Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7 yoga poses for the office to eliminate pain & stress | Katalin Health ...

By Katalin Rodriguez Ogren, today at 8:44 am

For many office workers sitting at a desk combined with stress leads to a lot of little pains.? So many people experience extreme lower back pain, headaches that stem from neck stiffness or achy knees.? Yoga offers so many positions that can help heal the body and prevent so many of the pains in the muscles and joints.? Sitting for long periods of time combined with stress and even poor posture can be the cause of muscular and joint discomfort.? Here are some stretches that you can do in your office that will not require a mat or for you to change your clothes. ?Many of these stretches and poses are modified. ?But doing each of them for 30-60 second each will absolutely make you feel better. ?Try them today at work and let me know how you feel.

Forward Fold
Like the downward dog, a forward fold is awesome. It can simple drain stress out of the top of your head. Keep your knees slightly bent when you do this fold. Once you have found a comfortable depth, begin breathing deeply. Then shake your head gently 'no.' You will feel anxiety spill out of your body. When standing up, make sure you inhale deep to avoid getting dizzy. Then focus on an object for a moment before moving.
Modified Camel
This is similar to a camel pose. The stretch will open up the shoulders and it would help take some pressure off your lower back. To help the back further you can also lift your hips up off the chair and lower.
Modified Downdog
This is an ideal stretch to do several times throughout the day. This version of the down dog feels great even if you are super flexible. If you are unable to straighten your legs, keep them slightly bent. Lengthen your arms across your desk and press your palms downward. This will open up the shoulders and chest. As you lengthen your arms, think about pulling your hips back away from your desk. You will feel this in your lower back and hamstrings.
Lotus Pose
This cross-legged position is used for meditation in yoga. But it is also great for opening up the hips. If you have a skirt on or pants that are too uncomfortable, you may have to skip this for the day. But sitting in this position and closing your eyes will serve as an amazing re-boost for your day. When you sit, take 10 deep breathes that last 10 seconds long each.
Wrist Stretch
This is the easiest pose and stretch to do many times throughout the day, This stretch can really help you even prevent neck pain.
Neck Stretches
This is an actual series of stretches. This sequence can eliminate neck, shoulder and middle back pain. It can also reduce pain caused from tension that leads to headaches. You will be more successful with this stretch if you take deep breathes.
Modified Balancing Pose
Fold one leg back while holding onto your ankle or calf. This balancing pose should be done while holding onto something. Focus on lengthening the top of the thigh and opening up your hip flexor. If you are in heels I suggest taking them off for ideal stability.

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