Saturday, July 2, 2011

Easy 12 Minute Profits System | Free Internet Business Guide

YouTube - ?Best Easy Business Website Builder Gets Free Search Engine Traffic And #1 Google?‏

If you can't see the video, you can see it on the sales page I made with this easy business builder system.

The website is a blog post on a sub-domain that I created yesterday, June 8 and it already ranks #1 on Google For the Website (subdomain) title, 12 Minute Profits System and also 12 minute profits with 105,000,000 search queries, plus a bunch more. This is unusual for any sales page that is not using my system and software. You can see the sales page at 12 minute profit system.

As you already know, the biggest problems facing internet marketers are;

  1. Information overload - too many hyped up, vague 'make money online' methods, without a clear plan and solutions to technical and time issues;
  2. Technical issues - html, php, website design, graphics design, learning to use software, new technology
  3. Time - our worst enemy - there is not enough of it in a day to do all of the things necessary to learn and implement what it takes to run a business without a full time staff;
  4. Selling and marketing - Let's face facts- Selling is hard and there are very few great copywriters and sales professionals that can sell anything to anyone;
  5. Traffic - without traffic, and lot's of it, your internet business is not going anywhere.

This Is The Ultimate SEO Content Generation WordPress Plugin System

To Create Unlimited Unique, Multiple Revenue Source, 100% Unique Businesses Online Within Minutes Each, Even From A Single Authority Domain.

Create multi-blogs, sales pages, lead capture pages with integrated (free) autoresponders, newsletters, live podcasts, authority sites, multi-level membership sites, or any kind of businesses you want, with a few clicks of your mouse.

This is not a single software application. It is a complete business package that installs into WordPress. Once activated, even a complete newbie who follows the video training, can't screw this up.

I have lead capture pages and resell rights sales pages ranking page 1 Google, Yahoo and Bing for highly competitive terms and tens to hundreds of millions of competitors.

But What good is millions of visitors if they don't convert?

Let me show you how I get hundreds of registered members within a couple of days, on a site that only took 20 minutes to create from scratch.

Look over my shoulder as I show you inside another simple five figure business that gets 10,000 new members per month without any effort and without spending a dime.

Easily Dominate 100s of pages of Page 1 Google, Yahoo, Bing, almost effortlessly, regardless of competition.

Proof! A couple of examples of the hundreds of page 1 Google listings that have tens to hundreds of millions of competing websites, that send free targeted traffic to my EZ Business Builder Websites and my 12 Minute (or less) Profit Systems. I get similar results with Yahoo, Bing, Msn and other search engines.

***Getting traffic is only part of a successful online business ***

You must also convert that traffic into a prospect list or a customer that you can continue to build a profitable relationship with.

This is just one site on a multi-site domain - I have close to 100,000 members of all sites and newsletter email lists on this one domain in less than 8 months.

I have discovered a system in which other people will provide the content for web pages for you at no cost to you (they share some benefits). Literally hundreds of these, promoting different products you profit from, can be developed within days or weeks and managed from a single domain. I will demonstrate how several websites in different categories, covering potentially thousands of micro-niches, can easily be created and rapidly grown into niche dominating cash systems within as little as a few days or weeks and managed without staff, working part time, on a single super-domain. The profit potential is unlimited with only a little bit of effort on your part.

If you are unwilling to put forth any effort, there is no real online opportunity that can truly benefit you.

I have developed an automated business system which provides what many job seekers and home business entrepreneurs are looking for. This easy to start business system...

  • Can be started from scratch in as little as 1-2 hours for as little as under $10 (cost of domain and unlimited hosting account);
  • Can produce multiple streams of passive income without selling anything;
  • Enables you to easily create unlimited websites of any layout or design you choose, on a single super-authority site domain, on your own host or mine, without having any html or website design knowledge;
  • Is not limited to any specific product category or business niche;
  • has unlimited income growth potential;
  • Eliminates the long learning curve for business training, product research, marketing, seo, website and graphic design and copywriting;
  • Eliminates the expense of hiring specialists and content writers;
  • Eliminates the wasted time and expense of promoting products that don't convert to sales;
  • Dramatically reduces or eliminates the need to write sales copy;
  • Automates business development and growth;
  • Automatically builds your own list of subscribers and prospects;
  • Is totally unique to you;
  • Generates its own targeted traffic;
  • Gives people and search engines what they want;
  • Can help you dominate your niche within days or weeks;
  • Can be very profitable part time, only requiring a few hours per week initially, to as little as a few minutes per week or month to grow traffic and revenue;
  • Can be fun and rewarding with executive income potential (some similar businesses generate over 10 million dollars a year, although not a typical result);
  • Can allow you to dominate and profit from dozens of products in multiple niches, without selling anything yourself, from a single domain;
  • Creates a win-win situation in which other people want to contribute to build and grow your online business without you having to spend a dime,
  • Can help create for you your own product within a few weeks, almost effortlessly, for even more income potential,
  • Can be started within minutes of watching a couple of short step by step videos and a couple of software downloads (no additional cost),
  • Has ongoing training and support for building and growing a profitable, multiple income stream business,
  • 100% risk free - If you are not thrilled with your results and income within the first 30 days, I will give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.

