Saturday, July 30, 2011

Southern, Central and Northern Italian cuisine

Southern Italy

Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia is Italy's south, home to rugged cucina povera (peasant cooking) and a wonderful meal of what in regions such as sun-ripened vegetables available to create and fruit, cereals for pasta and cheese.

Around Rome, Lazio is affected by food only in the capital. Roman cuisine is not as fine cuisineand uses primarily of pasta, beans, artichokes, spaghetti with meat and its Carbonara (ham, bacon, cheese and eggs) and bucatini amatriciana (bacon, tomatoes and Parmesan) (cured cheek Peg) local bacon. In the rural areas by Lazio, is often the lamb (lamb fed with milk) in dishes such as lamb used.

Abruzzo and Molise are rural mountain regions with strong culinary traditions. Molise produces end lentils, pasta and olive oil and saffronis grown in the Abruzzo region, with the divolilli (small chilies) that go in many dishes.

The cuisine of Campania and Naples is famous throughout the world with a variety of pasta dishes like spaghetti with tomato-basil sauce, all the spaghetti with clams (clams), topped pizza with fresh mozzarella and eggplant parmigiana. In addition to fresh mozzarella made from buffalo milk or cow's milk produced, there is a good ricotta, goat cheese, and cheese. Lemons are used in graniteand limoncello.

Puglia has had many foreign invaders, but the food remains Italian. Orecchette ear in the past is a form of delicious, locally with kohlrabi (turnip) and serving fine cheeses such as cheese, smoked cheese and feta cheese.

Basilicata is one of the poorest regions in Italy, but it's bad kitchen (country cooking) dominate, followed by pasta and vegetables, is delicious. And meat dishes are seasoned with hot peppers (a variety of hot peppers).

ToTip of Italy, Calabria two coasts, a lot to give fish and seafood, especially swordfish and tuna. Citrus fruits grow well in this region, as well as figs and olives. Chili adds heat to the kitchen and there are good and provolone.

Sicilian cuisine has long been influenced by outsiders, especially the Arabs, who brought the sugar. The island of sweets (candies), are considered of granite and ice still the best in Italy. There are also a large selection of seafood, citrus andCapers make caponata (eggplant caponata, a court, a salad of cooked eggplant is fried and made ??with chopped celery, vinegar, sugar and capers in a sweet and sour sauce). The Sardinians have always looked more to it inhospitable to the food they once infected mosquitoes costs. The food is on pork and lamb, percorino, Box carsu (unleavened bread) and honey.

Centre Italy

Emilia Romagna, Marche,Tuscany and Umbria, Italy form the center. This is an area of fresh pasta, cheese and wine robust. Emilia Romagna is known as the largest region in Italy for the food. Emilia Romagna is the home of homemade pasta. In Bologna, pasta, lasagna, tortellini, and are favored. In Emilia, preparing the dough is a work of art.

The pig is a traditional cuisine of Emilia-Romagna. Ham, the most famous of pork products in Italy, made in Parma. Cup andPancetta are specialties of Piacenza in the north. The tender meat that is often transferred from other countries than in fact the famous Bologna Mortadella Bologna.

Romagna has a tradition of fish dishes, fish soup, the taste of fish soups. Parmigiano Reggiano, the unrivaled king of cheese.

Another of the great contributions of the Emilia-Romagna cuisine is the balsamic vinegar, produced in Modena for centuries.

Parma ham is produced in the south of Parma very thin and often served with bread. Parmesan cheese is eaten in chunks or grated on a wonderful fresh egg noodles.

Le Marche is a region self-sufficient. And "for the fish from the Adriatic, which are used to create local versions of the rich fish soup, fish soup is to produce well-known. The local cuisine also makes use of black and white truffles, mushrooms and fennel. Tamed dishes are fried ( roast pork) and vincisgrassi is lasagna made with chicken livers and ham.Pasta>, especially macaroni and noodles, has an important tradition in the Marches. Latin pasta factory produces some of the best homemade pasta of the traditions. Mushrooms grow in abundance in this area. Three kinds of truffles are also found in the Marches, which rivals the white Alba. Cauliflower is the brand famous throughout Italy. And fruits such as apples, peaches, figs and cherries are rich and juicy, a testament to the fertility Ground.

