Sunday, July 31, 2011

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Man executed in Delaware for killing woman with ax (AP)

SMYRNA, Del. ? Delaware carried out its first execution since 2005 early Friday, putting to death a man who was convicted of killing a woman with an ax during a burglary nearly two decades ago.

Robert Jackson III was pronounced dead at 12:12 a.m. after being given a lethal injection at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna.

Jackson, 38, lifted his head when asked for his last words shortly after midnight. Searching the window between the execution chamber and witnesses, he asked if the two children of the victim, Elizabeth Girardi, were watching.

"Are the Girardis in there? Christopher and Claudia, if you are in there, I've never faulted you for your anger. I would have been mad myself," he said, going on to deny he killed their mother.

He suggested that his accomplice in the burglary, Anthony Lachette, was the killer.

"Tony's laughing his ass off right now because you're about to watch an innocent man die. This isn't justice," he said before putting his head back down and closing his eyes.

When the execution began, Jackson started making a snoring sound, his lips sputtered and his breath began to quicken. Prison officials closed the curtain between the execution chamber and witnesses after about four minutes to check whether he was conscious, calling out twice, "Inmate Jackson, can you hear me?" There was no response.

When the curtain reopened a minute later, Jackson made no more movements or sounds. From start to finish, the execution took about 10 minutes.

A small group gathered outside the prison to protest, though one woman came to express her support for the execution.

One of the protesters, 68-year-old Sally Milbury-Steen, said she did not believe the death penalty is a deterrent.

"As a citizen, I'm so chagrined that my tax dollars are being used," Milbury-Steen said.

The lone supporter, Rose Wilson, said Jackson was getting what he deserved and that his death would be painless, unlike his victim's.

"When he hacked that woman he didn't say, `I'm going to put you to sleep before I kill you,'" Wilson, 52, of Townsend, Del., said.

Jackson's execution was the first time Delaware included pentobarbital as one of three drugs used to carry out an execution. Delaware switched to the drug after a nationwide shortage of sodium thiopental, the previous drug the state used to sedate an inmate before administering two other lethal drugs.

Eight other states have already used pentobarbital to carry out executions, according to the Washington-based Death Penalty Information Center.

Jackson's execution followed a series of legal challenges that stretched into the hours before he was executed. His lawyers had argued that Jackson should be allowed to challenge the state's switch to pentobarbital as an execution drug, saying it posed a risk of pain and suffering. But the U.S. Supreme Court and Delaware Gov. Jack Markell ultimately denied requests to stay the execution.

Jackson was sentenced to death for the 1992 killing of the 47-year-old Girardi, a resident of Hockessin.

"In a perfect world, none of this would have happened," said Girardi's daughter, Claudia Desaulniers, who was 15 at the time of the killing.

Desaulniers said she thinks about her mother every day, calling her a "loving person." She said even now she is startled at unexpected noises in her home, like a floor creaking, worried she might be the victim of a crime.

According to testimony presented at trial, Girardi was killed after she returned home on April 3, 1992, and found Jackson, then 18, and an accomplice leaving her home with stolen jewelry and other items. While Jackson's accomplice ran, Jackson used an ax he found in a woodshed to strike Girardi repeatedly in the head.

Lachette, Jackson's accomplice, testified against him at trial, where it was revealed that the pair planned the burglary to get money to buy marijuana. Lachette pleaded guilty to burglary and conspiracy and was released from prison in 1996.

Two different juries recommended the death penalty for Jackson, the first after deliberating less than two hours. Jackson told a second jury in 1995 that he was a changed person and apologized to Girardi's family.

"I can't explain what happened," he said, according to one news account at the time. "I don't know what happened ? a mistake."

The jury voted for the death penalty 11-1.

Jackson is the 15th person Delaware has put to death since 1992 when the state again began executions after a decades-long hiatus. The last inmate to be executed by the state was Brian Steckel, who was executed in 2005 for raping and strangling a neighbor, Sandra Lee Long, who burned to death in a fire Steckel set. While awaiting trial in Long's 1994 murder, Steckel sent taunting and threatening letters to people involved in the case, including Long's mother.

A total of 19 other inmates, all men, are currently on death row in the state.


Associated Press writer Brian Witte in Smyrna, Del., contributed to this report.


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'Zombie' Stars Cast Light on Mysterious Dark Energy (

Astronomers probing the deepest mysteries of the universe are getting help from "zombie" stars, dead white dwarfs that come back to life in huge explosions.

The cosmic zombies are officially known as Type Ia supernovas, and they're helping scientists study dark energy? the mysterious stuff thought to make up three-quarters of the universe, and to be responsible for its accelerating expansion. ?

"These stars are tools for measuring dark energy," said Andy Howell, of the University of California, Santa Barbara, in a statement. Howell wrote a review article on the topic for the June 14 issue of the journal Nature Communications. "They're all about the same brightness, so we can use them to figure out distances in the universe." [The Strangest Things in Space]

As bright as 1 billion suns

Supernovas are stellar explosions, and they've been observed since at least 1054 A.D., when an exploded star formed what we know today as the Crab Nebula.

Type Ia supernovas are a distinct class that originate in binary star systems. At least one of the two stars in such a system is a white dwarf ? a tiny, super-dense star that has ceased undergoing nuclear fusion reactions.

"That's what our sun will be at the end of its life," Howell said. "It will have the mass of the sun crammed into the size of the Earth."

White dwarfs are "dead." But in a binary system, they don't have to stay that way. They can roar back to life in a huge explosion by sucking material from their companion stars, or by merging with them. That's where the "zombie" bit comes in. [Top 10 Star Mysteries]

These blasts are incredibly luminous, often blazing up with the light of one billion suns, Howell said. And they're consistent enough that astrophysicists use them as "standard candles" for measuring distances in the universe.

Mapping out dark energy

The study of Type Ia supernovas led scientists to propose the existence of dark energy about 20 years ago, Howell said.

"What we've found is that the universe hasn't been expanding at the same rate," Howell said. "And it hasn't been slowing down as everyone thought it would be, due to gravity. Instead, it has been speeding up. There's a force that counteracts gravity, and we don't know what it is. We call it dark energy."

Dark energy is likely a property of space, Howell said. And continuing to study Type Ia supernovas may help researchers get a better handle on just what the stuff is.

"Space itself has some energy associated with it," Howell said. "That's what the results seem to indicate, that dark energy is distributed everywhere in space. It looks like it's a property of the vacuum, but we're not completely sure. We're trying to figure out how sure we are of that ?? and if we can improve Type Ia supernovae as standard candles, we can make our measurements better."

Throughout history, people have noticed a few supernovas so bright they could be seen with the naked eye, such as the famous 1054 supernova. With modern telescopes, astronomers have discovered supernovas farther away, and the instruments just keep getting better and better. So a breakthrough may well be on the horizon.

"The next decade holds real promise of making serious progress in the understanding of nearly every aspect of supernovae Ia, from their explosion physics, to their progenitors, to their use as standard candles," Howell wrote in the review article. "And with this knowledge may come the key to unlocking the darkest secrets of dark energy."

Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.


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Samsung second quarter profit slides 18 percent (AP)

SEOUL, South Korea ? Samsung's net profit slid 18 percent in the second quarter as weakness in semiconductors and liquid crystal displays countered the electronics giant's growing strength in smartphones.

