Monday, March 11, 2013

In a first, the pope could be American

What are the prospects of an American being elected pope when 115 cardinals from around the world solemnly enter the frescoed splendor of the Vatican?s Sistine Chapel on Tuesday to begin the voting process known as the conclave?

Until recently, the received wisdom was that the Roman Catholic Church would never accept a pontiff from the world?s only superpower on the grounds that the United States already had quite enough temporal power.

There has also been concern that having an American pope could give the impression that the Vatican had embraced a pro-Washington bias, hindering the Catholic Church?s efforts to engage in tangled international issues such as the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the spread of militant Islam and poverty alleviation.

But with the end of the cold war and US hegemony declining, those concerns appear to have diminished, because the buzz in Rome is that at least two American cardinals have a fighting chance of being elected the successor to St. Peter this week.

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about the Catholic Church? Take our quiz!

They are Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the charismatic archbishop of New York, and Cardinal Sean Patrick O?Malley, the archbishop of Boston.

When Corriere della Sera, one of Italy?s leading daily newspapers, canvassed eight Vatican analysts and asked them to nominate their top three papal contenders at the weekend, Cardinal O?Malley was by far the most popular choice.

He comfortably beat Odilo Pedro Scherer of Brazil and Angelo Scola of Italy, widely perceived to be two of the strongest candidates for the top job.


Born in Lakewood, Ohio, the ?Capuchin cardinal? was once a missionary on Easter Island and speaks fluent Spanish.

He has won high praise for dealing with the fallout from pedophile sex abuse scandals and cleaning up the mess left by his predecessor, Cardinal Bernard Law, who was accused of covering up the molestation of children by priests.

The Italian press has speculated that if elected, O?Malley might call himself Francis I ? the Capuchin Order is an offshoot of the Franciscans.

Cardinal Dolan also seems to have captured the popular vote. Each of the cardinals has a titular parish church in Rome and when the archbishop turned up at his on Sunday to hold Mass, he was feted almost like a rock star.

On seeing a plate piled with Easter offerings of wine and food, he joked to the congregation at Our Lady of Guadalupe that he might take a bag of candy with him into the conclave, ?where I hear the food is not so great.?

To laughter from the congregation, he added: ?Maybe I?ll be able to sneak a candy every now and then.? He joked that the church was so packed that ?maybe we should do two collections.?


Aside from their charisma, there are several factors working in the Americans? favor.

This is one of the most open papal races in decades, Vatican observers say, and there is no clear favorite to succeed Benedict XVI, now known as Pope Emeritus, who etched his place into the history books by becoming the first pontiff to voluntarily resign since the 13th century.

Since arriving in Rome to attend last week?s pre-conclave discussions, the Americans have impressed with their informal ways and efforts at transparency, all of which contrasts with the stuffiness and reserve associated with the church in Rome.

The Americans were the only group of cardinals to organize daily press briefings, until the initiative was summarily quashed after a few days, apparently under pressure from traditionalists within the Vatican, who were aghast at the prospect of such openness.

The gagging of the Americans could in fact work in their favor, making them more attractive to other non-Italian cardinals who have been frustrated by Benedict XVI?s inability to clean up the Curia, the Church?s secretive governing body.

The stealing and leaking of papal documents by the pope?s butler, Paolo Gabriele, in a scandal last year that was dubbed Vatileaks, shed light on the Curia as being out-of-touch, unaccountable, and mired in Byzantine intrigue.

The already strong US presence in the Holy See also helps to make the prospect of an American pope not entirely beyond the bounds of possibility.

Cardinal William Levada, a former archbishop of San Francisco, was the first US prelate to lead the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's powerful guardian of doctrine, while Cardinal Raymond Burke, a former archbishop of St. Louis, is the first American to lead the Vatican supreme court.


Vatican analysts warn, however, against putting too much stock in an American papacy, saying that the chances of the US electors are probably slim.

?Historically the church has tried to keep the papacy out of the hands of the superpower of the day, whether it was France or Spain or the Holy Roman Empire,? says Father Thomas Reese, a Vatican expert at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in Washington. ?Today we have the additional problem that in many parts of the Third World, America is looked upon with suspicion. I think if a US cardinal was elected a lot of people in the Third World would say that the CIA had fixed the election, or that Wall Street bought off the cardinals.

?On the other hand," he says, "the Americans certainly have credibility in terms of dealing with the sex abuse crisis, and they have good management experience ? some dioceses in the States employ more people than the Vatican.?

?I think they are all long shots,? says John Allen, the Vatican correspondent for the US-based National Catholic Reporter and the author of ?Conclave,? a book about the papal electoral process.

?The big problem that O?Malley has is that governance is not seen as his strong suit. He is an extremely kind man but he sometimes has difficulty making tough decisions.

?Dolan?s problems are that he?s a complete Vatican outsider, he doesn?t really have the language skills required and he?s just too American ? he?s too brash, too swashbuckling.?

Dolan has never served in a Vatican office and he has been heavily criticized by the victims of pedophile priests for allegedly covering up cases ? he was named as one of a ?dirty dozen? of potential papal candidates by the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests last week.

In fact the Catholic Church in the US as a whole comes with a lot of baggage, given the clergy sex abuse scandals that erupted across almost every diocese in the last decade and the millions of dollars that had to be paid out to victims of predatory priests.


