Tuesday, November 22, 2011

[OOC] Taken for Granted

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Yes! I will have Nikolas done this week, and I'll start my new character once Nikolas is done.... This is gonna be a blast! -evil laughter-

I love humans


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Um.... Can I has a character? I can submit everything but a character picture now.

I must admit, I'm rather mad...but aren't we all? Insanity is one of life's greatest joys, eh?

'Romeo oh Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?' Translation:'Desperate, desperate, I am really desperate.'

Do you, do you ever
live because
are afraid to

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@Poetic: I sent my pictures for Rei and Statix over with the roleplay document, but I have to be really careful about deleting everything. I don't know if I can make Rei until I get internet back under my name. If worse comes to worse, I could always start him in an email to myself and save it.. I can't wait to see Nikolas, though! This is too awesome!

@Luv: Yeah! I'll reserve you. ^^

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hehe...hehe...OMG YESH! alright, i will..start my char. Boy most likely! *skips happily* this looks so FUN! cant wait Spec! :3

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Cyrus' new profile might take me a while but it'll be worth it I promise! Or I could just use his old one I made whilst I was a noob.

I hope to finish it today but it's already 7pm and college is tomorrow. D: Show Season starts next week so i'll be really busy! But I do hope to get it done soon, it's not like I need to think too hard. :D

~EDIT~ Aw come on Specs, our sheet is way longer than the New Kids. XD Damn you to heck.

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I'm so excited to see Cyrus's new profile, Tabby! You don't even know! >3 And freak, I can't wait to see what you come up with for a character! Ahhh, this is all too cool. Finally getting this thing up after forever! I flagged Timeless as complete, too. Hall of Fame away~! I know what I can do! I can just write down the character sheet on a piece of paper and do everything on my laptop. I have a flashdrive now (got it two days ago!), so I can just transfer everything over when I'm done! :D Hooray for thinking!

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I'm sure you'll all love emotionallycompromised!Nikolas.... Of course, my new character will have to be just as awesome... Though, knowing me, I'll probably end up being lazy and not posting him up until later :P But yeah.... ^^

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Oh, oh, wait! Attention everybody! I added two new things to each character sheet. Under Gender, I added: "Sexuality" and under that, before Powers, I added: "Love Interest"

Please add these to your character sheets! Sorry for the suddenness. I forgot to add them earlier. Man, the Originals' sheets are really long, though. xD I love long sheets!

@Poetic: I just know I will! ^^

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Oh, Spec-chan, if I finish Nikolas today can I put him up as an example...? Or would you rather I just PM him to you? I'm really proud of him so far! ^^

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Put him up please Poetic. XD I need ideas for some fields on Cyrus' profile. Besides, I really wanna see him!

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There, so we have a female character. We can't really just have Katie. ^^;; I hope someone agrees to it. Anyway, yes, poetic! Go right ahead! Put him up! I'm getting off now to work on Rei's profile, but I'll be getting on and off for a while 'till my dad's girlfriend gets home, so I'll accept him when he's up. ^^

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I love love him poetic! He's so great this time around! And the new pictures are a nice touch. He's such an awesome little manic-depressive, ain't he? ^^; No, I'm joking. He has every right to be depressive. Oh, please excuse me for this, though. You've done this so many times and I'm going to be a grammar nazi! I have no right to be The word you've been spelling so many times, "loose" means something coming undone, or becoming less tight. Like loosening a shoe-lace to take off your shoe. You mean, "lose." Like I'd hate to lose my shoes. I'm so sorry for correcting you and sounding like a pompous stuck-up! I'm just doing it because I've seen you do it before and I didn't want you to do it in school or something and get marked off for spelling incorrections.

I'm just gonna go crawl back to my hole now.. And work of Reivy and Statix! Dx

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Love it Poetic! I am still working on Cyrus'. ^^ You guys forget that I gotta incorporate Ghost's personality and things to the sheet too. Damn myself (and Cyrus) for making two characters. Ghost became really important, though at the start it was just Cyrus' mind playing tricks on him and no one believed him. XD Man Cyrus is a lot more complex than I realized. I could never explain how his mind works, never ever.

Nikolas certainly has changed, I sort of like the new him. It's a really good change for him in the sense that his PTSD make perfect sense. His personality change does too. Good work Poetic!

Get Out Alive. I actually found a good theme for the RP whilst listening to my Ipod, although it might have made more sense on the original. D: Still, it works... sort of.

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OOhhh, Tezu ain't gonna like Nik when they first meet. ^^ This is gonna be fun. I can't wait to see everyone else. I think I'm gonna go creep around Timeless...sounds interesting, I wanna read it.

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Guys, guys. I have 997 messages in my inbox. 99% full. Um, um, what happens when it gets full? Does it start deleting old messages or does it just not let me receive any new ones? I've never deleted a message since I started the site (forever ago). I'm kinda worried about this now! D:

@Twili: That'd be awesome if you did! ^^ It'd make me feel special. Your twins are awesome together!

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There, Pie is done with her little narcissist. Now, I do think I shall run off and check out Timeless as well.

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997? Wow...i dunno what happens. Holy crap!! 4 pages in and my head is already reeling @_@ Timeless is freakin' awesome! I wish I could have gotten in on it. Oh well, I'm here now, so I suppose that's all that matters. :)

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Luv! Rai made me laugh! You'll see why when I get done with my character--Rei. xD They're so much alike. And the fact that their names are close to each other... Yes, I can tell Rei is not going to like Rai very much at all. xD They're different in a few good ways, though. So there's no worries. But still. I just thought it was funny. Rai's awesome!

@Twili: I'm glad you like it so much! It was a lot of fun. Aside from a few complications, we're all glad to of finished it~!

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