Introducing, The EZ Business Builder Software

and 12 Minute Profit Systems!

This easy to start business system has nothing to do with mass produced replicated websites that the search engines hate, or computer generated content that people don't like to read.

This is not some pie in the sky hype of getting rich doing nothing. If that is what you are looking for, you should keep playing the lottery like the millions of other players who will die before they ever win back their investment. Likewise, this is not about joining some multilevel program that promises to pay you ten levels deep for your down line that never goes beyond those who you struggle to recruit.
What This Home Business Is Not

  • This is not any get rich quick scheme, MLM business or pyramid scheme and does not require you to have special technical skills or prior experience. you do not need to know html, php, or any foreign code or language to be successful in this home based business.
  • This is not a mass produced business in a box that gives you a replicated website exactly like a million other websites for you to try to promote.
    • Likewise, it is not typical software generated, RSS feed sites with Adsense ads that the search engines just ignore and rarely, if ever, make money for the owner.
    • There is no selling involved, or calling leads, mailing fliers, buying inventory, purchasing products you will not use, or any other kind of nonsense.
    • You do not have to pay for advertising of any kind to make money with this system.

This business system, if implemented properly, can start generating unlimited free traffic to your online business, starting within hours of its implementation and provide multiple sources of income relating to any type of product or service niche you choose. This is a limited opening course and the entry price will go up incrementally after the first 5 members and will be limited to the first 500 WSO sales.

Warning - Dont buy this product to add another course and software to your collection on your hard drive. It only takes minimal effort to achieve life changing results with this business system, if you take action today.

The course is not a giant collection of 100 hours of video and 10 catalogues of stuff I have collected over the years wrapped in fancy graphics, to cloud your brain with information overload, before you take action.

This is a step by step action plan and software package I use to develop every new online business I start, based on years of research and expensive training, trial and error and lots of testing of what works and doesn't work, and includes some incredibly profitable discoveries, software and search engine optimized website themes.

The valuable bonuses and additional ongoing training courses you receive with my Ez Business Builder System and 12 Minute Profit Systems provide valuable information and resources you can benefit from financially after you have taken the necessary steps in my basic course. They will probably be future WSOs.

Aside From the automated business system course, which can have you set up with multiple income streams and generating automated traffic within hours from now, you will also get my favorite additional free traffic generation strategies.

You will also receive bonus software and graphics packages to help you create professional, attractive websites within minutes and get them indexed into search engines and directories almost instantly.

Each step is critical in the beginning to maximize short term cashflow and long term success. Your success is important to me and that is why I don't just dump a big package of data and course material in your lap to bounce around in. This is not a pick and choose the easy parts and ignore the 30 minute long activities that you only have to do once to integrate into all of your future businesses. I try to let you know in advance how long the next activity will take, so you can work it in your schedule.

Fair warning! If you skip over any parts, especially in the first couple of weeks of installing the Ez Business Builder Multisite System on your own hosting account, you could really struggle to get the search engine results and conversions I demonstrate in the videos. I will tell you if it is optional.

For example, I have had clients say they did not want to sign up for a free twitter account because they think Twitter is stupid. That may be the case, but tens of millions of people go there everyday and I can show you how to get thousands of free visitors from Twitter and Facebook without ever logging into those sites again after you set up your free accounts.

People pay thousands of dollars for a college course or training program for the education it provides. The text book the course is based on may only cost $60, but the average person reading it would not gain much or retain much of the necessary information, without actually taking action and participating in the activities taught.