If an American pope proves too much to stomach, the chances of a Canadian pontiff may be a good deal stronger.

One of the most frequently mentioned ?papabile? is Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec, who ticks many of the boxes required of a future pope.

A conservative French Canadian who is head of the Congregation for Bishops, he is intimate with the workings of the Holy See, is regarded as a conservative in the mold of Benedict XVI and worked for years in Latin America, home to the world?s largest Catholic population.

?He?s got the conservative theology that would appeal to many cardinals, he has the languages, and he has connections to Latin America,? says Father Reese. ?As head of the Congregation for Bishops, he is well informed about the state of the church in the world.?

Ouellet did, however, once say that being pope "would be a nightmare,? a remark that may not exactly enhance his chances as his fellow cardinals line up to cast their secret ballots in front of Michelangelo?s fresco of The Last Judgment, above the altar in the Sistine Chapel.

As for the length of the conclave, it is anyone?s guess.

In the 20th century, most conclaves lasted for between two and four days before white smoke was seen billowing from the chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel and the world was told ?Habemus Papam? ? we have a pope.

An exception was in 1922, when it took five days to elect Pius XI. With such an open field, and so much at stake for a church rocked by scandals over governance, sex abuse scandals, and the Vatican bank, this conclave could be at the longer end of the spectrum.

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about the Catholic Church? Take our quiz!

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Beyond the brawl: World Baseball Classic scenes

AAA??Mar. 10, 2013?2:35 PM ET
Beyond the brawl: World Baseball Classic scenes

Canada's Jay Johnson, right, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada's Jay Johnson, right, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada's Jay Johnson, top left, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

United States's David Wright hits a grand slam during the fifth inning of a World Baseball Classic game against Italy Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Japan's reliever Hideaki Wakui pitches against the Netherlands in the seventh inning of their World Baseball Classic second round game at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Sunday, March 10, 2013. Japan won the game which was called in the bottom of the inning with a score of 16-4. (AP Photo/Toru Takahashi)

United States second baseman Brandon Phillips throws to first for the out on Italy's Mario Chiarini to end the sixth inning of a World Baseball Classic game Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Of course, there was the bunt single that turned into a brawl between the players - and the fans - in the Mexico-Canada WBC matchup. But the World Baseball Classic has also included such memorable moments as the U.S.'s David Wright's grand slam against Italy and Japan's 16-4 runaway against the Netherlands.

Here are some of the images captured during the tournament:

Associated PressNews Topics: General news, World Baseball Classic, Violence in sports, International baseball, Events, Violence, Social issues, Social affairs, Baseball, Men's sports, Sports


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Friday, March 8, 2013

Democrats Absent During Rand Paul Filibuster Of John Brennan Nomination

WASHINGTON -- Senate Republicans took the floor on Wednesday, launching an historic filibuster in an attempt to extract an answer from the White House to a simple question: Does the administration believe it has the legal authority to kill an American citizen on American soil with a drone strike?

It's a question that seems fairly nonpartisan on its face, but a second one occurred to those watching the C-SPAN broadcast late into the morning: Where are all the Democrats?

Republicans, from Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) to filibuster-leader Rand Paul (Ky.), spoke for more than 12 hours. But only one Democrat, Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, spoke in support of Paul during that time. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) tweeted support, but otherwise progressives who might have assumed to have been supportive were absent, leaving members of the GOP as the sole defenders of civil liberties. The White House was equally silent.

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) even joked that Paul's filibuster was "background noise."

As the filibuster crept toward its 13th hour, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) joined to ask Paul whether the U.S. government had the authority to take out the fourth plane on 9/11 before it crashed into the Capitol.

"I don't think this is such a clear and easy situation," Durbin said.

Paul called it a "red herring."

"We all agree that you can repel an imminent attack," Paul said. "None of us disagree with that. We are talking about a targeted drone program" against citizens who are "not actively engaged in combat. ... I don't think that standard can be used in the United States."

Durbin said he respected Paul's response. "I stand with the senator," Durbin said. "I think it is a legitimate question."

Wyden has been the most outspoken Democratic critic of President Barack Obama's drone program and the secrecy that surrounds it. He was the first Democrat to join the filibuster, taking the Senate floor just before 4 p.m. on Wednesday. He expressed support for Brennan's nomination, but said that he welcomed the opportunity to discuss key questions surrounding Obama's drone policy.

"I want it understood that I have great respect for this effort to really ask these kinds of questions,? Wyden said. "And Senator Paul has certainly been digging into these issues in great detail."

Wyden, a senior member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has advocated for more transparency from Obama's Justice Department on targeted drone strikes. Last month, he pressed the Justice Department to answer more questions about the program.

"The executive branch should not be allowed to conduct such a serious and far-reaching program by themselves without any scrutiny because that?s not how American democracy works," Wyden said during Wednesday's filibuster. ?That?s not what our system is about."

