Saturday, May 14, 2011

Streamcore Named Finalist in Network Products Guide's 2011 Hot ...

TMCnewsSAN FRANCISCO ?(Business Wire)?

Streamcore, th? global provider ?f visibility ?n? dynamic performance hegemony solutions t? manage interactive applications ?n? real-time communications delivery over th? WAN, today announced ?t h?? b??n named a finalist f?r th? 6th Annual 2011 Hot Companies ?n? Best Products Awards b? Network Products Guide, industry?s leading technology research ?n? advisory guide. Streamcore ?? a finalist f?r both th? ?Hot Companies? ?n? th? ?Hot Technologies? categories. Th? industry ?n? peer awards fr?m Network Products Guide ?r? th? world?s premier awards honoring achievements ?n ???r? facet ?f th? information technology industry. Winners w??? b? honored ?n Las Vegas ?n M?? 10, 2011 during th? 6th annual dinner ?n? presentations.

Unified Communications?(News ? Alert) ?n? Collaboration (UCC) ?? th? next f?nt??t?? challenge ?n corporate networks. Th? quality ?f real-time communications m??t b? cast iron, growth ?f desktop video m??t b? controlled, ?n? performance ?f software-??-a-benefit collaboration tools (e.g., G? ToMeeting, WebEx) m??t b? ensured. Over th? past few years, Streamcore h?? emerged ?? th? leading provider ?f solutions t? enable UCC delivery over ?n? cloud. Streamcore h?? developed th? m??t advanced combination ?f traffic classification, visibility ?n? hegemony technologies ?n th? market, especially t? manage ??? forms ?f real-time communications (VoIP, desktop ?n? room-based videoconference). W?th Streamcore, th? performance provided t? UCC users ??n b? monitored ?n? critical communications ??n b? automatically prioritized over th? WAN. Business-oriented intelligence ??n b? generated t? follow unified communications treatment per business units ?n? f?r internal billing purposes.

In 2010, Streamcore already received Network Prduct Guide?s Product Innovation award f?r ?t? bandwidth optimization technology.

?W? ?r? very ??????? t? b? named a finalist f?r th?? highly regarded industry award,? ???? Diaa Elyaacoubi, CEO ?n? founder ?f Streamcore. ?Th?? ?? th? second year f?r Streamcore t? b? associated w?th Network Product Guide?s awards. W? believe ?t represents ?n ongoing validation ?f th? value w? result ?n t? ??r clients ?n solving network performance issues, especially t? ensure th? success ?f n?w UCC initiatives.?

Network Products Guide?s Hot Companies ?n? Best Products recognition program encompasses th? world?s best ?n products ?n? services, executives ?n? management teams, successful deployments, product management ?n? engineering ?n ???r? area ?f IT.

Ab??t Streamcore

Streamcore ?? a global provider ?f visibility ?n? dynamic performance hegemony solutions t? manage interactive applications ?n? real-time communications (VoIP/video) delivery over th? WAN. Streamcore products enable enterprises t? benefit fr?m ???-?n-one visibility ? network, applications, VoIP, video -, real-time monitoring ?n? advanced ?n-demand reporting fr?m a single centralized management console. Wh?t m?k?? Streamcore unique ?? th?t visibility ?n? advanced performance hegemony features ?r? tied together, ?n? ??n b? enabled fr?m data centers t? ensure q???k deployment ?n? cost-efficiency. Moreover, Streamcore products multi-tenancy capabilities allow benefit providers t? offer innovative value-added services. Th? company?s technology ?? field-proven w?th more th?n 300 global customers, including numerous benefit providers ?n? Global 1000 enterprises. T? learn more visit

Ab??t Network Products Guide

A? industry?s leading technology research ?n? advisory publication, Network Products Guide plays a vital role ?n maintenance ?h???? makers ?n? ?n?-users informed ?f th? choices th?? ??n m?k? ?n ??? areas ?f information technology. Y?? w??? learn a wealth ?f information ?n? tools ?n th?? guide including th? best products ?n? services, roadmaps, industry directions, technology advancements ?n? independent product evaluations th?t facilitate ?n m?k?n? th? m??t pertinent technology decisions impacting business ?n? personal goals. Th? guide follows conscientious research methodologies developed ?n? enhanced b? industry experts. T? learn more, visit

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