Thursday, May 31, 2012

What Are The Advantages Of Online Dating

Posted on May 30, 2012 under Meet People Online | 34 Comments

Online dating is becoming more and more popular each day and is growing at a very fast rate, it provides a number of advantages to people that they would not have offline. Some people do not understand why others would want to meet people online and they do not understand the advantages of it, this article will show you some of these things and make it clearer why people use these services.

Why are the online dating services so popular?

There are a number of reasons for this, here are just a few:

You can be anonymous. Many people like to take part in the online dating communities as an anonymous member and there are no rules against this. If you wish to join and participate in an online dating service you have the option of remaining completely anonymous if you want to. This is a great way for people to join these services but to not share any of there personal details with anyone online.

Safety. There definitely are a number of safety issues when dealing and talking with people online but it can also be very safe in other ways, for example, when you meet new people offline, you cannot be absolutely sure who you are talking to, what they are interested in, what they do in there spare time, if they are dangerous or anything about them straight away, it is different online in the way that you can talk with someone for months, even years before you ever meet them in person. This gives you the chance to really get to know someone before jumping into a relationship with them.

You can do it from your very own home. Some people do not particularly like going out to bars, clubs or other social places as they may feel uncomfortable in these places, online dating gives you the option to meet new people, make friends and build relationships all from the comfort of your own home. This can be very helpful for people who prefer not to go out to social places often.

You meet like minded people. When you go to a social place such as a bar or club, you meet people that are there for many different reasons and intentions, you can never be sure if they are there because they have a drinking problem, because they want to get away from their partners, they are cheating on their partners, they just want to have a good time or whatever reason they may be there but when you use an online dating service, you can be sure of one thing, the people you meet are there to meet a partner. When you are talking with people in an online dating community, you know that they are more than likely there for the exact same reason as you.

Those are just a few of the many advantages of online dating services, the best way to find out what they are really like and what the advantages are is to simply go and start using one. Maybe you will now take the time to get involved with online dating.

Sean Cash

  • ~Papi? Chulo *Fixable*~ Says:

    What are some (if any) advantages to online dating?
    I?ve tried it and it only leads to massive amounts of BS, deception.. and maybe a couple of wires to you via Western Union.
    Bob S ? Amen to that brother? most of my friends are females and they tell me just how scandalous they are just like some men.

  • CRAZY Caroline =] Says:

    You don?t have to worry about catching diseases.. hahaha.. i don?t know.
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  • minnie39 Says:

    you get to meet some one like me
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  • swallow Says:

    cybersexing without cyberherpes
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  • Trisha (bored!) Says:

    at least you wont know how hideous ur date is..
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  • Feels like tonight Says:

    No one knows how much of a loser you are
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  • Saint Bull S Says:

    You don?t have to leave your house ?..
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  • Ghost of Swayze Says:

    You don?t have to go out to find someone to date. lol
    You find a good match up with online dating
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  • PCB Says:

    the little monitor make pictures of your junk look bigger.
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  • H????? Says:

    You don?t have to get dressed up.
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  • Says:

    Well if you thought you would like someone and then end up not, you dont have to dump them to their face. In fact you can just stop talking to them. And what can they do about it?:P
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  • ? Says:

    never had a on-line dating
    came very close once but
    i learned my lesson.
    Only advantage i can think of
    that the deception only makes you
    stronger and wiser ~
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  • Kevin El Matador Says:

    you get women sending you pics of hot models and they say they are them.
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  • Bob S Says:

    i tried it and i agree there is a whole lot of deception its just not worth it. you always hear that guys lie, cheat whatever but the girls ive met online would put any guy i know to shame
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  • KK88 Says:

    Its great for ugly people!
    oh and people with social problems as they use the computer as a security blanket.
    and your can talk to them at touch yourself at the same time and they dont say anything, Awesome!
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  • SteveC Says:

    Great hookups

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  • Kat Says:

    i dont understand how its possible, if i was your on-line date how would you get me drunk? lmao
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  • Hot Blonde Chocolate Says:

    the only advantages are that you can meet massive amounts of people in a relatively short amount of time.

    the problem with it though, is it is based solely on looks and the ability to write catchy profiles. not everyone is an adept writer.