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Former U.S. Sen. Coleman passes on any 2014 run (Star Tribune)

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Things You Should Know About Wedding Guest Dresses

Things You Should Know About Wedding Guest Dresses
Wednesday, March 06, 2013 4:09 AM

When you choose the wedding guest dresses, it should be cautious, it?s better according to the dresses? length, colors and also the styles. For example, there?re many styles for the dress, like A-line wedding guest dresses, mermaid wedding guest dresses, sleeveless wedding guest dresses and also the halter dresses. It depends on the wedding ceremony, if it?s a formal wedding, then you need to dress formally, if not, a causal wedding guest dress is ok. Also, about the length, there also have many dresses, like long wedding guest wedding dresses, the tea-length dresses and short wedding guest wedding dresses. When it turns to the color, the guest must not choose the color like the?dresses, if the bride?s dress is white, then the white should be avoided. If the bride choose the colored wedding dress, then you can choose any color you want. 13262619010.jpg (500?667) When you choose your dress, you?s better keep one thing in your mind, the dresses must be in simple style and elegant. The wedding guests must be in line with wedding theme. If the wedding party you will attend is an evening wedding reception, you can dress a cocktail dress or evening dress and accessorized with gorgeous high heels and luxury jewelry necklace. But if it?s a traditional wedding party, then a wedding guest dress with a fitted wrap will be perfect. Maybe you will ask, how can I know it?s a causal wedding party or not? Don?t worry, the wedding invite will tell you whether the wedding party is causal or not before you choose your elegant dress. As we talked above, the color should not be white as almost all the wedding dress?s color is white. Maybe someone will think, alright, if white is not ok, then I can dress my little black cocktail dress for the wedding. But unfortunately, the black is also not suitable for this happy moment. There?s a basic rule, no matter what color you choose, your color should not against the bride?s dress?s color. 13591810120.jpg (500?667) It will still depends on the season, if you have the wedding party at season, of course, the short style must be the best choice. But if it?s in winter, you may choose the long style. And also depends on the wedding places, for example, a wedding at a beach will have a totally different theme from a wedding held at a garden. If the wedding is head at the beach, you should wear the attire that is a little bit warmer for it is cooler and breezy on the beach. So it?s also not a simple job to pick the dress, you should pay all your attention to it. Hope you can find the suitable dress for your wedding party.


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Demand for 'Street Legal' Ultra-Luxury Cars Soars

Published: Tuesday, 5 Mar 2013 | 2:20 PM ET

Lamborghini's $4M 'Veneno' Tops Ultra-Luxury Car List

Auto sales in the U.S. are at the highest levels since 2007 and it's the ultra-luxury brands likes Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Bentley, and Lamborghini that are seeing the biggest demand, reports CNBC's Phil LeBeau, live outside CNBC headquarters.

High-end cars are in high demand. In fact, ultra-luxury auto sales are off to a roaring start in 2013 as the wealthy car buyers snatch up Bentleys, Lamborghinis and other pricey models at a rate far greater than the industry sales pace.

"Things are pretty good," said Stephan Winkelmann, CEO of Lamborghini. "We had an up [increase] of 30 percent in the year 2012. We had a good distribution over the region so we had more than 70 percent sold outside Europe."

12 Cylinders to Burn

As the sales of ultra-luxury cars soar, so has demand for more speed and more unique models. Lamborghini saw especially strong demand for models?with 12 cylinder engines. "It is a record year in terms of V-12 sales for Lamborghini. We have never done so many V-12s in the entire life of Lamborghini, so it was a very good year," said Winkelmann.

(Read More: Inside the Flat 12 Showroom)

The wealthy want horsepower, even if it is unlikely they'll ever need it. Take the new Bentley Continental GTC, the fastest convertible in the world. It can go 0-to-60 miles per hour in 4.1 seconds, and has a max speed of 202 MPH. Impressive? You bet. However, it is not likely those who are spending almost a quarter million dollars for the new Continental GTC are pushing the car to its limits on a regular basis.

So why are horsepower and speed (along with incredible refinement and luxury) so important in the race to sell ultra-luxury cars? For many owners it is about the idea they can let loose with a street legal race car. Call it machismo behind the wheel.

Lambo's Newest Bull

The newest Lamborghini will also become one its rarest models. The new Veneno was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show and immediately generated the type of buzz you'd expect from a $3.9 Million Supercar. "It is fulfilling dreams at least for some people," said Winkelman.

Three people to be exact.

(Read More: 10 Cars Rebuilt for Fun?And Profit)

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Lamborghini is only building three copies of the Veneno and all have already been sold. One to a buyer in Saudi Arabia and two to buyers here in the United States?including Antoine Dominic a Lamborghini dealer in Long Island.

"If you look at Lamborghini in the last three or four years, they have done a few one-offs, special versions and every time it got better and better," said Dominic who was in Geneva to see the special 50th anniversary Lamborghini unveiled. "This time they were taking it to a whole different level, a level that I have not seen any car manufacturer has ever done. Normally a car manufacturer would do a little car massage, but this is beyond the concept car and also it is going to be a street legal car."

So will Dominic drive his new $4 Million Supercar or put it on display at his dealership?

(Watch More: "The Car Chasers" on CNBC's "Street Signs")


"The engineering levels this car has achieved, it is important to share it. And being a Lamborghini dealer I am looking forward to sharing it with customers and prospective customers to show what Lamborghini is all about?.I intend to drive it for my pleasure driving, but it is a $4 million car so you don't just take it anywhere." said Dominic.

