Friday, December 23, 2011


War of the Noble Families. With the death of the Soul King two families rose to power during the ensuing chaos. Both the Musha and Gakusha Family forced their way into dominance. The power struggle has lead to an all out war between the noble families the Roiyaru. Ongaku, Musha, and Gakusha Families have been the harsh and most dedicated to the blood shed between their warriors and servants? if the conflict isn?t put to an end there is no way victory can be obtained when fighting the Hollows? and each other.
Shihoin Clan.
Kuchiki Clan

Yousha Kyuusaisha.

Race: Shinigami
Age: 210
Height: 5'6
Weight: 110
Hair: Long and white.
Eyes: Yellow.
Skin: Bone white.

Appearance A Shinigami that many don?t believe truly is one. Bone white skin and bright yellow eyes that gleam with inhuman venomous. His long white hair coats his bare chest? while muscled it looks weak and weathered, the strange tattoos do not help him appear normal either.


Personality. A near insane individual who has a need to learn? create? and destroy. Though he makes his home in the Rukongai where he performs twisted experiments and heals those who require his services for baubles from the living world for payment.

Theme ... re=related


Reiatsu :

Mental Capabilities Genius

Physical Capabilities Below-Average.

Combat Skills.
Combat Style Chaos-bane style, his orderly and complex style is specifically designed for countering non-disciplined styles to such a degree he cam hold off undisciplined enemies that are much stronger then he is. (Doubles his Physical Capabilities against Non-Disciplined foes)
Zanjutsu : Master.
Hakuda : Expert.

Hoho Master

Kido Grand Master, Knows all Kidos including forbidden ones as well as ones of his own making.

Zanpakuto Futatsu Nentou, a Tessen of black razor edged steel with silver ribs. Mainly used for keeping cool during hot days? it does make a formidable weapon due to its ability to catch another?s weapon between it?s ribs, its versatility of being a bludgeoning(when closed) weapon or a slashing(when open) weapon.


Shikai ?Futatsu Nentou? Split.? Futatsu Nentou?s Shikai is a powerful healing tool capable of secreting a strange nectar like liquid that burns away wounds. Besides the strange healing ooze it produces there is also its ability to copy the data and brain functions required to use a certain technique so he may counter it easier. The Last is a very deadly trait? it has the power to inflict wounds on a spiritual level? the flesh will heal? but the area of infliction will always feel cold? as if it was dead.


Bankai ?Bankai? Urahara Nentou? Urahara Nentou is a powerful Bankai even compared to those of captain level strength. This weapon is of such destructive force that foes and allies alike should be weary of its fury. Its blade inflicts wounds that can only heal naturally Kido nor high speed regeneration can rid one of this fell sword?s wounds it also maintains its spirit damaging traits. Its second power engulfs the blade in a hellish black energy that devours Reiatsu to strengthen itself. With a single swing this massive power is sent forward disrupting spirit energy and destroying any Reiatsu it comes in contact with? blocking this with one?s Zanpakuto will result in its destruction for a temporary time(This is very much like a quincy arrow it destroys souls). Its last power is one of its more sinister powers? the liquid it produces no longer heals? but inflicts a state of psychosis on its victims? awakens the most horrid memories they?ve lived and nightmares they've had. They feel real and if one dies in them their is a good chance the victim will go in to shock.


Pesadilla Occidental.

Race: Hollow Vasto Lorde. (King of the Hollows.)
Age: 900
Height: 14'7
Weight: 1 Ton.
Hair: None.
Eyes: Two Face wide slits of Crimson.
Skin: Pitch Black Armor.

Appearance A towering monstrosity of black Reiatsu spines that weave together to form solid plates of hyper hardened Reiatsu. Every inch of this Hollow ripples with a near infinite amount of muscle? every breath reeks of power? every foot step sends forth a tremor of rage


Personality. A cold blooded and merciless killer in life? he broke free of Hell and not to long after that his soul chain commenced its erosion and lead to his own Hollowfication. He has since shown his blood thirsty and horrendous ways on the battlefield countless times? to the point where he is simply known as the Nightmare Lord.



Reiatsu : This Hollow?s Reiatsu seems endless? those encompassed within it feel as if their drowning in their own fear. It is more then equal to two captains in power.

Mental Capabilities Dulled

Physical Capabilities Un-Godly.

Combat Skills.
Combat Style Aggressive, Relentless.
Hakuda : Expert.

Hollow Techniques Garganta

Unique Hollow Powers Death Sight. His direct gaze paralyses his victims? they can?t look away from the fell eyes that stare unblinking at their very soul? one should never fight this monster one on one.

Berserk Skin. So great is his Reiatsu that it hardens over his skin, it is quite potent though he leaves a few openings to directly attack at what belies below it.

Rage Club. He carries a massive hulking club which he can kill entire lines of soldiers with a single swing. It is composed of the same hyper-dense Reiatsu as his armor.

Roiyaru Inagaki.

Race: Shinigami
Age: 600
Height: 7'4
Weight: 160
Hair: Ground Length, White.
Eyes: Tan, with three crimson slits across each pupil.
Skin: Fair.

Appearance A tall lithe man with long white hair and billowing robes of grey and white. Balance is portrayed constantly on his wardrobe and one can tell just by his appearance alone that he will be no easy fight.


Personality. Cold, impersonal, and deadly? he is feared most of all among the four warring noble lords? he has ordered many a Shinigami to be cut down for simply mentioning another lord within his districts of power.

Theme ... C&index=25


Reiatsu : One can not grasp this man?s Teiatsu? for it is released in thin nearly invisible columns scattered through out the mass that is his soul. This can be weaponized into spikes once he releases his Zanpakuto.