Samsung, the world's biggest manufacturer of memory chips, LCDs and flat screen televisions, earned 3.51 trillion won ($3.33 billion) in the three months ended June 30, it said Friday in a regulatory filing. Samsung earned 4.28 trillion won the same period last year.

Samsung has suffered this year due to slack prices for electronic components amid oversupply and weak demand. Net profit slumped 30 percent in the first quarter amid declines in memory chip prices and reduced profitability in LCDs and TVs.

Second quarter sales at the Suwon, South Korea-based company rose 4.1 percent to 39.4 trillion won from 37.9 trillion won a year earlier.

"We were confronted with a difficult business environment overall," Robert Yi, a Samsung vice president, said on an earnings conference call. Global economic uncertainties persisted, and consumer demand for products such as personal computers and televisions was "soft."

He added that PC and TV demand weakness may continue in the current third quarter given that the global economci recovery remains unclear.

Yi said Samsung's revenue gain was "mainly due to strong handset performance led by continuing success of our smartphones," though emphasized that smartphones and tablets face intensifying competition. Both operating profit and sales in Samsung's memory business fell as weak global personal computer sales suppressed demand for DRAM, or dynamic random access memory, chips used in the devices, the company said in a release.

Samsung's display panel business racked up an operating loss of 210 billion won, reversal from profit of 880 billion won the year before, with sales declining 9 percent as LCD prices fell.

Yi called the results in that sector "quite disappointing."

Unlike in the past, the company did not provide specific figures for individual product sales volumes and prices during the quarter.

Yi cited "increased risks that the information we provide may adversely affect our own businesses" as among reasons for the company's decision to not give such details.

The bright spot in the second quarter continued to be mobile phones. Revenues in the company's mobile communications business, which includes phones, rose 45 percent from the year before. Sales of mobile phones increased from the previous quarter on the back of the company's flagship Galaxy S II smartphone.

Samsung, which ranks No. 2 in mobile phones behind Finland's Nokia Corp., has sold more than 5 million units globally of the updated smartphone since it went on sale in late April.

Samsung expects demand for mobile phones to increase 15 percent in the second half of this year driven by consumers upgrading to smartphones, it said in the release.

Shin Jong-kyun, president of the company's mobile communications business, has said previously that the company's sales target for mobile phones this year is 300 million handsets. Out of that total, the company expects 60 million to be smartphones.

Shares in Samsung, which announced results before South Korea's stock market opened, rose 0.8 percent to close Friday at 844,000 won. The company's stock price has declined 11 percent so far this year.


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Southern, Central and Northern Italian cuisine

Southern Italy

Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia is Italy's south, home to rugged cucina povera (peasant cooking) and a wonderful meal of what in regions such as sun-ripened vegetables available to create and fruit, cereals for pasta and cheese.

Around Rome, Lazio is affected by food only in the capital. Roman cuisine is not as fine cuisineand uses primarily of pasta, beans, artichokes, spaghetti with meat and its Carbonara (ham, bacon, cheese and eggs) and bucatini amatriciana (bacon, tomatoes and Parmesan) (cured cheek Peg) local bacon. In the rural areas by Lazio, is often the lamb (lamb fed with milk) in dishes such as lamb used.

Abruzzo and Molise are rural mountain regions with strong culinary traditions. Molise produces end lentils, pasta and olive oil and saffronis grown in the Abruzzo region, with the divolilli (small chilies) that go in many dishes.

The cuisine of Campania and Naples is famous throughout the world with a variety of pasta dishes like spaghetti with tomato-basil sauce, all the spaghetti with clams (clams), topped pizza with fresh mozzarella and eggplant parmigiana. In addition to fresh mozzarella made from buffalo milk or cow's milk produced, there is a good ricotta, goat cheese, and cheese. Lemons are used in graniteand limoncello.

Puglia has had many foreign invaders, but the food remains Italian. Orecchette ear in the past is a form of delicious, locally with kohlrabi (turnip) and serving fine cheeses such as cheese, smoked cheese and feta cheese.

Basilicata is one of the poorest regions in Italy, but it's bad kitchen (country cooking) dominate, followed by pasta and vegetables, is delicious. And meat dishes are seasoned with hot peppers (a variety of hot peppers).

ToTip of Italy, Calabria two coasts, a lot to give fish and seafood, especially swordfish and tuna. Citrus fruits grow well in this region, as well as figs and olives. Chili adds heat to the kitchen and there are good and provolone.

Sicilian cuisine has long been influenced by outsiders, especially the Arabs, who brought the sugar. The island of sweets (candies), are considered of granite and ice still the best in Italy. There are also a large selection of seafood, citrus andCapers make caponata (eggplant caponata, a court, a salad of cooked eggplant is fried and made ??with chopped celery, vinegar, sugar and capers in a sweet and sour sauce). The Sardinians have always looked more to it inhospitable to the food they once infected mosquitoes costs. The food is on pork and lamb, percorino, Box carsu (unleavened bread) and honey.

Centre Italy

Emilia Romagna, Marche,Tuscany and Umbria, Italy form the center. This is an area of fresh pasta, cheese and wine robust. Emilia Romagna is known as the largest region in Italy for the food. Emilia Romagna is the home of homemade pasta. In Bologna, pasta, lasagna, tortellini, and are favored. In Emilia, preparing the dough is a work of art.

The pig is a traditional cuisine of Emilia-Romagna. Ham, the most famous of pork products in Italy, made in Parma. Cup andPancetta are specialties of Piacenza in the north. The tender meat that is often transferred from other countries than in fact the famous Bologna Mortadella Bologna.

Romagna has a tradition of fish dishes, fish soup, the taste of fish soups. Parmigiano Reggiano, the unrivaled king of cheese.

Another of the great contributions of the Emilia-Romagna cuisine is the balsamic vinegar, produced in Modena for centuries.

Parma ham is produced in the south of Parma very thin and often served with bread. Parmesan cheese is eaten in chunks or grated on a wonderful fresh egg noodles.

Le Marche is a region self-sufficient. And "for the fish from the Adriatic, which are used to create local versions of the rich fish soup, fish soup is to produce well-known. The local cuisine also makes use of black and white truffles, mushrooms and fennel. Tamed dishes are fried ( roast pork) and vincisgrassi is lasagna made with chicken livers and ham.Pasta>, especially macaroni and noodles, has an important tradition in the Marches. Latin pasta factory produces some of the best homemade pasta of the traditions. Mushrooms grow in abundance in this area. Three kinds of truffles are also found in the Marches, which rivals the white Alba. Cauliflower is the brand famous throughout Italy. And fruits such as apples, peaches, figs and cherries are rich and juicy, a testament to the fertility Ground.

Tuscan cuisine is just as some of the simplest known in Italy. The best olive oils are there. Meals are centered in meat, especially beef. The wines of Tuscany are well with Chianti's most famous Italian red. Tuscan fat away and keep the spit or narrow. Meat such as beef, chicken and grilled, roasted rabbit with rosemary or a rule or fennel. Most are accompanied by a wedge of lemon, the idea of ??a Tuscan sauce. Along the coast,Dishes> are fish with baby eels, at the mouth of the Arno, a specialty based only found in Tuscany. Olive oil is so pervasive in the Tuscan cuisine, which is also used in sweets, like the locals, the chestnut cake, a cake made with chestnut flour, fennel, raisins and pine nuts. In general, the desserts are as simple as the other Tuscan kitchen. "A common after-dinner treat biscuits is immersed in a glass of Vin Santo Bernstein. Siena is the home of gingerbread (" strong bread "), a large diningCake invented during the Crusades, to support the troops.