Bentley and Lamborghini are divisions of Volkswagen, and trade under the symbol VLKAY in the United States.

-By CNBC's Phil LeBeau; Follow him on Twitter @Lebeaucarnews

High-end cars are in high demand. In fact, ultra-luxury auto sales are off to a roaring start in 2013 as wealthy car buyers snatch up Bentleys, Lamborghinis and other pricey models at a rate far greater than the industry sales pace.


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Reaction to the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died on Tuesday after a two-year battle with cancer, ending 14 years of divisive rule. Following is reaction to Chavez's death:

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon offered his "deepest condolences" to the people of Venezuela.

U.S. President Barack Obama, in a statement:

"At this challenging time of President Hugo Chavez's passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the Venezuelan government.

"As Venezuela begins a new chapter in its history, the United States remains committed to policies that promote democratic principles, the rule of law, and respect for human rights."

Cancer survivor and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff told reporters:

"Today a great Latin American died. ... On many occasions, the Brazilian government did not fully agree with President Hugo Chavez but today, as always, we recognize in him a great leader, an irreparable loss and, above all, a friend of Brazil."

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in a statement:

"I received the news of President Hugo Chavez's death with great sadness. I'm proud to have lived and worked with him for the integration of Latin America and for a more just world. My solidarity to the Venezuelan people, to Chavez's family and supporters, on this sad day, but I'm confident that his example of love of the fatherland and his dedication to the cause of the poor will continue to illuminate the future of Venezuela."

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos told reporters:

"The obsession that united us and that was the base of our relationship was peace in Colombia and the region. If we've advanced in a solid peace process ... it's also thanks to the dedication and commitment without limits of President Chavez and the Venezuelan government.

"The best tribute we can pay to the memory of Hugo Chavez is to fulfill this dream he shared with us to reach an agreement to end the conflict and to see a peaceful Colombia."

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, in a televised address:

"We undoubtedly had our differences, but I was always able to appreciate the strength, the engagement with which Chavez fought for his ideas.

"When his illness worsened and he had to return to Cuba, I called him and I remember he told me ... that if he had to face death, he wanted to do it in his country, in his beloved Venezuela."

Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes, in a statement:

"The death of someone who has been one of the strongest and most popular Latin American leaders will, without doubt, produce a vacuum in politics, but most of all, in the heart of all Venezuelan men and women."

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told reporters:

"It's a tragedy. He was a great politician."

Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien in a televised interview:

"He was a great baseball fan and player and he always told me that if I were to visit him in Venezuela, we would go to a baseball field and he would throw balls to me for me to hit them, you know, and we never had the occasion to do that.

"On a personal basis, I had really good relations with him. He was not a great admirer of the Americans and he was not shy to discuss that with anybody, including me."

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, in a statement:

"I was saddened to learn of the death of President Hugo Chavez today. As president of Venezuela for 14 years he has left a lasting impression on the country and more widely. I would like to offer my condolences to his family and to the Venezuelan people at this time."

U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in a statement:

"Hugo Chavez ruled Venezuela with an iron hand and his passing has left a political void that we hope will be filled peacefully and through a constitutional and democratic process, grounded in the Venezuelan constitution and adhering to the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

"With free and fair elections, Venezuela can begin to restore its once robust democracy and ensure respect for the human, political and civil rights of its people."

U.S. Representative Ed Royce, Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in a statement:

"Hugo Chavez was a tyrant who forced the people of Venezuela to live in fear. His death dents the alliance of anti-U.S. leftist leaders in South America. Good riddance to this dictator.

"Venezuela once had a strong democratic tradition and was close to the United States. Chavez's death sets the stage for fresh elections. While not guaranteed, closer U.S. relations with his key country in our Hemisphere are now possible."

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, in a statement:

"President Chavez will be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communication skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment.

"At the same time, we recognize the divisions created in the drive towards change in Venezuela and the need for national healing. We hope that as Venezuelans mourn the passing of President Chavez and recall his positive legacies - especially the gains made for the poor and vulnerable - the political leaders will move the country forward by building a new consensus that ensures equal opportunities for all Venezuelans to participate in every aspect of national life."

U.S. actor Sean Penn, in a statement:

"Today the United States lost a friend it never knew it had. And poor people around the world lost a champion. I lost a friend I was blessed to have. My thoughts are with the family of President Chavez and the people of Venezuela."

(Editing by Jim Loney and Stacey Joyce)


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New guidelines on gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) published by the American College of Gastroenterology

BETHESDA, Md., March 5, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- New treatment guidelines on the diagnosis and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), one of the most prevalent digestive disorders, appear in the March issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

The new guidelines from the American College of Gastroenterology provide an overview of GERD and its presentation and offer clinical recommendations for the approach to diagnosis and management of this common condition, based on an assessment of the scientific evidence. Experts Philip O. Katz, MD, FACG, Lauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACG and Marcelo F. Vela, MD, MSCR, FACG review the presentations of risk factors for GERD and provide recommendations for medical, surgical and endoscopic management, including comparative effectiveness of different treatments.

The authors note that GERD is "arguably the most common disease encountered by the gastroenterologist. It is equally likely that the primary care providers will find that complaints related to reflux disease constitute a large proportion of their practice." The prevalence of GERD is 10 to 20 percent in the Western world, an epidemiologic estimate based primarily on the typical symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation, according to the new guidelines, which estimate that clinically troublesome heartburn is seen in about 6 percent of the population.

