities along the Yangtze River in China are driving yet another species of freshwater cetacean to the brink of extinction. That is the conclusion of a six-week survey of the river?s middle and lower stretches by the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) in Wuhan and the conservation group WWF in China.

The final results of the survey will be announced in March. But the preliminary findings are worrying: the survey team spotted fewer than half of the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) that were seen during a similar expedition in 2006, which found 1,225 living in the river.

?This is really bad news,? says Wang Ding, an ecologist at the IHB who is the survey's chief scientist. ?The finless porpoises are doing much worse than previously thought along the Yangtze mainstream.?

The Yangtze finless porpoise is one of the world?s few remaining freshwater cetaceans. It is found only in the Yangtze, as well as in two adjoining lakes, called Poyang and Dongting. Scientists hope that the porpoises can avoid the same fate as the Yangtze river dolphin, or baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), which was declared effectively extinct after the 2006 survey.

Endangered ecosystem
The latest survey also found that a population of about 450 porpoises in Poyang Lake has been stable for the past six years. But only 90 of the animals remained in Dongting Lake, a decline of 40% since 2006. This means that there is a total of only around 1,000 finless porpoises in the Yangtze River basin ? making them even rarer than giant pandas in the wild.?

?Losing these big, top carnivores in the Yangtze is a pretty good indication of the terrible state of the river ecosystem,? says David Dudgeon, an ecologist at the University of Hong Kong in China, who was not involved in the survey.

"Intense human impact is to blame," says Lei Gang, director of WWF China's freshwater program. "The conflict between conservation and economic development along the Yangtze is overwhelming."

Overfishing has caused a big decline in the porpoises? food sources, says Wang, and the animals are vulnerable to unregulated fishing methods such as electro-fishing, which involves sending electrical currents into the water to stun fish before they are caught.

Pollution problem
Pollution is another major, long-term threat, says Dudgeon. The Yangtze, regarded by Chinese people as their ?mother river?, supports 40% of the country?s human population, and its riverbanks are lined with large cities, factories and power plants. According to Dudgeon, about 20 billion tons of waste are discharged into the Yangtze every year. ?This doesn?t even include diffuse pollution from agriculture or pollution caused by ships,? he says.

Like other cetacean species, the Yangtze finless porpoise uses sonar for navigation, ranging and foraging. But the high density of shipping along the Yangtze creates high levels of acoustic pollution, which interferes with the animals? sonar. ?This affects their feeding and many are also wounded or die because of ship strikes,? says Lei.

Other human activities such as dam building, land reclamation and sand dredging have contributed to large-scale habitat loss and degradation in the Yangtze River basin in recent decades, says Lei.

The Yangtze finless porpoise is currently listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. ?The new estimate may qualify them as critically endangered,? says Wang. ?If the situation does not improve significantly, they may follow the fate of baiji in 15 years.?


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Social Media Marketing: Best Twitter Apps for Mobile | Real Estate ...

Social Media Marketing: Best Twitter Apps

rhokberlin (flickr)

The mistakes that most rental professionals can make with their Twitter account usually stem from the fact that they don?t understand the service. Specifically, they don?t realize how geared Twitter is toward mobile use. Twitter was invented for people to essentially publish their thoughts on-the-go, in real time, and it?s no coincidence that the text limit of a tweet is 140 characters, or the approximate character limit of a standard text message. The idea is that you will share your thoughts and opinions as they happen when you?re out and about. Your prospective leads are using Twitter this way, so you should as well.

For this reason, we suggest to you that to be use the service, you download some sort of app to your smartphone to employ Twitter to get your thoughts out.?As a rental professional, you?re mostly out and about anyway.


This is the most popular of all Twitter mobile apps ? so popular that Twitter had to own it themselves, buying it up in 2011. You can?t send your tweets out to other networks with this one for that reason (no more Foursquare or LinkedIn) except for Facebook. You can digest rental real estate news easily with Tweetdeck.


This app is ideal if you have multiple Twitter accounts, perhaps a professional one and a personal one, and also other social networks. ?They have apps for iPhone and Android both, as well as for Blackberry. They have a lot of bells and whistles for real Twitter fanatics such as click-through reports and message translation features, but for you as a rental professional, the most key aspect of this app is that you can send out your tweets on your business account separately from your personal account easily on this interface.


The main selling point of this iPhone app is how clean it is. If you find the whole Twitter thing overwhelming sometimes, the less cluttered interface might be just the ticket to get you marketing your rentals and services on Twitter.

These are just some suggestions, and others you may choose to look into include TweetCaster and Plume for Android, and TweetBot and Twitterrific for iPhone. Ultimately, whichever program you feel most comfortable with is the right choice. The most important takeaway is to get your rental business on Twitter, especially on the go.



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Anti-rebel protestors attack French embassy in Central African Republic

BANGUI (Reuters) - Hundreds of people protested outside the French Embassy in Central African Republic on Wednesday, throwing stones at the building and tearing down the French flag in anger at a rebel advance in the north of the country.