Tuscan wines are dominated by the local Sangiovese, Chianti Classico and the backbone of the full depth of the Brunello.

Umbrian food is plentiful and easy. And 'famous for his use of pork. It is also the home of great cheese. Umbrian dishes are rarely more than four or five ingredients and meat and vegetables are often served plain or sauceless. The meat is important for this region, and that's whereSalami is at its best. Salami, salami, sausages, cured and smoked meat on each restaurant appetizer cart. Beef is also good, especially when it is raised by the cows near the border with Tuscany. Umbria is landlocked as are freshwater fish, carp, pike and eels are an important part of the cuisine of the region.

Olive oil is in the region spice of choice. Pastas rather long and thick and often flavored with a grating of his world-famous black truffles, which are usedfreely about everything from polenta, potatoes. Perugia, the capital of the region is world famous for its chocolate. Perugina Baci manufacturer is located here. The desserts are often flavored with honey, chestnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and almonds.

Although not a great wine region, Umbria produces light, dry Orvieto, a favorite among the princes and popes, and the wine, for which the region is famous. This region also produces a beautiful rich red MontefalcoRed

Northern Italy

Piedmont, Val d'Aosta, Lombardy, Liguria, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy Make-up North. Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Liguria and Lombardy and Trentino Alto Adige in norhwest, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the northeast. Established under the influence of their neighbors to the north and mountainous terrain. Polenta and rice staple foods and dairy products, and its wines are among the best in Italy. Piedmont is home to much White truffles from Alba sprinkled melted fontina cheese over pasta or eggs. This region also produces great wines in Italy, Barolo and Barbaresco.

The valley famous for its cheese, fontina and robiola that are central to the cuisine of the region of Aosta.

Lombardy is dominated by rich agricultural land and has a varied cuisine. Many of Italy's best cheeses, like Gorgonzola, Taleggio, Bel Paese and Grana Padano cheese are produced here and fresh> Pasta, polenta and rice are all very amused.

Ligurian cuisine uses many herbs in the mountains that provide an abundance of herbs for cooking. Specialities are cakes and nut sauce.

Trentino Alto Adige is divided into two gastronomical. Tyrol in northern Italy and the kitchen includes bacon (ham), dumplings (dumplings) and goulash (goulash soup is primarily, although existing as a stew, usually beef, onions, vegetables, spices and peppersPowder). The Trentino is Italian, although dumplings (dumplings) are very popular and delicious apples this region are made from a local apple strudel. Polenta and bread to accompany the meals.

The Veneto is known for its ease of preparation of seafood such as Molech (soft shell crab) are known.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia is known for its prosciutto di San Daniele ham sweet fine known.


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Larry Flynt to Daniel Tosh: Run My Company!

Hustler CEO Larry Flynt is going to be out of town for a few weeks. That's nice for him. Obviously, he wants Daniel Tosh to run Hustler while he's gone.

Flynt just shot a video message just for the Tosh.0 host, saying "I'm gonna be out of town and I WANT YOU to run Hustler's editorial meeting."

Why Daniel Tosh of all people? Flynt's camp says he's kicking around idea of a guest editor ... and he just likes the guy. That's all there is to it.

Larry Flynt PicA Daniel Tosh Picture

Who knew Larry was such a big fan of viral video-related comedy?

A Hustler rep tells TMZ, "[Tosh] will be allowed to plan the magazine's editorial meetings for one month ... he will be given a blank canvas."

Flynt's even offering Tosh his own office with a "Hustler model secretary." Hustler hasn't heard back from Tosh regarding the unique offer.



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The Best Forex Market Hours For Maximum Profitability. | Finance ...

The Best Forex Market Hours For Maximum Profitability.

Whether you call it forex, FX or the foreign currency market, the subject is the same the international foreign currency exchange market. Unlike stock or other securities, foreign currency trades are not conducted at a single central market. In this market, there are a few global centers of finance which serve as the hubs for this market instead.

There are several different things which distinguish the foreign currency exchange market from other markets. These include the following:

- High liquidity due to large trade volume ? Decentralized global distribution ? High volatility in relative exchange rates ? Relatively low ratio of profit to income ? Open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week

The last of these factors is a frequent source of confusion and frustration for novice money changers. In the context of currency trading, ?24-hour operation? carries very different connotations than its ordinary implied definition.

Many people hear 24 hours and think that they can trade any time they like. While this is true technically speaking, there is more to it than this.

Rather than non-stop activity at a central location, ?continuous trading? denotes the perpetual existence of exchange opportunities somewhere in the world.

Due to time zones, it is always trading hours somewhere on the planet (except on weekends). When one market closes, one is open somewhere else around the globe. Knowing this is important to your career as a Forex trader, because there are good times for trading and times which are not quite so good.

The best time for forex trading is when there is a high volume of trades going on. At these times, traders have the best chance of making profitable trades; the best time is when trading is going on in multiple countries simultaneously.

Most currency trading markets are open from 8 AM to 4 PM (local time). Traders should find out which times of day that the trade volumes are highest. The higher the volume, the better off you are is the rule of thumb.

Major forex market hours are as follows:

New York ? trades from 8 am to 5 pm EST Tokyo ? trades from 7 pm to 4 am EST Sydney ? trades from 5 am to 2 am EST London ? trades from 3 am to 12 noon EST

So supposing you live in the US Eastern Time Zone, the best times to trade are:

New York and London ? from 8 am to 12 noon EST Sydney/Tokyo ? from 7 pm to 2 am EST London/Tokyo ? from 3 am to 4 am EST

There are quite a few websites out there aimed at Forex traders where you can download free programs to tell you the best trading times for your time zone. Just search for "Forex trading hours" in the search engine of your choice and you should find one.

Peddling within the boundaries of the forex trade arena is a highly dangerous game to play. Thousands of hopeful investors in the foreign exchange trading market are still peddling tirelessly.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Japanese police practice for dolphin hunt protests (AP)

TOKYO ? Japanese police and coast guard officers practiced chasing a protest boat and arresting activists Wednesday in preparation for annual dolphin hunts that are attracting more foreign opponents to a sleepy fishing village.

The security drill with about 100 officers was aimed at guarding the southwestern town of Taiji before hunting season starts in September, a Wakayama prefectural police official said.

The officers practiced responding to a ship carrying several activists intruding in the bay and damaging a fishnet.

In a mock chase in the cove, a coast guard patrol ship stopped the protest boat and arrested a pair of activists for trespassing and vandalizing the net. On the ground, police officers practiced arresting other activists trying to block a truck carrying a freshly harvested dolphin.

The drill ended safely without incident, the official said on condition of anonymity for security reasons.

The bay is where the Oscar-winning documentary "The Cove" was secretly filmed. Its shocking scene of about a dozen fishermen scaring and culling the animals outraged many around the world, but Japan defended the hunts as tradition even though many Japanese have never eaten dolphin meat.

Since the success of the movie, Taiji has been inundated with a growing number of foreign protesters, including the environmental group Sea Shepherd that has also stepped up violent protests against Japan's research whaling in the Antarctic waters in recent years.