The guidelines also address extraesophageal symptoms including asthma, chronic cough and laryngitis, and complications of GERD such as erosive esophagitis, peptic stricture and Barrett's esophagus, as well as the evaluation and management of patients with refractory GERD symptoms-- those treated empirically with medications known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) who do not respond to medications.

The guidelines review potential adverse events associated with PPI therapy including headache, diarrhea, and dyspepsia in less than 2 % of users, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, association with community-acquired infections including pneumonia and diarrhea, hip fractures and osteoporosis, and increased cardiovascular events in patients using concomitant clopidogrel therapy. The guidelines offer the following recommendations on potential risks associated with PPIs:

1. Switching PPIs can be considered in the setting of side-effects.

2. Patients with known osteoporosis can remain on PPI therapy. Concern for hip fractures and osteoporosis should not affect the decision to use PPI long-term except in patients with other risk factors for hip fracture.

3. PPI therapy can be a risk factor for Clostridium difficile infection, and should be used with care in patients at risk.

4. Short-term PPI usage may increase the risk of community-acquired pneumonia. The risk does not appear elevated in long-term users.

5. PPI therapy does not need to be altered in concomitant clopidogrel users as there does not appear to be an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events.

Not All Lifestyle Modifications Improve GERD The authors review the evidence of the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions as part of therapy for GERD, particularly the impact of dietary and other lifestyle modifications on lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP), esophageal pH, and GERD symptoms. They note that, "Counseling is often provided regarding weight loss, head of bed elevation, tobacco and alcohol cessation, avoidance of late-night meals, and cessation of foods that can potentially aggravate reflux symptoms including caffeine, coffee, chocolate, spicy foods, highly acidic foods such as oranges and tomatoes, and foods with high fat content." However, based on a review of the evidence, the new guidelines conclude that "routine global elimination of food that can trigger reflux (including chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, acidic and / or spicy foods) is not recommended in the treatment of GERD." However, multiple studies have demonstrated reduction in GERD symptoms with weight loss.

An evaluation of clinical trials on the effectiveness of various lifestyle modifications finds evidence in support the some of these common lifestyle modifications, yet little or no evidence for others: "Consumption of tobacco (12 trials), chocolate (2 trials), and carbonated beverages (2 trials) and right lateral decubitus position (3 trials) were shown to lower pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), whereas consumption of alcohol (16 trials), coffee and caffeine (14 trials), spicy foods (2 trials), citrus (3 trials), and fatty foods (9 trials) had no effect. There was an increase in esophageal acid exposure times with tobacco and alcohol consumption in addition to ingestion of chocolate and fatty foods. However, tobacco and alcohol cessation (4 trials) were not shown to raise LESP, improve esophageal pH, or improve GERD symptoms. In addition, there have been no studies conducted to date that have shown clinical improvement in GERD symptoms or complications associated with cessation of coffee, caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, citrus, carbonated beverages, fatty foods, or mint. A recent systematic review concluded that there was lack of evidence that consumption of carbonated beverages causes or provokes GERD."

Full text of the ACG GERD guidelines is available from The American Journal of Gastroenterology and experts are available for comments.

About the American College of Gastroenterology Founded in 1932, the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) is an organization with an international membership of more than 12,000 individuals from 80 countries. The College is committed to serving the clinically oriented digestive disease specialist through its emphasis on scholarly practice, teaching and research. The mission of the College is to serve the evolving needs of physicians in the delivery of high quality, scientifically sound, humanistic, ethical, and cost-effective health care to gastroenterology patients. Follow ACG on Twitter

SOURCE American College of Gastroenterology


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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Republicans unveil government funding measure

President Barack Obama welcomes his new Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, right, as he speaks to members of the media at the start of a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, March 4, 2013. From left are, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Obama and Hagel. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama welcomes his new Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, right, as he speaks to members of the media at the start of a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, March 4, 2013. From left are, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Obama and Hagel. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) ? Republicans controlling the House moved Monday to give the Pentagon more money for military readiness while easing the pain felt by such agencies as the FBI and the Border Patrol from the across-the-board spending cuts that are just starting to take effect.

The effort is part of a huge spending measure that would fund day-to-day federal operations through September ? and head off a potential government shutdown later this month.

The measure would leave in place automatic cuts of 5 percent to domestic agencies and 7.8 percent to the Pentagon ordered by President Barack Obama Friday night after months of battling with Republicans over the budget. But the House Republicans' legislation would award the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments their detailed 2013 budgets while other agencies would be frozen at 2012 levels ? and then bear the across-the-board cuts.

The impact of the new cuts was proving slow to reach the broader public as Obama convened the first Cabinet meeting of his second term to discuss next steps.

The Pentagon did say it would furlough thousands of military school teachers around the world and close commissaries an extra day each week. And Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the spending cuts were causing delays in customs lines at airports including Los Angeles International and O'Hare International in Chicago.

Obama said he was continuing to seek out Republican partners to reach a deal to ease or head off the cuts, but there was no sign that a breakthrough was in the works to reverse them.