Some protestors accused France of backing the rebels while others demanded French forces in the country help the army fight off the rebel push, a Reuters reporter at the scene said.

A smaller group of protestors, mainly youths linked to the ruling party, gathered outside the U.S. Embassy while cars carrying white passengers were stoned, the reporter said.

Rebels have in recent weeks taken a string of towns in the country's north, highlighting the fragility of the land-locked nation which has known little but instability since independence from France in 1960.

On Tuesday the rebels, known as the Seleka alliance, took the central town of Kaga Bandoro despite the presence there of troops from neighboring nations meant to shore up the weak national army.

President Francois Bozize came to power in 2003 after a brief war and has repeatedly relied on foreign interventions to fend off rebellions and the spill-over from conflict in neighboring Chad and Sudan.

(Reporting by Paul-Marin Ngoupana; Writing by David Lewis)


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Last full moon of 2012 rises Friday

The last full moon of 2012 will rise into the night sky this week in a year-ending lunar treat.

The full moon is actually an instantaneous event when the moon is exactly opposite the sun in the Earth's sky, and this month that occurs on Friday morning, Dec. 28, at 5:21 a.m. EST (1021 GMT). But, to the naked eye, the moon "looks" full for a couple of days on either side of that time, so the exact date doesn't matter.

  1. Space news from

    1. Grasshopper rocket takes 12-story-high hop for SpaceX

      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: SpaceX's prototype Grasshopper rocket takes one giant leap, rising to a 12-story height and settling back down safely with a dummy cowboy riding along.

    2. Updated 109 minutes ago 12/26/2012 7:25:07 PM +00:00 Last full moon of 2012 rises Friday
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Many owners of new telescopes are disappointed when they look at the planets. At its largest, the planet Venus is just barely one arc minute in diameter, about 1/30th of the diameter of the sun or the moon, and all the other planets appear smaller than that.

Telescope owners complain that the planets don't look any larger with a telescope than they do with the naked eye. That isn't true of course, because any telescope will magnify everything dozens or hundreds of times. But when something is as small as a planet, even a lot of magnification won't make it look very big.

[ Amazing Moon Photos of 2012 ]

Moon size comparison
The reason why the sun appears 30 times bigger than Venus is because the sun is very large. Its true diameter is more than 100 times that of Venus, or of Earth, for that matter, since Venus and Earth are about the same size. The moon appears 30 times bigger than Venus not because it is large, but because it is very close to us. The moon is 2,159 miles in diameter (3,475 kilometers), as compared to the Earth's 7,926 miles (12,756 km) and Venus' 7,521 miles (12,104 km).

In other words, the moon is just slightly more than a quarter of the diameter of the Earth or Venus. Mercury is the planet closest in size to the moon at 3,032 miles in diameter (4,879 km), about 40 percent larger than our moon. One of the reasons that Pluto was demoted to "dwarf planet" status was its small diameter of only 1,485 miles (2,390 km), two-thirds of the diameter of our moon.

Our moon is very large in proportion to its planet, Earth, more than any other moons in the solar system except for Pluto's moon Charon. But because other planets are much larger than Earth, several of their moons are much larger than ours, including three of Jupiter's moons (Io, Ganymede, and Callisto) and one of Saturn's (Titan). Of these, Ganymede is the largest at 3,270 miles (5,262 km), slightly larger than the planet Mercury.

The moon as a planet
Even if you don't own a telescope, looking at the moon with the naked eye can show you the challenges faced by planetary observers.

Earlier this week we saw Jupiter shining brightly alongside the moon. It would take a telescope magnifying about 40 times to make Jupiter appear as big as the moon does with the naked eye. When Mars was closest to Earth in 2003, it took a telescope magnifying 75 times to make Mars appear as big as the moon with the naked eye. At present Mars on the far side of the sun, and requires a telescope magnifying 430 times to make it appear as big as the moon does with the naked eye.

So, if you want an observing challenge similar to trying to spot Jupiter's Great Red Spot or Mars' polar cap, try observing detail on the moon with your naked eye.

The man in the moon
What most people see when they look at the moon is " the man in the moon." This is a pattern of light and dark caused by the albedo markings on the moon. ?Albedo? is a measure of how much light gets reflected by an area on a planet.

Darker areas on the moon's surface, which the early astronomers called "seas," although we now know that they are dry and airless, form the face of a man, in our mind?s eye. Or, they may form a woman, or a rabbit, depending on your culture. These are very similar to the dusky markings which astronomers observe with telescopes on Mars and Mercury, also called albedo markings.

If you try to sketch the markings you see on the moon, you will find, as experienced planetary observers do, that you can see much finer detail than the man in the moon. You should be able to see some of the smaller seas, such as the Mare Crisium, on the eastern limb of the moon, and one or two of the brighter craters, such as Tycho towards the southern limb.