I have paid thousands of dollars to attend weekend seminars to learn things to help my businesses. Each time there was valuable information taught that I was unable to put into action, because even with my notes and training materials I could not retain enough of the information overload to make it work the way it was demonstrated without considerable struggle.

That is why an ongoing demonstration/action plan is important and I am offering that to you free for the first 4 weeks, then as little as $3.91 per month on the 1 year hosting plan. If you are not ready to commit at least a few hours a week over the next few weeks for your impending success, then leave this opportunity for someone who needs it and is ready to take action.

The Easy Business Builder System provides all of the automation tools needed to create multiple real and powerful online business models based on reciprocity. These are automation tools and strategies that have made some of the most powerful businesses in the world, what they are today.
I have gotten Google page rank of two within 4 weeks of starting a new website and page rank of 3 in 9 or 10 weeks with very little effort and without spending any money. I have six to 8 month old businesses that I could easily sell for 25 - 50 thousand dollars on Flippa, just because of the competitive niches that they dominate and the automated incomes they produce.

Some examples of the type of business models we incorporate that use reciprocity include multi-million dollar a year news websites that do not affiliate with any news organization or even have a staff.

The Drudge Report for example, is a $10,000,000 a year business which provides links to the latest breaking news, political activities, discoveries, etc. Do you think Matt Drudge works twelve hours a day digging up these stories from around the world? Do you think he has a huge staff doing it for him? You can do what This multimillionaire does in 15 minutes per day, in any niche, without any staff or spending a dime, using just one of the techniques revealed in the bonus training course.

Unlike most online businesses struggling to sell enough products to survive, a few have discovered a better way based on the Proverb "Give and you shall receive." If you give someone an opportunity to help themselves by helping you, they will. If you give someone something they like, they will gladly pay you to get more. If you give enough people what they want with an opportunity to get more, you will be rich.

One part of the Easy Business Builder System utilizes the research and expertise of thousands of article writers and business owners that will provide quality content for you free, on any topic, in order to get name recognition and backlinks to their website business or blog.

Utilizing this time saving and business building strategy with other automation and traffic generation tools, it is now possible to build multiple powerful and profitable authority website businesses, that can provide multiple streams of income for years to come, from only a few hours work.

The best part is, we can set up dozens or hundreds of these easy money businesses, even in niches we know nothing about, because other people are doing the research and content writing for us, for free.

In one monetization method we simply copy and paste a banner ad or headline linking to one of our affiliate products or services relating to the article, or paste dynamic pay-per-click or Amazon ads around automated posts, and let the automated traffic generation tools drive the traffic to our accumulating website pages and posts. The built in SEO and traffic generation tools will provide all the traffic we will ever need without having to pay for advertising.

It only takes a few minutes a week to grow these businesses, updated with fresh content and product offers and pushed to the top of the search engines. It is the ultimate Easy Money online business system. When combined with my SEO and free traffic generation tools, you will have the advantage over multimillion dollar businesses that pay tens of thousands of dollars a month in advertising. See video below to see how I make money fast and dominate the search engines with almost no effort.

Video proof
For most people starting out in an online business, they are inundated with misleading and false information and face a long uphill battle of learning effective and profitable business strategies, unless they have a mentor to show them an effective business plan that doesn't require a full time staff and a government insured loan to get started.

It has been almost ten years since I bought my first Internet marketing course that came with it's own mass replicated sales page website.

The instructions were specific about how to market my new website with OPM (other peoples money/credit card) on Google Adwords, after which I would get a whopping 75% commission on the sales of the same course and website to my new competitors that would in turn, drive up the cost of the advertising for the same keywords and website everyone else was trying to sell to the same gullible people. I've lost thousands of dollars and months of totally wasted time from bad advice from these so-called gurus (sharks).

Not much has changed in ten years! Duplicate content and replicated websites trying to sell the same stuff to each other is still an act of futility. That same worthless product I bought ten years ago is still being sold under under 100 different names and the same website with 100 new graphic disguises.

About 8 years ago I started a real business online and had some success with an Ebay store. Since then, competition has become fierce, promoting the same dropship, mail order and catalogue products. Unless you have your own unique product or service or are the first to promote something new, it can be very difficult to make decent money anymore, unless you get creative with a consignment service for used valuables or something.