"We understand that people have different views about dolphin hunts in Taiji, but we must crack down on actions such as harassment, slander, vandalism and trespassing, which clearly constitute crime," Wakayama Gov. Yoshinobu Nisaka said last week.

Police will be added in the town before the hunts begin to deter anticipated standoffs between activists and townspeople, the governor said.

Japan allows about 20,000 dolphins to be caught each year. Only about 2,000 of those are taken in Taiji, but it has caught attention because the town's practice is to push the animals to shore and slaughter them in shallow water, as opposed to harpooning them at sea.


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Myanmar's Suu Kyi seeks end to ethnic fighting (AP)

YANGON, Myanmar ? Pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has called upon Myanmar's new president to implement a cease-fire and open peace talks to end fighting with ethnic guerrilla groups.

Suu Kyi's open letter sent Thursday to President Thein Sein and four rebellious ethnic groups warns that their conflict can expand if not addressed through genuine negotiations.

She offered to assist in any way she could to help achieve a cease-fire. Ethnic minority groups have been fighting for decades for more autonomy.

Fighting erupted last month near the Chinese border after the army demanded that ethnic Kachin guerrillas withdraw from positions near a Myanmar-Chinese joint venture hydropower project.

The Shan, Mon and Karen are the other ethnic groups to whom Suu Kyi appealed.


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Business Management Psychology ? Episode #71 | CEO ...

The following video is borrowed from our platform and was originally recorded for our business management training program.? In this video, I talk about leveraging the power of reciprocation in business management.? I explain what this psychological principle is and how it can really help in managing your business.

Video Transcript/Summary: The strategies and tips provided within this video module include:

  1. Reciprocation is the influence law that when you give someone something they will want to pay you back in some way.
  2. There are many ways to utilize reciprocation in business management.
  3. One way to do this is through the people who you are managing.? There may be various conflicts regarding your employees and you can use reciprocation to better manage these individuals.? You can use this strategy when assigning work, negotiating paid leave/sick days and other areas; then, your employee will reciprocate with positive performance, a good review to your superiors, and other great results.?
  4. Another way to use reciprocation is to gain the respect of your boss, your superior or business partner.? For example, you can take the initiative to document your processes or some other way of providing value first without demanding something in return.
  5. If you make a habit of providing value first, then you will find others reciprocating and helping your business grow.

Reciprocation is a very important psychological principle and I have found that it can be very helpful in motivating and managing employees, developing strong business partnerships and gaining recognition as a business leader.

Thanks for joining us, and I will see you again soon,


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Internet Promotion Through Different Niche Weblog Sites | Making ...

July 28th, 2011 by Daniel Nichols

The expression website marketing pertains to marketing of a variety of products and solutions in world-wide-web such as cars plus cash. This may also be known as web business, online business, i-business, e-business, etc. Marketing through internet services has become common and it is adopted everywhere because there are immediate responses and results to the marketing of products over internet. This makes easy to buy and sell goods online. Concerned with the technical aspects of cars plus cash system Internet Marketing, the layout and advancement features have to be concentrated a lot more and the various advertising techniques must be originative used to entice SEO visitors.

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One of the Fastest Ways to Get a Product ... - Writing and Speaking

July 26th, 2011 by

I see nothing wrong with copycatting a product, but there is a right way to do it and a wrong way. The right way is to find a product that is already successful and tweak it a little. This can be done several ways. One way is by making the product better. Maybe the original product left out some important details or neglected an entire subject directly related to the topic. Another way is to take a slightly different look at the topic from a different angle. You can do this by widening or narrowing the target market for the product. Yet another way is to simply update an old or outdated product. Things move fast on the internet. Some very successful products that are only a couple years old are already ancient and outdated. You can take a product that was a huge success and re-do it with up-to-date, current, relevant info.

Source:One of the Fastest Ways to Get a Product Online Is to Copycat an Existing Product

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Online Shopping For Large Size Lingerie |

Anywhere in the world you?ll find a shop dedicated to extending exclusive service to large size women worldwide. This is a few of the benefits we get with advancement and progress in technology. Everything becomes available for everyone. Before the popularity of online stores and online shopping large size women can only lean on available stock in stores and wish to find any lingerie available for their size.

The only available colors for large size lingerie was limited but today, the options and variety of colors and styles to pick and purchase is infinite. You can have different color sets and alluring designs to pick from today?s lingerie selection and use different designs and different color of underwear sets daily. You?ll have no worries purchasing another sets thinking there will be waiting for the next batch of lingerie to arrive. With current innovations your credit card can allow you to shop till you drop online with great discounts on most items you see. Online shops offer more discounts than those local shops you can find in your area as they don?t require so much manpower to run and man the shop. All you need is to visit their website, put the item into your card and pay for it using your credit card and wait for a couple of days for the parcel to arrive.

This is all thanks to technological advancement were experiencing; there is no other way to go but forward. Due to this big step in technology every woman in the world has access to the sexiest in design large size lingerie. Women from size 14 and above can now find a comfortable fit perfectly made for their size. No more hassle of going in circles in stores and stalls in search of a good combination or set of underwear. Nowadays there are hundreds of available designs to select from. There are large size corsets, camisoles, body stockings, bustier, babydolls, gorgeous underwear bra and panty sets, boy?s shorts and many more. There are hundreds of online shops for large size lingerie on the net; it is up to you to research the best online large size lingerie shops with good reviews and good lingerie offers. You can find good available information using the right keyword search in finding the best large size lingerie store online that offer great selection and discounts.

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20th Century Fox Adapting ESPN: Those Guys Have All the Fun


20th Century Fox is grabbing the rights to James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales? book ESPN: Those Guys Have All the Fun, which chronicles the creation of the sports network empire. The book is told using stories told directly by past and present ESPN broadcasters, producers, and personalities. Deadline reports that there is significant interest in the project from directors and screenwriters all over town, as it?s ripe with dramatic content similar to The Social Network.

I?ve yet to read the book, but I?ve heard it?s significantly dense. A good adaptation (paging Aaron Sorkin) pulling from the best stories could result in a fantastically entertaining movie that?s sure to draw a huge interest from the sports-minded American public. Michael De Luca, Dana Brunetti and Julie Yorn are producing. Hit the jump for a description of the book.

espn_those_guys_hvae_all_the_fun_book_coverHere?s the synopsis for ESPN: Those Guys Have All the Fun:

ESPN began as an outrageous gamble with a lineup that included Australian Rules Football, rodeo, and a rinky-dinky clip show called Sports Center. Today the empire stretches far beyond television into radio, magazines, mobile phones,the internet, video games and more, while ESPN?s personalities have become global superstars to rival the sports icons they cover. Chris Berman, Robin Roberts, Keith Olbermann, Hannah Storm, Bill Simmons, Tony Kornheiser, Stuart Scott, Erin Andrews, Mike Ditka, Bob Knight, and scores of others speak openly about the games, shows, scandals, gambling addictions, bitter rivalries, and sudden suspensions that make up the network?s soaring and stormy history. The result is a wild, smart, effervescent story of triumph, genius, ego, and the rise of an empire unlike any television had ever seen. [Amazon]


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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cistera Networks and Sipera Systems Deliver Disaster Recovery for ...

Cistera Networks?, a leading provider of enterprise application platforms and engines for unified communications, announces the delivery of a comprehensive unified communications disaster recovery and business continuity solution for a global financial services group, provided in conjunction with UC security solutions vendor Sipera Systems.