Once you have tried to sketch the moon with your naked eye, try observing it with a small binocular. You will be amazed at how much more detail you can see, and will begin to experience the wonder Galileo must have felt when he first turned his primitive telescopes on the moon. There really is another world out there.

If you snap an amazing photo of the year's final full moon on Friday and would like to share it with for a potential story or gallery, submit photos and comments, including your name and location to

This article was provided to by Starry Night Education , the leader in space science curriculum solutions. Follow Starry Night on Twitter @StarryNightEdu .

? 2012 All rights reserved. More from


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The Price of Commitment: What People Spend on Engagements ...

engagementIt?s proposal season?and we?re not talking about?business proposals.

We?re referring to sparkly-ring marriage proposals. And according to TheKnot, December is the most popular month for said engagements.

Of course, much like the actual ring, not all marriage proposals look exactly alike. Some have marching bands! Some have flash mobs! Some are completely devoid of witnesses?and some prefer it that way.

If you plan to propose this holiday season, as an early engagement gift to you, we?ve looked into the costs of some of the most elaborate proposals out there?as well as?the best post-proposal financial practices.

It?s an age-old question, complete with a handful of inexact estimates floating around the Internet as to how much you should shell out for the ring: two months worth of salary, 25% of your annual income,?$2,500.

Fact-wise,? that the average cost of an engagement ring is $5,200?and it takes the average person three months to find the right one.

The truth is that there isn?t a hard-and-fast rule as to how much a person should pay for a ring, just like there isn?t a rule about how much people are expected to spend on wedding presents.

In other words, it?s less about what you?should?spend, and more about what you can?afford?to pay.

?It?s really important to budget for an engagement ring,? advises LearnVest CFP ? Sophia Bera. ?Don?t use all of your savings to buy it?your?emergency savings?should be separate from your ring savings.?

Translation: The ideal amount to spend on a ring is different for everyone?and it doesn?t necessarily need to be something that you take on alone.??Maybe this is unromantic, but I think it?s important to talk to your significant other about what they want, and the price range they have in mind,? adds Sophia.

Perhaps it isn?t so unromantic: TheKnot also reports that 65% of brides have at least some say in their engagement rings, while 31% shopped for and/or purchased the ring with their groom.

In some cases, the ring is only a blip on the proposal budget?a new trend in over-the-top proposals means that the ring isn?t always the sparkliest part of the moment.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Does Your Internet Business Marketing Plan Succeed In Seo ...

Does Your Internet Business Marketing Plan Succeed In Seo
The target of SEO in your internet business marketing plan is to get organic traffic to your site by lifting the site high on the many Google result pages. It requires both the onpage and offpage actions but, because this article tells about internet business marketing plan I will concentrate on the offpage factors only.

A marketer has to understand, that the high ranking means competition between the different sites. Sometimes this competition may be too tough and sometimes it is realistic to reach the high rankings. However, when you write your internet business marketing plan you have to select, how to get the needed quality links.

Google sees the links as votes from other webmasters to your site. The higher the page rank of the linker has, the more link power your site will get. Of course only the related links can do that. The link should also contain an anchor text, a keyword, so that the search engines know, to which result page the landing page belongs.

1. The Link Development Has Two Benefits.

The links are not only for the better rankings, but serve also the readers, who can get an added information via a link. This is the reason, why the linking site must be related. The search engines lift the sites, which have a lot of links from the authority sites. This will also serve the surfers, because when the site is high on the result page, the surfer wil find it easier.

The links are the business contacts of the internet home business. When the hyperlink, with the right keyword, is located on some site, the site visitors will click it and Google will register, that your site has been set there. The first one brings traffic to your site and the latter the higher search engine ranking.

2. What Is A Related, Quality Link?

It is clear, that only the links from the related, high page ranks sites are valuable ones. The relatedness means, that if you market internet business consulting, the links are from the pages, which operate in the same industry. The quality means, that the webmaster has succeeded to raise the search engine ranking.

3. How Many Links Is Needed?

This depends on your targets. If your target is to reach the first page position, or even the first place one, you have to research, can you beat the other sites. The rankings will develop slowly, and Google will update the rankings slowly, so a webmaster has to follow the situation and to increase the number of links, if needed.

4. Which Tools Do You Need?

The main tool is your own work. If you write articles and will submit them to directories and sites, it takes time. Of course you can use the submitter, but still the manually submitted articles work best. Google sets value to the links from the variety of sites, i.e. from the directories, web 2.0 sites, blogs, social sites, forums etc. This means, that you have to plan the link developing strategy and plan.

5. The Site Content Is The Most Important Factor.

Of course the links, which the site visitors have set on their sites are the best ones, at least in theory. The site content is in the main role with this tactics. But let us be realistic! The natural link building is not enough. How can you guarantee, that the visitors have high page rank sites? Or that they set enough links on their pages. Impossible! Your own link building is needed to reach the success!


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