Over the last several years, I have had some success, as well as some hard to overcome failures due to being too dependent on a specific product or niche becomming obsolete or saturated with competition, Google algorythm changes, loss of outsourcing recource, server crash, etc.

For example, last year when the Obama administration passed new regulations for internet businesses regarding email and website disclosures, and disclaimer and policy page requirements, I had just downsized my businesses to a few dozen websites that were actually making money or getting decent organic traffic, to a more manageable number.

I was facing $400+ per month domain renewal fees for more websites than I could effectively manage, many of which were unprofitable. Even after dramatic downsizing, I still faced a tremendous amount of work and expense to make all of my businesses compliant with the new disclosure laws.

Unfortunately for many marketers, they were not aware of the legal changes and can face up to $10,000 fines for each offense. From my observation, most internet marketers are apparently not aware of the legal requirements, because many websites still are not compliant and I get illegal emails every day from uninformed marketers. All it takes is one complaint or government official to decide to enforce the law and many uninformed marketers will be in a world of hurt. One of the features Of the Ez Business Builder System is 'legal compliance automation' that produces all of your disclaimer and disclosure pages as well as legally compliant, integrated autoresponder emails and newsletter management.

What if you could create an unlimited amount of unique blogs, pre-sell pages, product review sites, email capture pages, squeeze pages, forums, video sales pages, live event podcasts, membership sites and more, without having to know anything about html, php, graphic design or any other complicated technical aspect of web design?

What if you could do all of that on a single domain?

What if you could get a resell rights product sales page to page 1 of Google, even though Google doesn't like sales page websites?

What if you could create awesome looking websites that get tons of automated free traffic with only a few clicks of a mouse?

What if you could market dozens of different products effectively, without having to write articles or build complicated websites or spend any money to do so?

What if you could create a super authority site and hundreds of blogs without hardly writing a word of content?

What if you could instantly have all of your legal disclosure and disclaimer pages automatically published with any new site that you dream up?

What if you could have a 100,000 page unique super authority site, all indexed in Google and other search engines, marketing hundreds of products, working part time, within in the next month or two, running on total autopilot.

What if you could install this system in 10 to 20 minutes?

What if you didn't have to install anything at all and you could have a profit pulling website, completely unique to your tastes and favorite topic, in 12 minutes or less?

You can have all of these things with the Ez Business Builder Multisite System and The 12 Minute Profits System.

You do not have to know anything about website design, selling, graphic design, SEO (search engine optimization), article marketing, business management, outsourcing, or anything other than the ability to read and write and follow basic video or pdf instruction to start and grow a profitable business.

The Ez Business builder System is a package of software applications and search engine optimized website templates that are customizable with a few clicks of a mouse.

These software applications and website templates install into WordPress and can be activated into a multi-site system that allows you to create unlimited individual websites or blogs, membership sites and forums, squeeze pages and lead capture pages, all on a single domain.

Forget about spending $1000+ per year for domain names. Pick one general topic domain and start building as many websites as you want, promoting as many products and services as you want without ever having to research what domains are available again.

Search engines love these super authority sites and every page is given extra credibility because it is part of the authority site. It is like every post in Wikipedia gets automatic clout. Your websites articles will be like submitting an article to Ezine articles.

The best part is, one of the plugins is from a service that will enable members of that service to submit unique articles for any topic you choose, to your website.

You can choose to edit and approve the articles (recommended to add an image and optimize better) or auto publish (the easy way). One of my newest sites auto-published over 1300 unique articles in the past 2 1/2 weeks and ranks for dozens, if not hundreds of keyword phrases, in the top 10 of Google.

The EZ Business Builder System has all of the tools and search engine optimized themes and templates necessary to easily create any type of website or online business imaginable with point and click ease. New technology and WordPress expandability can allow you to build hundreds or even thousands of websites on a single domain, that can auto-generate unique content that search engines and your readers will love.