July 26, 2011 - Cistera Networks?, a leading provider of enterprise application platforms and engines for unified communications, announces the delivery of a comprehensive unified communications disaster recovery and business continuity solution for a global financial services group, provided in conjunction with UC security solutions vendor Sipera Systems.

With call center agents and traders distributed throughout North and South America, the financial services group identified a critical business need around operational continuity and disaster recovery. The unified communications solution needed to be fully recoverable in the event of a disaster such as adverse weather conditions. While the customer had a backup data center connected using metropolitan fiber to duplicate computer capacity in the event of an emergency, the solution also required that agents be able to work from various locations including from home when circumstances require. Furthermore, the customer needed to ensure that all of the unified communications traffic could be monitored for quality, recorded as needed, and properly encrypted as required for compliance with privacy laws and retention rules.

Cistera delivered two CCS 2540 high availability servers running the latest version of Cistera Quality Assurance and Management software, one at each data center. The CCS integrated with the award-winning Sipera UC-Sec security appliances to provide secure access from any location through secure connections, and to send communications traffic to CCS for quality assurance and compliance purposes. Each agent is able to access all unified communications functions regardless of location and services required. The combined solution ensures that these communications are monitored and archived to meet quality targets and compliance rules, while at the same time being encrypted and fully private to traverse external networks to reach agents.

?Cistera and Sipera are among the few vendors capable of delivering secure and highly available unified communications regardless of distance and security requirements? says Cistera CEO Greg Royal. ?Previously, capability was lost when a disaster plan was implemented. Today with Cistera and Sipera that is no longer the case. Call Centers can be back up and running without loss of customer service and capability.?

?Communications continuity is an essential part of maintaining smooth operations when the unexpected hits,? said John Lochow, CEO of Sipera
Systems. ?With Sipera and Cistera, an enterprise can maintain mission-critical communications while also ensuring these communications meet all quality, privacy and retention requirements.?

With Sipera's solutions, firms are adopting enterprise-wide encrypted UC, safe SIP trunks, teleworker programs, IM archiving and monitoring, secure remote offices, and compliant UC. Sipera's groundbreaking "Borderless UC" architecture enables all communications to be encrypted and compliant on any device in any location inside or outside the enterprise, vital for delivering a truly comprehensive business continuity solution.

The award-wining Cistera ConvergenceServer is the industry's most comprehensive delivery platform for a robust and scalable solution that adds features and functionality to a communications environment. Each Cistera ConvergenceServer comes equipped with the full range of Cistera application engines, making installation and expansion a simple, straightforward process. The platform's broad portfolio of virtualized application services enables users to improve satisfaction, increase productivity and collaboration as well as provide a safer environment. Based on open standards and a proven server technology foundation, the Cistera ConvergenceServer's single unified administration lowers the total cost of ownership of a full-featured communications solution.

About Cistera Networks, Inc.
Cistera Networks is a leading provider of enterprise application communications platforms and services. The company blends powerful application infrastructure with industry-specific business processes, to deliver the benefits of voice, video and data convergence to the user. Cistera?s industry-leading platform delivers the most reliable, scalable and secure application services for IP-based network environments. Its broad portfolio of application services enables users to improve customer service and satisfaction, increase productivity and collaboration, improve responsiveness to critical incidents and to provide a safer environment. For more information, please see

About Sipera Systems
Sipera Systems is the worldwide leader in solutions for the safe, simple and controlled deployment of IP-based business communications. Sipera?s groundbreaking Unified Communications (UC) security products are the choice of enterprises and service providers around the globe for deploying secure VoIP, SIP trunks, video conferencing, cloud-based communications, instant messaging, and collaboration tools.

Independent research by industry analysts shows that Sipera?s solutions can accelerate VoIP and UC project deployment by up to one third. Backed by the industry-leading research of the VIPER Lab, Sipera's solutions provide the industry?s best protection against toll fraud, identity theft, denial of service, unauthorized intrusion, eavesdropping and other common business communications threats. Pre-integrated with all market-leading UC vendor solutions, Sipera?s offerings include the world's first UC security device to be Common Criteria certified, meeting the stringent international standard for IT security.

Media Contact:
Jan Jahosky
TurboPR for Sipera Systems


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Strategic Planning Consultant along with the Advantages You Reap ...

The positive aspects are abundant to get a enterprise individual who features a sound company program and a strategic strategy. And if it had been not a breeze for you to formulate your online business plan, you'll be able to search to a strategic planning consultant to produce out your strategic strategy. If it is a massive query mark for you why you will need to have a strategic plan, here?s a list of the advantages you reap once you have one particular.

To begin with, you will have much more concentrate on your side. Let?s say your goal would be to have enhanced revenue or even to become the expert inside the market place. You'll want to devote your sources to these targets. The longer you go without having a program, the simpler it can be to make use of your sources around the non-important items. The far more you?ll be employing it up for issues that wouldn?t make you a money making firm or a company using a good reputation for becoming the leader inside the sector.

Yet another benefit of finding assist from a strategic planning consultant and acquiring a strategic program created will be obtaining awareness of just how dynamic your enterprise environment is. From there, you will also find out to transform with the times and construct enterprise processes that may take you to new heights when it comes to your targets. Issues continually transform in life and it?s exactly the same with company. It really is constantly very best that you?re ready and that you just even anticipate it inside your strategic program.

The general business performance is a mirror of what the people in the business do. If you have a program that looks on the net organization culture and a plan that evaluates it, if it?s doing properly or if it desires to become improved, you can become a far better company from making that alter alone. Let?s say you locate staff members who do well as leaders, promoting them and generating them run things would bring about opportunities for reaching achievement like you?ve in no way had before.

Plans are indispensable if you have goals for accomplishment. In business, one of the most important plans would be a business strategy along with a strategic program from a strategic planning consultant.

About the Author

For more information about Strategic Planning Consultant,visit the website.
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Radio Equipment For Slicing Expenses Quick | Skalz Blog&#39;s

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Radio equipment like that of the Citizens? band Radio or also known as CB Radios are being utilized by most countries in the world as a medium for brief distance communication. The radios can transmit communication from completely different selections of 40 channels that would usually range for about 27 MHz. Satellite radio gear are normally used in the government, within the military, in some business operations, and more. However what people do not likely know as of right this moment is that they may nonetheless be viable sufficient to be used as a method of figuring out other individuals in a novel means of communication. The younger folks and even the younger adults of at this time are so much into the world of the World Vast Web. They?re undoubtedly into chat rooms, dwell video chatting, emailing, social networking sites, and more. But what they have no idea is {that a} contact of old-fashioned may still be fun and adequate for an satisfactory communication with mates and other people.

Within the 70?s, using radio tools were highly appreciated by truckers and cargo personnel?s throughout the oil crisis within the United States. In a while, it was used by people to satisfy new buddies over the city, and get together with them. By this, the use of Radio gadgets have began to evolve and develop into something more enjoyable and exciting thus making it extra seemingly to be used by many. Over the years, film producers were so inspired by its large effect that made them so inspired to put the world of radio communication into action, extra so into movies. Motion pictures like The Dukes of Hazzard, Movin? On, Convoy, and Smokey and the Bandit are only a few examples of flicks that spotlight?s the usage of radio communication.