Tuscan cuisine is just as some of the simplest known in Italy. The best olive oils are there. Meals are centered in meat, especially beef. The wines of Tuscany are well with Chianti's most famous Italian red. Tuscan fat away and keep the spit or narrow. Meat such as beef, chicken and grilled, roasted rabbit with rosemary or a rule or fennel. Most are accompanied by a wedge of lemon, the idea of ??a Tuscan sauce. Along the coast,Dishes> are fish with baby eels, at the mouth of the Arno, a specialty based only found in Tuscany. Olive oil is so pervasive in the Tuscan cuisine, which is also used in sweets, like the locals, the chestnut cake, a cake made with chestnut flour, fennel, raisins and pine nuts. In general, the desserts are as simple as the other Tuscan kitchen. "A common after-dinner treat biscuits is immersed in a glass of Vin Santo Bernstein. Siena is the home of gingerbread (" strong bread "), a large diningCake invented during the Crusades, to support the troops.

Tuscan wines are dominated by the local Sangiovese, Chianti Classico and the backbone of the full depth of the Brunello.

Umbrian food is plentiful and easy. And 'famous for his use of pork. It is also the home of great cheese. Umbrian dishes are rarely more than four or five ingredients and meat and vegetables are often served plain or sauceless. The meat is important for this region, and that's whereSalami is at its best. Salami, salami, sausages, cured and smoked meat on each restaurant appetizer cart. Beef is also good, especially when it is raised by the cows near the border with Tuscany. Umbria is landlocked as are freshwater fish, carp, pike and eels are an important part of the cuisine of the region.

Olive oil is in the region spice of choice. Pastas rather long and thick and often flavored with a grating of his world-famous black truffles, which are usedfreely about everything from polenta, potatoes. Perugia, the capital of the region is world famous for its chocolate. Perugina Baci manufacturer is located here. The desserts are often flavored with honey, chestnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and almonds.

Although not a great wine region, Umbria produces light, dry Orvieto, a favorite among the princes and popes, and the wine, for which the region is famous. This region also produces a beautiful rich red MontefalcoRed

Northern Italy

Piedmont, Val d'Aosta, Lombardy, Liguria, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy Make-up North. Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Liguria and Lombardy and Trentino Alto Adige in norhwest, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the northeast. Established under the influence of their neighbors to the north and mountainous terrain. Polenta and rice staple foods and dairy products, and its wines are among the best in Italy. Piedmont is home to much White truffles from Alba sprinkled melted fontina cheese over pasta or eggs. This region also produces great wines in Italy, Barolo and Barbaresco.

The valley famous for its cheese, fontina and robiola that are central to the cuisine of the region of Aosta.

Lombardy is dominated by rich agricultural land and has a varied cuisine. Many of Italy's best cheeses, like Gorgonzola, Taleggio, Bel Paese and Grana Padano cheese are produced here and fresh> Pasta, polenta and rice are all very amused.

Ligurian cuisine uses many herbs in the mountains that provide an abundance of herbs for cooking. Specialities are cakes and nut sauce.

Trentino Alto Adige is divided into two gastronomical. Tyrol in northern Italy and the kitchen includes bacon (ham), dumplings (dumplings) and goulash (goulash soup is primarily, although existing as a stew, usually beef, onions, vegetables, spices and peppersPowder). The Trentino is Italian, although dumplings (dumplings) are very popular and delicious apples this region are made from a local apple strudel. Polenta and bread to accompany the meals.

The Veneto is known for its ease of preparation of seafood such as Molech (soft shell crab) are known.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia is known for its prosciutto di San Daniele ham sweet fine known.


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