Sunday, May 12, 2013

Prince Harry supports vets, opens Warrior Games

>>> prince harry . to some, he's like prince charming . making his way across the country in the u.s. today. today, the combat helicopter pilot is showing his support for wounded veterans. ben fogel is in colorado springs this morning with more on the prince's trip. good morning.

>> reporter: good morning, erica. well, prince harry 's on the second stop of his u.s. tour. here in colorado, the prince is soldiering on to bring more attention to a cause close to his heart. here he's especially known as captain wales . it is his main reason for being in the usa -- the warrior games. a competition for injured soldiers the focus of the prince's trip.

>> i think this particular competition he wanted to highlight, because he's heard about it, and he said we have to make the schedule work.

>> reporter: those serious about this cause, prince harry didn't leave his sense of humor about. when speaking about his willingness to participate when he heard about the games last year.

>> a year ago, i was in washington on the ambassador's lawn and planting a tree.

>> reporter: and he was prince charming to misty. he gave you a gift?

>> two.

>> reporter: the prince opened the games, welcoming the teams from the u.s. forces and britain, along with paraolympian and former naval officer bradley snyder and missy franklin, who celebrated her 18th birthday the night before. an event with the prince. prince harry wish you a birthday?

>> he did. it was incredible.

>> reporter: later, the prince hit the court for a game of volleyball and a game of chase. the three-time gold medal winner from beach volleyball . bringing the british team to a victory over the u.s. in sitting volleyball . well, today, prince harry will be taking in a cycling event at the warrior games before handing out medals and touring the air force academy where i am now. he will continue east for new york, new jersey and connecticut. erica?

>> you can better believe there are people waiting for him in those parts as well. thanks.

>>> up next, the 20-year-old trying


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