Radio gear has a wide variety of use surely; people can do operations successfully and effectively with it, business operators can be extra progressive by monitoring their personnel and how they?re doing; and more. However all all through, communication like the standard factor utilized in our day by day lives often correlates to being more prompt and open to other individuals?s concepts and insights on sure things. Fortuitously, satellite tv for pc radio could possibly be one instrument to do that.

People lately use mobile phones and telephones to talk to individuals expensive to them. However issues will not be at all times what they appear to be. These radios are first and foremost able that will help you talk with buddies and different individuals around the space as quick and as less expensive because it can. With cell phones, you are inclined to pay for each name and textual content you make, but with a radio, all you must do is to maneuver the frequency and start chit chatting with the folks near you.

Old skool may be old school, however nonetheless, it helps minimize expenses quick and it still works like charm. Radio is one medium of vehicle for communication. As long as it nonetheless exists, then it can be of nice service to you. If used correctly and in the fitting way, then it may well nonetheless serve you right.

About The Creator

Ethan has been writing articles online for almost 8 years now. Not only does this writer concentrate on Computers and Technology, you can too take a look at his latest web site on the best way to convert AVI to WMV with AVI to WMV converter which also helps people find the best AVI to WMV converter on the market.


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Power Girl #26 ? Review ? Weekly Comic Book Review

By: Matthew Sturges (writer), Hendry Prasetya (artist), Jessica Kholinne (colorist)

The Story: Showing up somewhere in the same outfit as 5,000 other people sure is awkward, ain?t it?

The Review: I?ve said my piece about women and comics this week, but considering the story we get in this issue, let me put in a couple more cents.? Even though it?s a no-brainer that women should have equal standing to men, there should be a few conditions on that point.? The most important is we shouldn?t merely promote women for the sake of promoting women, an act as false as choosing a man over a woman simply because he is a man.

On that note, Power Girl?s fourth wall-breaking speech works on a lot of levels.? In context of the story, where she attends a convention dedicated to her, it?s a very appropriate speech for the attendees.? But her words have a lot of value to us readers as well, particularly those of you who are women.? Her advice is right on the money: ??be vigilant, be true to yourself, and have the courage to speak out and to confront evil??

Left as is, Karen?s discourse would seem to encourage the self-righteous stridence that marks most feminists, but as the rest of the issue shows, this story is less about women as heroes, and more about what makes a hero.? Once the action gets going, gender becomes irrelevant.? Whether you or the characters are male or female, anyone can appreciate ? a hero doesn?t hurt people?to get what she wants,? and ?I could do more than just wear the costume?I want to deserve to.?

All very well and good, and accompanied by a rather fun premise.? I?m always curious to know how our heroes would deal with the otaku culture that would undoubtedly spring up in their wake, and really, it all works out much as you?d expect.? P.G. acts the reluctant celebrity, coming as a guest only for charity, and deals with her adoring and at times awkward (love Marnie?s paralyzing shyness just as she gets the much awaited chance to talk to Karen) cosplaying fans.

That said, this issue really bets on the cuteness of its premise and the touching points it has to make, because the whole basis of the antagonist makes very little sense.? Not for one second do you believe Rana Arenta can be a whit sympathetic, even with a clearly underwritten sob story about her planet enslaved by the ?overlords of Azar for over a hundred years.?? She immediately defeats her attempt to sell herself with her selfish, senseless, and unreasonable demands.

And while the idea of all the Power Girl cosplayers coming to the rescue sounds cute on paper, it feels like Sturges forced the scenes in there instead of letting them unfold naturally.? After all, Karen should be much more capable of handling herself, or what?we should believe some magical golems are all it takes to subdue her?? Anyway, the cosplayers end up underused, and predictably so, so the value of giving them such prominence seems a little questionable.

Prasetya?s manga-ish look for this series works very well, allowing Karen to look her usual strong and sassy self, but still retain a feminine girlishness, living up to both parts of her heroic name.? His style is to-the-point, not given to much depth, which somewhat works given the simplicity of the plots and emotions, ?but still seems flat about half the time.

Conclusion: Charming in some ways, but clearly biding the time until this title disappears off the stands entirely.

Grade: C+

- Minhquan Nguyen

Some Musings: - Honestly, more than being true to themselves and confronting evil, I?d appreciate it if certain girls would stop speaking in questions. ?I?m talking to you, Kira. ??I guess I?m distracting you??From that??

Margo?s reasoning for wanting to be a superhero: ??you don?t have to wear pants.?? Well, being a girl, you don?t have to either.


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Quit Smoking Features That You&#39;ll Apply For Inspiration | Holiday ...

You will discover a bunch of quit smoking facts lists which you can surely look over that will show you the data you are looking for to get rid of your inclination for having a cigarette. A number of facts about this injurious exercise will perhaps astound you and probably offer the lessons you did not take into consideration just so far. You will discover a fair amount of concerns in relation to having a cigarette that you have to learn about which cigarettes factories do not prefer to talk about.

If you take your time and then begin to be taught from a number of of these problems as to what makes this habit such a terrible choice for you, you probably will learn that you have a fair amount of good inspirations to stop the addiction for keeps. It is never too late to stop this dependency. The quicker you can stop, the quicker you can avoid heart disease or types of cancers from taking control of you. You will not want to become infected with a terrible ailment before you break the habit.

A lot of people that actually light a cigarette for extended intervals of time make the choice to get various breathing diseases such as pneumonia. To a mixture of people, pneumonia just isn?t a killer disease, but if you have got a suppressed immune system or are aged, this is a different account. You don?t want to endure these diseases if you can stop smoking soon.

On the list of quit smoking facts that is mainly unreported is the indisputable fact that you will develop a bunch of other ailments which may just be chronic by design. They will not be deadly, although they are often harmful to fitness, like bronchitis. If you might have experienced bouts of bronchitis then it is linked to lighting up cigarettes in many cases.

Possibly the most blatant quit smoking facts are usually those that have to be repeated more often ? just like, call it quits faster and the better off you can be. This seems so understandable however is so often disregarded. The reality is that you will definitely have plenty of time to heal without growing more of an opportunity to acquire long-lasting effects to your health. Don?t suppose it is much too late to stop having a cigarette, only quit earlier rather than later.

You can find a great deal of quit smoking facts that you have to realize in order to totally get serious, and the more that you understand then the better your probability of stopping. Rather than asking someone for more motivators to give up, just consider those that you already recognize. They could be sufficient inspiration for you to recognize that this is a dire pattern that is gradually killing you.

Learn more about Living Healthy and Away From Cigarette Smoke, at Stop Smoking Aids and claim your Free Special Report which is just packed full of related articles. To find a number of different articles on the subject they can be found at


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Monday, July 25, 2011

Learn All About Investing in Silver |

There are various precious metals such as gold, platinum, palladium and silver. Among all these metals, silver seems to be fast reaching a new high. There is still scope for much more in the case of the silver precious metal. This is the only precious metal that has still not scaled a very high price. Back in the 80s the price of silver was only $10 for an ounce and this can be compared to today?s price of $26 per ounce.

If you want to make any investments, there are always a lot of fluctuations in the market value, and silver precious metal is no exception to this rule. But many people are not very comfortable with investing their money in equities or in share markets as these have proved quite risky with a lot of ups and down. For these people, investing in such precious metal like silver and gold would be a very viable option. However, it should be kept in mind that even these investments are not entirely safe as one never knows with the market.