There is also multilevel membership software included that can enable you to allow others to build websites on your domain, with access to all of the seo and marketing tools that you have at your disposal. Some of the tools included in the EZ Business Builder Software Package, besides the search engine optimized theme templates, include;

? Ability to create or allow members to create unlimited websites on single domain

? SEO and Webmaster tools

? Affiliate Pro software ? give others credit for referrals to your websites or offer pages

? 4 level membership software that works on unlimited websites on single domain

? Ability to create unlimited websites, blogs, sales pages, squeeze pages, lead capture pages, etc. on multiple themes, on a single domain

? Make page or post buttons in site navigation go directly to affiliate websites, lead capture or product sales pages

? Podcasting and live video event support

? simple privacy policy, legal disclaimers, terms of use and policy pages integration

? Widget control

? iframe integration

? Google analytics injector

? event countdown timer

? Redirect to any page or website after members login

? Individual site and network wide autoresponders

? Easy newsletters - send any post or text or html message to all members or subscribers network wide or individual sites

? Affiliate link cloaker ? tracker

? Bookmarking and social media marketing

? Automatic translation to over 50 browser languages

? Mobile theme integration for ipods and hand held devices

? Automated content generation

? Automated related post linking

? Multi-site Search Engine Sitemap feeds

? Simple surveys

Plus many more features and bonuses such as link building software, webmaster online seo tools and website graphics.

I know this seems like too much to comprehend or manage if you are a newbie, however once everything is installed and activated my 11 and 12 year old can navigate and add content, images and videos to their websites I installed for them. Two or three short videos can walk an average person through the installation process in about an hour. Or you can just take advantage of my bonus offer where it is already installed for you.
To enable you to build profit streams in 12 minutes or less, I have installed and activated everything on a general topic business domain, so you do not have to get hosting or domains or install anything.

You will get the software and bonuses to install on as many domains as you like. However, as a bonus, I am providing the 12 minute profit systems that allows you to set up multiple websites free for a 30 day trial to start making money today, without buying domains or hosting.

The free trial comes with 4 weeks of additional training, so you can create multiple revenues streams without a huge investment of time or money and learn marketing strategies, monetization, traffic generation and seo strategies, without information overload.

If you choose to remain a member after the 4 week trial you will get additional weekly training courses to add more profit streams to your business and be billed a measly $5 per month for up to 5 unique websites, $10 per month for up to 15 unique websites, or save even more on an annual hosting package, with ongoing training and all of the tools you need to grow your multiple sources of income.

Plus you don't have to fuss with installing anything or buying domains or any of that extra work, if you don't want to. It is really a no-brainer. Take action today to lock in the savings.

You can always build your own network after you have gotten a feel for how the software and themes work.

You also have the option to build as many Super authority networks as you want on your own hosting and sell them for hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars on

Once these sites are established with backlinks and revenue, they will bring top dollar on Also, individual sites on the network can be spun off to their own domain or cloned to put on another WordPress site.+

You do not have resell rights or giveaway rights to the software package, but you may install it on as many websites as you want and sell the websites, as long as you do not edit the software or templates or try to remove credits and copyrights in the themes and plugins.

You may not share any of the bonuses, as they are for personal use only, unless resale rights are specified in writing.

I have been building on and testing this incredible system for over a year. I was about to launch this system in January, when WordPress made some dramatic code changes in their upgrade to version 3.1 rendering some of the software applications non working. It has taken this long to upgrade or find alternative software to be stable with past and current WordPress versions 3.05 to 3.1.3.

I have multiple websites running flawlessly with this system and that can easily sell for for hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars on, with only a few hours or days invested.

Get it now while it is cheap. The price will go up incrementally up to $77 as more people buy. When I launch later this month, we are looking at an entry price of probably $297 with an 8 week course, possibly going up to $497, depending on the response. and if we do not sell out immediately. All of the themes and software applications have been tested and working with the latest WordPress Version 3.1.2.

There is a lot of software and themes to learn about and I do not want to pile on too much information at once to confuse anyone. So, the training program is divided up into weekly courses. Four weeks are provided and 4+ more weeks and advanced system training optional, if you upgrade or remain a 12 minute profit systems ( member after 30 days.

The first 4 weeks consist of WordPress 101, using the Business Builder Software and multisite marketing strategies, SEO basics, Finding profitable products and services and social marketing management.

Weeks 5-8 (optional) Automated Link building strategies and resources, advanced social marketing, website flipping, Offline business marketing, and more will be added to encourage you to always want to remain a member.

This is not my first product, however it is my first WSO. That is why I am over delivering on beneficial and ongoing bonus training for such a giveaway entry price.

I hope to get a lot of feedback from those who purchase first, so I can continue to improve, the products (future WSOs), delivery, training, etc.

Hurry and buy now, sale starts at $27 for the first 5 sales, then the price will increase $2 for each 5 sales up to $77 until we sell out.


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