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  • Fat Bastard Says:

    Good question.

    Not sure.

    I don?t BS. I don?t like BS. I know that one I?ve talked to is real. I don?t know if it?s "dating" but I know she?s real.

    A lot of people are just trying to get some buns saying they?re this and that online.

    To hell with them. Just be you.
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  • Nerdy_Loser Incognito Says:

    I havent ever done it, but I did actually really care for someone I met on here. It was all BS too.

    Eh, I guess the only advantage is you dont have to worry about dumping them because the sex is no good. Due to the fact that you arent getting any!
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  • Miss Smith Says:

    No morning breath? ;-)
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  • ? Pamela ? Says:

    My dad has met several nice ladies online. He usually sets up the first meeting for drinks only that way he doesn?t have to commit to spending a lot of time with them if they turn out to be dogs.

    Of course he?s older and the man to ladies ratio is lower so he?s got an array of choices. ?
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  • AJ Says:

    If you can keep your feelings under control it?s all good, but cross the line and you or they could get hurt..just sayin.
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  • ??oft lips?? Says:

    ive tried it b4 it didnt work so idk the advantages
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  • [[?T0otz?]] In Da Name Of [L0ve] Says:

    no way i wouldnt even like to try. Online dating has no advantages really. You really dont get to see that person unless i mean A BIG unless they live in your area. You dont know what they really look like. How do you know its their pictures. it could be a picture of their cousin. lol
    you have to be with them and really spend time to actually tell how they really are like!!
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  • Ms berry Says:

    u can escape anytime u want from her..

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  • Stargirl*** (aka broken) Says:

    I don?t think that there is. I like face-to-face interaction. If I can?t have that then I guess I?ll just be single forever. I would gladly pay to go and meet someone and make sure that they weren?t lying to me or BSing me. But that would be a lot of trouble and I would miss a lot of work and time with my kids doing it. I think that having friends online is cool, but anything other than that can become deceptive and a lot of trouble. I think I?ll stick to the guys around here unless you become avalible (JK Papi). :D
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  • jrsygrl Says:

    There are NO advantages to on line dating what so ever, there is no way you could ever get to know someone that way, i prefer dating in the real world.
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  • i tranq out freaks on stilits Says:

    i dont really go for that after one year a health teacher told us this story.

    A woman a few years back from my town was lonely and she got a myspace and she man who she thought was just wonderful and just they had so much in common. So he asked her to come to west virgina which was where he lived. And she did thinking they could build a relationship. She had been gone for a few weeks and fer family began to get worried so they went onto her myspace to get the address of where she had gone. so they went and found that since she hadnt told anyone that the man raped and killed her.

    people arent who you think online
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  • *~ Latina Bonita ~* Says:

    I don?t know about advantages, but I won?t totally dog it, as I?m in a long distance relationship myself. I guess it has a lot to do with luck, and it?s not much different in the real world, I mean in the real world you also risk meeting with a psycho nut, and all those things you mentioned, BS, deception and so on, could also happen in the real world. So, I say, just because of one bad apple, doesn?t mean we are all the same. Maybe that one relationship didn?t work, but perhaps she?s out there, whether in real life or on-line.
    Remember, not all of us are honest, and not all people are fakes, so once again, it?s pure luck.

    Good luck, and Cheers =)
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  • ? Says:

    ugh advantage is no stds from webcam sex. and if you find a way to get one that way then you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong.
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  • Dulce~Sue?os Says:

    Hmmm?.the only real advantage is being able to lie and such. You have already found that out.

    I would find it hard becaue I would always want more, the real thing!
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  • cathy Says:

    I think the advantages listed at has already answered your question.
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  • Evly Says:

    Lmao, i think crazy caroline has the answer??.x

    I have never tried online dating, i?m too scared to try it, as i live on my own and i would $hit myself if i had a stalker???..x
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