Mental Capabilities Advanced.

Physical Capabilities Advanced

Combat Skills.
Combat Style Defensive.
Zanjutsu : Master
Hakuda : Expert.

Hoho Expert.

Kido Master of Hado.

Zanpakuto Tsuin Doragon. Two sawn-off M1 Grands that fire a hail storm of highly concentrated Reiatsu.

Shikai ?Breath Hellish Wrath Tsuin Doragon? While they stay relatively the same Tsuin Doragon is now capable of manipulating Kido by altering spells slightly. Such as turning the Black Coffin into a Wall of impalement. This weapon also fires its Reiatsu in javelin like rounds instead of bullets? which means he can impale his enemies against objects now.

Bankai "Judge Tsuin Doragon" His Weapons disipate in a cloud of thousands of small cubes. Each of these cubes can send forth a deadly javalin to impale enemies... combined in a swarm one generally can not survive the multitude of razor edged pole arms thrusting out from around them.

Ongaku ?tani.

Race: Shinigami
Age: 1900
Height: 6'3
Weight: 400
Hair: Thick greasy black hair that flows into a chest length beard.
Eyes: Black and beady.
Skin: Greasy and pale from lack of sunlight.

Appearance The first thing one might notice is this grotesque figures massive protruding gut? or disproportional muscular arms and legs or maybe his ugly grease and sweat ridden face that runs down into his wiry beard. Either way? this man?s appearance and habits are equally disgusting.


Personality. A man everyone loves to hate? but is none the less a powerful lord do to his families now complete control of the Sake market. Along with the greatest supply of gold from several other major monopolies. He is a glutton for food, power, and money? and nothing will stand in his way of any of these.

Theme ... C&index=29


Reiatsu : Chaotic, it withers around him in an unstable orb of darkness. Crimson cracks cover it's face and seems to barely remain intact.

Mental Capabilities Above-Average.

Physical Capabilities Kenpachi-Like.

Combat Skills.
Combat Style Brute Force (Agressive, Relentless.)
Zanjutsu : Grand Master.
Hakuda : Average.

Hoho Average.

Kido Novice.

Zanpakuto Kentanka. A massive hulking maul which he uses to crush his enemies with incredible force.

Shikai (Always unleashed Shikai.) Combat oriented means its stronger then an equal leveled Zanpakuto.

Bankai ?Kentanka Devour.? The maul is turned into a massive hulking great club which resembles a giant tree trunk with its? branches carved into spikes. Upon impact with an enemy one feels Kentanka mirrored on the opposing side that it hit from. This power will effectively feel as if one is actually being devoured alive by some great beast

Musha Niwa.

Race: Shinigami
Age: 1200
Height: 5'9
Weight: 105
Hair: Black, long and untamed.
Eyes: Green.
Skin: Tanned.



Personality. A rather warm woman who while she wouldn?t mind putting aside the power struggle to deal with the problem at hand, has no choice but to withhold her soldiers to fend of occasional attacks from other noble families.

Theme ... C&index=18


Reiatsu : A Pink Clumn with what resembles glaring eyes... calm and stable.

Mental Capabilities Above Average.

Physical Capabilities High.

Combat Skills.
Combat Style Cunning and Stealthy.
Zanjutsu : Master.
Hakuda : Average.

Hoho Grand Master.

Kido Grand Master of Bakudo.

Custom Kido.

Bakudo 98. Muteki Shouheki(Invincible Barrier) ?Pray to your greatness that we may know safety? we your devout, your beloved, and ever faithful unveil your face and turn all vice with but a hand.? A massive hand of white Reiatsu forms around the caster. This hand can stop any kido based attack and when hit by a melee attack the great hand will close down and attempt to crush its victims to death.

Bakudo 94. Anguru(Angle). ?From one word? one finds infinite meanings. Through infinite meanings we find one cause.? A massive prism is formed before the caster, upon being hit by a reiatsu based attack, it converts these attacks into extra energy for its caster.

Zanpakuto Mugen Bure-Do. A semi-transparent crystalline katana

Shikai ?Mugen Bure-Do? Dazzle.? The strange zanpakuto doesn?t change at all physically? however one is more then capable of realizing its power upon impact? its blade splits into a thousand splinters once it pierces flesh, only to reform as its drawn out of its victim?s body.

Bankai ?Mugen Bure-Do? Bewilder.? once again the blade remains in its original form? however one should not underestimate this deadly blade. While it does keep its Shikai power to shatter upon entering flesh? it also can split its blade at will. Blocked? This blade can split off a second shard to impale its victim with out breaking the deadlock. Its? final power is to send forth a hale of blade shards that extend whenever she wills it.

Gakusha Aoki.

Race: Shinigami
Age: 400
Height: 6'7
Weight: 170
Hair: Black, ponytail.
Eyes: Hazel.
Skin: Peach, Tattooed.

Appearance Wearing the armor he died wearing in life he does not hide his actions nor does he rely on back room plots. Just like his armor suggests he is a warrior and has no wish for politics besides increasing his own family?s power.


Personality. A blunt and straight to the point kind of man, he does not rely on guile or silvered words merely his honor and the respect other?s hold in him. He is a cold and serious warrior and generally does not show mercy to those who would face him.



Reiatsu : Formed as two golden winglike focus points.

Mental Capabilities Average.

Physical Capabilities Kenpachi-like.

Combat Skills.
Combat Style Agressive, Disciplined.
Zanjutsu : Grand Master.
Hakuda : Master.

Hoho Average.

Kido Pitiful.

Zanpakuto Tentei. A silver bladed Jian


Shikai Not Achieved.

Bankai Not Achieved.


the darkest hour the darkest hour neverland shaun white phoebe prince marlins marlins

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