The new GOP funding measure is set to advance through the House on Wednesday. It's aimed at preventing a government shutdown when a six-month spending bill passed last September runs out March 27.

The latest measure would provide an increase for military operations and maintenance efforts as well as veterans' health programs but would put most the rest of the government on budget autopilot.

After accounting for the across-the-board cuts, domestic agencies would face reductions exceeding 5 percent when compared with last year. But Republicans would carve out a host of exemptions seeking to protect certain functions, including federal prisons and fire-fighting efforts in the West, and to provide new funding for embassy security and modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The FBI and the Border Patrol would be able to maintain current staffing levels and would not have to furlough employees.

The legislation would provide about $2 billion more than the current level to increase security at U.S. embassies and diplomatic missions worldwide. Last September, a terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

A project to repair the Capitol Dome in Washington could stay on track, and NASA would be protected from the harshest effects of the automatic cuts, known in Washington as a sequester.

The across-the-board cuts would carve $85 billion in spending from the government's $3.6 trillion budget for this year, concentrating the cuts in the approximately $1 trillion allocated to the day-to-day agency operating budgets set by Congress each year. Those so-called discretionary accounts received big boosts in the first two years of Obama's presidency when Democrats controlled Congress but have borne the brunt of the cuts approved as Obama and Republicans have grappled over the budget.

Both Democrats and Republicans for months have warned the cuts are draconian and would slow the growth of the economy and cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, for instance, says they would slow the economy by 0.6 percent and cost about 750,000 jobs.

Obama presided Monday over the first meeting of his new-look Cabinet in a sobering climate of fiscal belt-tightening, urging humane management of spending cuts for communities and families that are "going to be hurting."

"We can manage through it," the president told reporters. Obama and members of his Cabinet had been warning for weeks that the cuts would be painful, but the fact is they will be slow to take effect, with the first furloughs of government workers not due until next month. Cuts to many programs may go unnoticed entirely.

The White House budget office's 83-page sequestration order was released Friday evening, detailing the cuts to more than 1,000 separate government accounts, big and small. Cuts of 7.8 percent that are set to strike defense accounts include $5.2 billion for construction at Army bases. Other accounts are far smaller, like $32 million to operate and maintain the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Each agency is supposed to apportion the cuts equally to each "program, project and activity" within the broader accounts, which gives agency heads some flexibility since it's up to them to define what that means. And it's not clear what recourse others would have if they disagreed with an agency's choices.

"That leaves it pretty much to the administrators in the agency in which that account falls to determine how he's planning on applying it," said G. William Hoagland, a budget expert with the Bipartisan Policy Center. "I don't know that anybody's going to be held accountable if some administrator defines a project the way he wants to define it."

Associated Press


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Cardinals begin pre-conclave meetings amid scandal

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? Cardinals from around the world gathered Monday inside the Vatican for their first round of meetings before the conclave to elect the next pope, amid scandals inside and out of the Vatican and the continued reverberations of Benedict XVI's decision to retire.

Cardinals were treated like rock stars as they entered the Vatican on Monday morning, with television crews swarming around the red-capped churchmen and their handlers pushing their way through the crowds.

"A Latin American Pope is possible, everything is possible!" said Portuguese Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins as he entered.

The core agenda item is to set the date for the conclave and set in place procedures to prepare for it, including closing the Sistine Chapel to visitors and getting the Vatican hotel cleared out and de-bugged, lest anyone try to listen in on the secret conversations of the cardinals.

But a date may not be agreed upon Monday as the dean of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, has said the date won't be finalized until all cardinals have arrived in Rome.

The first day of discussion was again rocked by revelations of scandal, with Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien admitting that he had engaged in sexual misconduct not befitting a priest, archbishop or cardinal.

O'Brien last week resigned as archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh and said he wouldn't participate in the conclave after four men came forward with allegations that he had acted inappropriately with them ? the first time a cardinal has stayed away from a conclave because of personal scandal.

Separately, the Vatican is still reeling from the fallout of the scandal over leaked papal documents, and the investigation by three cardinals into who was behind it.

Italian news reports have been rife with unsourced reports about the contents of the cardinals' dossier. Even if the reports are false, as the Vatican maintains, the leaks themselves confirmed a fairly high level of dysfunction within the Vatican bureaucracy, with intrigues, turf battles and allegations of corruption, nepotism and cronyism at the highest levels of the church hierarchy.

In one of his last audiences before resigning, Benedict met with the three cardinals who prepared the report and decided that their dossier would remain secret. But he gave them the go-ahead to answer cardinals' questions about its contents.

Another topic facing the cardinals is the reason they're here in the first place: Benedict's resignation and its implications. His decision to end 600 years of tradition and retire rather than stay on the job until death has completely altered the concept of the papacy, and cardinals haven't shied from weighing in about the implications for the next pope.


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Sydney becomes more appealing destination for business events ...

New South Wales has had one of its most successful business events years ever, hosting 91 events worth almost $220 million to the State?s economy, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, George Souris, announced today.

?I am particularly buoyed to see that regional areas of NSW are also major beneficiaries of business events last year and I am encouraged by Business Events Sydney (BESydney) reporting that NSW?s regions were enjoying increased opportunities for hosting national and international business delegates.

Business Events Sydney is a not-for-profit, independent proprietary company.

