Monday, July 23, 2012

Woofstock event raises funds for Pets Alive animal clinic | City ...


POSTED AT 07:50 PM ON Jul. 22, 2012? (UPDATED AT 08:00 PM ON Jul. 22, 2012)
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Past the small, white dog house collecting money at the front of Max?s Place, young children ran around in circles Thursday to the sound of a bass guitar, a
ukulele and a kazoo.

?It?s nice you came out tonight to support spaying and neutering your animals,? Kid Kazooey front man Kevin MacDowell said to the audience. ?Maybe we should do that to humans, too.?

?Birth control,? a woman in the audience yelled above the clatter of children and bar patrons.

?This next song is called ?Population Control,?? MacDowell responded.
Kid Kazooey was one of three bands to perform at Woofstock ? A Benefit Concert for Pets Alive Spay/Neuter Clinic. Other performances featured Colonel Angus and Hudson Hornet.

Although the event was intended to raise funds for Pets Alive, a local nonprofit, event coordinator and Pets Alive volunteer Jen Orman said the event was also intended to raise awareness. The event brought in $716.75.

The overall mission of Pets Alive is to end pet overpopulation and euthanasia in south central Indiana. Spaying and neutering pets reduces the number of unwanted litters in the community and reduces the burden on local shelters that often rely on tax dollars.

?We live in a part of the country where there is still euthanasia of healthy animals, animals that are being euthanized simply because there is nowhere else for them to go,? Orman said. ?That?s senseless killing, and I?m an animal lover, so I want that to stop.?

Since its opening in 2005, Pets Alive has spayed and neutered more than 57,000 cats and dogs. These animals include those available for adoption at Bloomington Animal Shelter. Since Orman said the clinic charges customers less than half the true cost to perform the surgeries, donations cover the remaining cost.

??The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated,?? Orman said, quoting Gandhi. ?I think that alone should be inspiration to anyone to not want to watch animals suffer.?

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