It has been noticed that the price of gold has been continuously on the rise for a few years now but the price of silver too seems to be doing the same, of late. After the economic crash, gold prices first started to zoom as there were many investing in that precious metal and there were few takers for silver precious metal. But when gold started touching $1400, investors seem to be betting on silver and have started putting their money in it.

After the end of this year?s summer, the price of silver has made a substantial increase. This kind of investing in silver has driven the price of silver to over $26 today. Since it seems that the recession is going to continue for some more time, investors will keep on buying these two precious metals, thus helping the price of both silver and gold reach their highest ever.

The last time that the price of silver went really high was in 1980 when an ounce cost $49.45 but this soon came down. But today, it seems that finally the silver precious metal fast equals the other precious metals and is going to break all old records. But it is still far away from the historical peak it reached before.

Want to understand more about the price of silver and precious metals? Check out our tutorial at!


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Factors Regarding Finding a New Home Based Business Opportunity ...

Working from property is a concept which a lot of are taking part in on a daily basis. In today?s world, people are finding distinct employment avenues to pursue which enable them to stay at house with their youngsters, forego the treacherous every day commute and be their own boss all at the same time. For those people who are intrigued by the thought of working from residence and looking for a new residence based organization chance to attempt, there are a couple of elements to think about when trying to discover this kind of income deriving occupation.

Pursue New Business Avenues

There are a lot of work at residence job opportunities which have been attempted in the past but proven to not be productive. In order to uncover a new property based organization chance that works, it is crucial to contemplate what enterprise avenues have not been pursued as vigorously in the past. Whether it is a idea that has not been fully developed by other organizations or if it is some thing new altogether, one need to pursue a new organization avenue so that it is fresh and exciting to the general consumer market.

Shop Around and Don?t Settle on the 1st Concept

1 who is looking to obtain a new house based company opportunity should check out all of their accessible alternatives and not settle for the very first business concept that they feel of. By pursuing their choices vigorously, one can rest assured that all new residence based business opportunities have been adequately researched and the individual has settled on the best 1. By thinking about numerous home-based company alternatives, the prospective company owner will also decide what idea is overused and what company idea is not adequately represented commercially.

Take into account Your Talents

There are so many distinct house based enterprise opportunities which 1 can take part in. With that said, it is essential to take into account a new home based company chance which really reflects one?s talents. This is beneficial for a couple of various factors. Very first, by deciding on a enterprise that reflects one?s talents, the individual can be certain that they know what they are performing with regard to the particular job kind. Secondly, 1 who selects a residence-based business that is in keeping with their talents can assist to guarantee that they will enjoy the work that they do and not be effortlessly bored as could be the case if they had been running a organization that they did not know too significantly about.


Discovering a new property based organization opportunity is not as challenging as it looks. In order to choose the best 1, the prospective organization owner should pursue new business avenues totally and consider their talents when selecting a specific business route to take. This will assist to make certain that the outcome is a total success.


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Student Loan Debt Settlement - Free Articles Directory ...

I want to make a distinction between Authorities based student loans, and Personal based totally student loans. Authorities primarily based student loans are loans which all the phrases corresponding to rate of interest, lending requirements, compensation phrases, and all others are dictated by the Government. Usually their lending limits are capped, however nonetheless the lending standards are very versatile and permits lending to many that might not in another case qualify.

Alternatively, Personal sector loans have a lot tighter lending standards to have the ability to qualify, nevertheless the phrases are set by each lender, and subsequently one may really borrow a lot more.
So the query is whether or not the truth that the student loan was obtained by means of the non-public sector modifications the equation and permits it to be certified for discharge via bankruptcy. The reply isn't a simple one, and I'll attempt to reply this basically and layman terms. Everyone ought to converse to their very personal Chapter Lawyer about their specific case, to guage their specific circumstances.
Actually being able to point out undue hardship is not going to be that simple, and really very difficult. Clearly one would suppose that if one is submitting for Chapter it is because of a gift hardship, however courts are very cautious on accepting the undue hardship claim. The undue hardship in itself is a subject for an extra weblog, and I'll go away it at that, just do not forget that it's vitally unlikely that you will qualify for the undue hardship exclusion.

With that stated, it leaves us with the second necessary concern, and it has to do on whether or not the loan was college licensed or not. Loans that have been faculty certified usually won't be permitted to be discharged from bankruptcy. In the event you're uncertain, I would ask you to name the lending institution and ask them to send you a duplicate of the certification offered by the varsity to them previous to the disbursement of the loan.
Does this suggest that if the loan was not licensed, then it may be discharged? Maybe, but one should have a look at whether the amount of the loan was all through the definition of cost of attendance or whether or not or not it exceeded the anticipated household contribution. Due to this a Personal sector loan that was not licensed nonetheless was within the definition of cost of attendance and didn't exceed the anticipated household contribution usually may not be discharged via bankruptcy.

So for individuals who?re looking for to discharge your student debt via bankruptcy, you've got a protracted arduous road ahead, and extra doubtless than not, a lifeless end. I prefer to recommend that you simply just seek the recommendation of together with your legal professional sooner than making any alternative
When good people have essential financial points, they owe it to themselves and their households to contemplate bankruptcy. There is no such factor as a goal not to reap the benefits of our free office session and customized evaluation from an sincere and caring bankruptcy lawyer.

About the Author

After completing my Bachelor and Master degree in economics at the University of M?nster, Germany, I moved to Spain to write my Ph.D. under the supervision of Jes?s Huerta de Soto. I earned my Ph.D. in economics with a thesis on the theory of deflation. I am currently an Assistant Profesor at the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. My main interests are monetary theory, capital theory and business cycle theory. Lately, I have written on the financial crisis, maturity mismatching and qualitativ
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Church Hill Bans Pets In Public Parks - News Story - WCYB Tri Cities

By Joe Milner

POSTED: 5:24 pm EDT July 21, 2011

The city of Church Hill, Tennessee has banned pets in all five public parks.

Mayor Dennis Deal proposed the ban during Tuesday night's board of mayor and aldermen meeting and it was passed. Deal says they've had issues with people not cleaning up after their dogs or keeping them on leashes.

The ban takes effect immediately and the city is working on putting up signs.

So far there's no actual ordinance in place so fines will not be issued.

Copyright 2011 WCYB. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday, July 22, 2011

On Personal Guarantees ? RevenueLoan Blog

I. No Free Lunch.

?Unsecured Business Loans!?? ?No Personal Guarantees!?? ?Free Beer and Hot Girls!!?

Yeah, right.

Lots of folks are clearly interested in the question, ?how can I get financing for my business without taking on a huge personal risk of ruin??? And, just like any time there?s a lot of folks interested and highly motivated, in a complicated problem involving money, there?s a huge shitstorm of shady mofos ready to please ? or so they claim.

The fact is: small businesses are hugely risky, and nobody is going to take that risk fully (or even mostly) away from the vast majority of entrepreneurs.? Up until a business has $20 M (or more) in revenue, it might as well be viewed as just an extension of the entrepreneur?s personal credit.

So, you can pretty much count out anyone who promises to give you an unsecured, unguaranteed business loan (unless your company happens to be rated by Moody?s and can issue your own bonds).