?The NSW Government is committed to expanding the benefits of business events to the regions by enacting a recommendation of the Visitor Economy Taskforce which will see the development this year of an integrated Regional Conferencing Strategy led by Destination NSW and Business Events Sydney.

?Destinations such as the Hunter Valley, Blue Mountains and Wollongong have traditionally been key markets for incentive and reward trips, but the growing sophistication of regional facilities and the cultivation of specalised knowledge hubs are making these destinations more and more appealing to the conference and association market.

?Whether it?s rural health in Newcastle, organic horticulture at Bathurst or fisheries at Port Stephens, association clients embrace the opportunity to take visiting delegates to the coal face to engage and collaborate at regional research centres and knowledge hubs and undertake technical tours of these specialty areas,? Mr Souris said.

Mr Souris pointed out that last year saw 60,237 delegates come to Sydney for a total of 244,453 delegate days, many visiting regional areas and spending time there?and this year is looking even more promising.

?2013 has only just begun, but already BESydney has secured a strong line-up of events for the city, drawing thousands of visitors that are keen to experience one of the world?s most unforgettable destinations first hand.

?So far, 64 events will attract more than 50,000 business visitors to NSW with an estimated economic impact of $167.1 million to the State.? ?

?Among the secured events for 2013 is the LG Group?s annual incentive program, which will be held in Sydney for the third time. 930 selected LG staff from Korea will travel to Sydney in waves of 50 ? 70 delegates at a time to enjoy a fun-filled itinerary, including visits to the Blue Mountains, sand boarding in Port Stephens and, of course, tours of Sydney?s famous landmarks.

?Wollongong and the Illawarra have also reaped the benefits of the Government?s efforts, together with BE Sydney and Destination NSW. Wollongong played host to the 15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT) for 300 delegates in September 2012 and will host 400 delegates for the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics in July 2013.

?The intellectual capital of the award-winning University of Wollongong has helped to attract a diverse array of leading business events and that momentum is set to continue.

?The Hunter Valley is another destination to benefit with the Perfect China Leadership Seminar bringing more than 3,000 delegates to the region in July adding millions of dollars to the local economy.

?Many of the regions of NSW have their own unique products, expert suppliers and natural assets to offer the business events market. BESydney and Destination NSW will develop strategies to enrich and enhance the opportunities for regional business, institutes and universities to tap into the business event market. The future for business events in Sydney and NSW is bright,? Mr Souris said.

Mr Souris congratulated BE Sydney for its success in helping to continue to attract a record number business events to NSW.

Lyn Lewis-Smith, CEO of BESydney, said last year?s success could be attributed to BESydney?s expert team and long-term client relationships.

?Critical to this success is the dynamic business environment and innovative researchers based in our State,? she said.


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Cdn papal contender: church could be positive example on handling abuse scandals

VATICAN CITY - The Canadian cardinal considered one of the top choices for the papacy says he thinks the Catholic church's handling of its sex abuse scandals can be held up as a positive example.

In an interview with CBC television Marc Cardinal Ouellet defended the church, saying it had to bear a great deal of public scrutiny when stories of abuse came to light.

"But it is not a Catholic problem; it is a human problem," he said.

"Most of the abuse occurred in families in very general in society, and my hope is what was done by the Catholic Church, which is not yet perfect, but could be also of example for others in society. And I hope it will create an atmosphere in the whole society for respect of youth, for creating, you know, a safe environment everywhere you know in sports environments and others."

Ouellet added that the issue of abuse within the church was still one that had to be dealt with very carefully, but he said he was satisfied with the practices of monitoring members of the clergy which were are currently in place.

Quebec-born Ouellet has come under fire in the past from critics who said he remained silent on the issue of sexual abuse by priests in his home province.

In the interview which aired Monday night, Ouellet said the church has learned from its mistakes and has "apologized many times" for cases of abuse that have hurt its reputation.

"Everything that was bad, you know is so regretful," he said.

When asked if the church had apologized enough, Ouellet mused aloud, "so I think?enough? Who knows?"

Ouellet is being touted as a possible candidate to succeed Pope Benedict, who announced his resignation last month citing a lack of strength to do the job.

The 68-year-old Canadian serves as head of the powerful Congregation for Bishops, which vets bishop nominations worldwide.

He has created controversy in the past with his conservative views.

The former Archbishop of Quebec City drew considerable criticism when he ignored the wishes of many of his priests and banned the practice of general absolution ? a type of mass-forgiveness ceremony that allowed Catholics to avoid the discomfort of the confessional.

The practice, dismissed by purists as a shortcut, was favoured by many priests because it often boosted attendance.

Ouellet is also remembered in Quebec for anti-abortion remarks he made in 2010, which provoked angry reactions from women's rights activists and a number of politicians.

The cardinal had told media that abortion was unjustifiable, even in cases of rape.

Ouellet has also spoken out against gay marriage, calling it "a big crisis, not only a moral crisis, but an anthropological one. We don't know what it means to be a human being anymore.''

Pre-conclave meetings began Monday at the Vatican, at which cardinals organize the election of the next pope, discuss the problems of the church and get to know one another before voting.

No date has been set yet for the conclave and one may not be decided on officially for a few more days.


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Monday, March 4, 2013

AP PHOTOS: A look at past Iditarod sled dog races

AAA??Mar. 2, 2013?3:48 PM ET
AP PHOTOS: A look at past Iditarod sled dog races
By The Associated PressBy The Associated Press, Associated Press?THE ASSOCIATED PRESS STATEMENT OF NEWS VALUES AND PRINCIPLES?

FILE - Iditarod front-runner Dallas Seavey makes his final drive toward Nome, Alaska, during the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on March 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Anchorage Daily News, Marc Lester, File)

FILE - Iditarod front-runner Dallas Seavey makes his final drive toward Nome, Alaska, during the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on March 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Anchorage Daily News, Marc Lester, File)

FILE - Rick Swenson leads his team the final few yards at the conclusion of the ninth annual Iditarod Sled Dog Race in Nome, Alaska, March 19, 1981. The Eureka musher won the race for the third time, covering the 969 miles from Settlers Bay, near Anchorage, to Nome in 12 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes and 2 seconds. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - Last year?s winner and veteran dog musher Susan Butcher pulls into this checkpoint in the heat of the day in McGrath, Alaska, March 12, 1987. (AP Photo/Rob Stapleton, File)

FILE - Bruce Johnson of Atlin, B.C., Canada, takes a nap in the heat of the day at Nikolai checkpoint along the Iditarod trail in Alaska, March 12, 1987. (AP Photo/Rob Stapleton, File)

FILE - The aurora borealis, or northern lights, fill the sky above the Takotna, Alaska checkpoint during the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. (AP Photo/The Anchorage Daily News, Bob Hallinen, File)

The world's most famous sled dog race, the Iditarod, kicks off Saturday with an 11-mile-long trot through Anchorage, Alaska's largest city. The race consists of a grueling 1,000-mile trek through unpredictable wilderness to the old gold rush town of Nome on Alaska's western coast. Whoever reaches Nome first wins a new truck and a cash prize of $50,400. The rest of the $600,000 purse will be split between the next 29 mushers to cross the finish line. The iconic race, however, seems to be about more than a monetary prize for most involved: a competition of human versus wild.

Here's a gallery of pictures looking back at more than 30 years of "The Last Great Race."

Associated Press
People, Places and Companies: Alaska


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Humans kill nearly 100 million sharks each year, say conservationists

Shark populations have declined rapidly, driven largely by demand for shark fins, a delicacy in many Asian countries.

By Alister Doyle,?Reuters Environment Correspondent / March 1, 2013

A great white shark in captivity swims Monterey Bay Aquarium's 'Outer Bay' exhibit in 2005. Great white sharks off the coast of California are set to enjoy greater protection, as state officials consider whether to add the predator to California's list of endangered species.

Vern Fisher/Monterey County Herald/AP/File


Protection measures have failed to stop around 100 million sharks being fished every year and a third of all shark species are now threatened with extinction, conservationists say.

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Many are caught for their fins, a delicacy in Asian soup. The fins are sliced off and the animals are often dumped alive overboard to die of suffocation or eaten by other predators.

Protection for endangered sharks may have lagged because they are relatively unloved compared to animals such as pandas or lions, even though they usually kill fewer than 10 people a year worldwide.

An estimated 97 million sharks, or 1.41 million tonnes, were caught in 2010 compared to 100 million in 2000, according to a study in the journal Marine Policy, the first to estimate the number of sharks killed annually.

"We are now the predators. Humans have mounted an unrelenting assault on sharks and their numbers are crashing throughout the world's oceans," said Elizabeth Wilson, manager of global shark conservation at The Pew Charitable Trusts.

A meeting of 170 nations in Bangkok from March 3 to 14 will consider limits on trade in hammerhead sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks and porbeagle sharks to curb over-fishing. Great white sharks, whale sharks and basking sharks already have protection.

"More has to be done. Some species are really hanging on by a thread," said Boris Worm, a marine biologist at Dalhousie University in Canada, who was lead author of the study with other experts in Canada and the United States.

Demand in Asia for shark fins, a delicacy in soup, is a main driver of catches that also target meat, liver oil and cartilage.

The small fall in catches from 2000 to 2010 may be an encouraging sign of steps to outlaw finning by the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia in the past decade, Worm said. And China plans to phase out shark fin soup in official banquets.

But it may be a sign that sharks are getting harder to find because there are fewer in the oceans, he told Reuters.

Unloved fish

Sharks killed seven people worldwide in unprovoked attacks in 2012, down from 13 in 2011 but above the average for 2001 to 2010 of 4.4, according to the International Shark Attack File compiled by the University of Florida.

On Wednesday, a New Zealand man was attacked and killed by a great white shark.

Friday's study estimated that between 6.4 and 7.9 percent of the world's sharks are caught every year, depleting numbers since sharks grow slowly, have few offspring and numbers can only rebound at about 4.9 percent a year.

Pew urged delegates at the Bangkok meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species to agree more protection for sharks and rays.

Worldwide there are about 500 species of shark, ranging from the dwarf shark that can fit in the palm of a hand to the whale shark, the largest fish in the oceans that can grow up to 12 metres (40 feet), the length of a bus.

A third of those species risk being wiped out, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

(Reporting By Alister Doyle; Editing by Tom Pfeiffer)


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