(Yeah, VC backed companies are different ? but there have also been fewer than 30,000 VC backed companies ever in the history of the universe ? vs. the 30,000,000 businesses currently in the US.)

II. No Free Lunch ? Except for the banksters.

This is true for banks, credit card issuers, and specialty financiers all the same.? Seriously: go ask for an SBA loan ? personal guarantee.? Try to get a credit card in the name of your business ? no problem, with your own FICO score and personal guarantee.? Asset backed loan or merchant advance?? Betcha dollars to donuts, personal guarantee.

(In fact, it?s kind of a farce that these products hold themselves out as ?business finance,? so as to avoid the laws and rules of usury and consumer protection.? After all ? a business loan with a personal guarantee is kind of a mirror reflection of a consumer loan with a business as co-signer.)

So, here we are at Lighter Capital (nee RevenueLoan) with a quandary.? We kind of hate the idea of a personal guarantee on our RevenueLoans.? We find it farcical and repugnant that others advertise themselves as business financiers but fully expect that many of their businesses will default, and they?ll wind up going after ex-entrepreneurs who?ve schlepped back into day jobs to scrape back pennies from their paychecks.? We don?t want to do that.

III. Never say never?

But we?ve run into a few situations, especially in the last several weeks, where the word ?? guarantee ?? has cautiously, and none too enthusiastically, crossed our lips in conversations with entrepreneurs.? This has caused a few awkward moments, where a concerned and ticked-off entrepreneur wonders if we are trying to bait-and-switch him, and we wonder what we did to be so offensive.

So let me get this off my chest right here: We at RevenueLoan don?t /always/ ask for personal guarantees.? But we don?t /never/ ask for any form of guarantee.? Sometimes, we think a certain form of ?Working Guarantee,? perhaps tweaked or limited, is the right thing to do for all concerned.? Here?s why.

Oftentimes, we want to find a way to fund a company, but we feel stuck around the ?intellectual property [IP] collateral question.?? You see, the main reason we ask for a security interest in the IP of our customers? companies is NOT because we figure we can sell the IP in a pinch and get our money back.? Instead, the IP is our guarantee of ?stickwithitness.?

IV. Sticking with the business, NOT sticking it to the entrepreneur.

If you?ve got the recipe for the world?s best chocolate chip cookie (hi Michael!) or the world?s smoothest ? and only ? goat milk frozen yogurt (hi Laura!), then we trust you are motivated to USE that recipe.? And so we take a security interest in the recipe ? not because we want to ?repossess? the recipe, but because it?s what binds us together.? Keep using the recipe, please, and keep paying us our agreed % of revenue.? As long as we?ve both done the right math at the beginning, this should be totally doable and win-win.

However, if the secret to your business success is not in a recipe or a formula, nor in a patent or trademark or other form of ?IP? that we can use as security ? if it?s your personal Rolodex and know-how ? then we?re in a bit of a bind.? Let?s say we?re promised 5% of Famous Joe?s fortune-telling practice revenue as repayment, with no security whatsoever (no IP).? Famous Joe uses our funds to market his services, etc., and he keeps 95% of the revenue he generates.? But if Famous Joe decides to quit his business, move across the street, and reopen his practice under a new company name, he?ll still be Famous Joe and keep his customers ? but he?ll now keep 100% of the revenue he generates.

Needless to say, this is a troubling scenario for those of us who make the investments.? Not because we don?t trust Famous Joe to do the right thing ? but hey, this is business, and we never like to set up scenarios that give incentive to do the wrong thing.

V. Names have been changed to protect the awesome.

So, if you?re still sticking with me, you can understand the role that an IP security interest plays, even if it doesn?t act like traditional collateral (repo and sell it).? But what about those cases where a company doesn?t have any IP to speak of?

(Note: this doesn?t mean the company isn?t ?intellectual? or that it doesn?t have any value.? It just means that the IP isn?t in an external, recognizable, legally demarcated form like patents, trademarks, copyrights on software, etc.)

This could be know-how, relationships, golden Rolodex ? let?s take for example a very savvy event promoter ? let?s call him Fabio.? He may know the marketing techniques to get thousands of people to show up, the right people to get venues and attractions set up at cities around the country, and the skills to run the event smoothly, safely, and profitably.? Maybe he?s got a revenue track record in a few cities and wants to go nationally, good gross margins, and a good growth rate ? but no hope of getting banks or VCs interested ? in other words, Fabio?s a great RevenueLoan candidate.? But: without any IP, how are we to solve our ?stickwithitness? structure problem?

Right now, we think the answer is this: we ask for a guarantee from the entrepreneur that he will stay working on the business; that he won?t throw in the towel early; and that he won?t go work for (or start) a competitor for a while if, for whatever reason, things go pear-shaped.? And since this is a money-based game we?re playing, we ask for the entrepreneur to stand behind that with, yes, money he personally guarantees.

VI. More than (just) words.

We call this a ?Working Guarantee,? to differentiate it from a straight up, unconditional, ?personal guarantee.?? But it?s not just ?spin? B.S. on our part.

We typically will put some kind of limitation on the guarantee, that basically suggests that so long as the entrepreneur is in good faith putting in full time on the business, and the business is paying its RevenueLoan percentage (even if it?s only 5% of $1.00 a month), we will not come after him for any money personally.

Also, we are open to tweaking the amount that is covered by the working guarantee ? or agreeing to milestones where that amount is reduced or eliminated.

VII. Complicated?

So now that we?ve just shown you all our negotiating cards ? are we just plain nuts?? Is this too complicated and weird?

Hardly.? We think this is part of a natural evolution of business finance.? Keep in mind that our entire business financing infrastructure was build to help joint-stock corporations purchase looms and waterwheels and drill presses and big brick factories.? (OK, in fairness, the VC part of that infrastructure was basically created in the ?80s to fund Genentech, Max Headroom, and Starbucks.? It just happened to work for fiber-optic switches and enterprise software, too.)

So, when you see a bank using the same old forms from 1899, and just filling in the principal, interest, and description of collateral ? it?s not really their fault.? It?s worked for a hundred years.? They don?t want to change, even if they could.

But as our economy evolves (for better or worse) into a post-industrial, knowledge-based system where small teams and individuals can survive and thrive on non-asset-intensive businesses ? blah blah blah.? You get the picture.

New times call for new measures.? And we get to reinvent those measures, with help from our customers.? And since we have this new fancy thing called ?COMPUTERS,? and we don?t have to rely on mimeographing a form that?s been around for a century, we?re not scared.? (In fact, we love creating product-market fit that resonates for our customers.? Nothing psyches us up more.)

VIII. Not for everyone, but a tool in the toolbox.

In sum, it remains to be seen whether folks like you, gentle reader, will agree with our point of view on Working Guarantees.? We might be full of shit on this one.? (We occasionally are.)

But if it works out, and if we can strike the right balance, we feel like this could be huge ? a way to make a whole new category of businesses possible to finance.? In fact, we daresay that the Working Guarantee could usher in an era of Jeffersonian smallholding knowledge-farmers, prompting a new wave of entrepreneurialism, raising educational attainment rates, and thereby single-handedly conquering the recession and saving the economy.? But then we daresay a lot of stuff.

But long story short ? please know that we promise not to bait-and-switch you, only to ask for a Working Guarantee if we think it?s the only way to get a deal done, and to be reasonable and flexible about how we do go about it.


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