Thursday, June 30, 2011

Forever Young Adult, a community for adult YA readers to find book ...

And we?re back this week with the third episode of that show we all like to watch about a girl who is a cat. Not sure what I?m talking about? Well, then you obviously lead a sad, sheltered life devoid of the joys of ABCFamily. If you?re wondering who these people are or why some of them are doing cat things, check out of my recap of the Pilot. And since we can all agree that nothing happened in last week?s episode, let?s all just dive right in!

Our show begins the way it typically likes to begin and end. With Chloe, alone in her room, at night. Alek, who we now know spells his name with a K, sneaks in. Basically Alek has proven very quickly that he is a bit of a stalker, but he?s pretty jokey about it, so I guess that?s okay? Alek flirts with Chloe and she pretends to be annoyed by this whole ?sneaking into her room? thing, but she isn?t trying hard enough, therefore she probably likes it. Turns out Alek has a purpose for this surprise visit to Chloe?s inner sanctum ? the Mai leader wants to meet Chloe! I?m surprised it took their leader this long to bother. Also, I suppose Alek could have told her this at school. But then it wouldn?t have led to the wacky Ruh Roh moment where Chloe?s mom walks in to find Alek on her daughter?s bed. Whoopsies! Sad sack mom is not pleased.

"uhhh, this isn't what it looks like..."

And?it?s our crappy teaser intro again! This is seriously still the worst intro of all time. OF ALL TIME. It?s almost like ABC Family is not reading my recaps/listening to me. Pretty sure that anyone who makes fan videos on the internet could put something better together in a couple of hours. But on the plus side I ordered delivery and MY THAI FOOD IS HERE. Thai food will make everything better.

Morning at the King house! And Chloe actually ate breakfast this morning! Good for her! Even though we?re only on the third episode, I?m starting to realize the writers/directors keep repeating the same scenes over and over (the morning ?breakfast? scene with mom, a scene at the clothing store, etc. Get some new sets!) Sad sack mom wants to talk about the fact that there was a doucher sitting on her daughter?s nicely made bed the night before. She proceeds to impose a ?no boys in the room? policy. Whoa. That?s, like, actually offensive. Like, if your daughter is going to have the sexes, she?s going to find a way. It?s not like she?s going to go ?well, if I can?t do it in my own bed?I truly see no other option here!? Or else maybe her mom thinks that just SEEING A BOY ON HER BED will make Chloe do the dirty. Like, ?I didn?t really want to have sex with this guy?but he?s like, right there, in my bed, so why not, I guess?? And like, ALL boys, are we truly making NO distinction here? So, it?s not okay to have a gay male friend in your room, but a lesbian girl is okay to bring up? And what about neutered boys like Paul? Is Paul really not allowed to hang out in Chloe?s room? Even though, if we took off his pants, I?m pretty sure he would be rocking plastic ken doll like boxers that are infused to his skin. Anyway, Sad Sack mom has now become completely unreasonable, overbearing mom.

Chloe?s cat senses make her feel like she?s being followed. This also happens?a lot. But it?s just Jasmine! And turns out Jasmine?s mom is the leader of all of the San Fransisco Mai. Oh, and Scarface was following her, but is there EVER A TIME THAT HE?S NOT? Just wondering, because it?s kind of getting old.

We?re in school and Chloe is filling Paul in on the Mai gathering she?s been invited to. Paul, of course, wants to come with. Paul is also wearing some shirt that is clearly some sort of comic/nerd reference, but I?m not sure what. I feel like I just lost a lot of nerd cred. Amy shows up just to prove how self-involved she is, bemoaning that Chloe might miss her coffee shop singing debut. Which is clearly more important than Chloe finding out about her destiny, history, powers, who is trying to kill her, etc.

Ten points to Gryffindor/the person who tells me what Paul's shirt is.

Brian is at the coffee shop, which I now realize is actually attached to the vintage clothing boutique that Chloe works at. He is reading a police report, in public, like ya do. He asks Chloe out on a date to a music festival. And Chloe seems to think his showing up at her work every single day is cute, as opposed to creepy, and accepts. Learning someone?s schedule so you can be everywhere they are is not cute. For example, this guy who I was not at all friends with senior year of college, actually learned my tv schedule (as in, which shows I liked to watch with my roommates) so that he could stop by my apartment when he knew I would be there. Granted, he was a lot more awkward than Cat Hat Brian, but stalker isn?t a flattering color on anyone, even Brian.

Alek and Jasmine and Chloe are on their way to Jasmine?s place. Apparently Jasmine?s mother is a straight up BAMF and has killed 15 members of The Order. They arrive at Jasmine?s fancy digs and are introduced to her mom, Valentina, who also happens to be the bitchy lady from the show Jericho. God, I loved that show. Why aren?t I watching that show? Valentina is very kind to Chloe, which seems like a bit of an act. She explains that the Mai have been slaughtered and scattered. Alek?s parents were killed, which I guess is supposed to make us forgive him for any past or future asshole behavior.

The Order kill Mai because they think Mai are a danger to mankind. We talk more about Chloe being the Uniter but have still yet to properly explain what exactly that means. Valentina says they might have to put Chloe into hiding, since she?s so important. Chloe is not keen on that idea.

Chloe arrives home to find her mom missing. Except that she was just in another room. I am actually personally offended by the lame fake out. Overbearing mom finds out that Chloe was with Alek and has another freak out. Her mom?s all ?we don?t lie to each other!? Umm, really? Considering the fact that Chloe is a CAT PERSON and that her parents basically bought her on the black market and her dad mysteriously disappeared, I have a feeling we?re going to find out her mom knows a lot of shit she ain?t tellin?.

Chloe is walking and talking with her sidekicks. She?s complaining about this whole Uniter destiny thing and Paul says ?do you know how long I?ve waited to be swept away to fulfill an ancient destiny?? Paul, YOU ARE THE HEART AND SOUL OF THIS SHOW and the VOICE OF REASON and MY FAVORITE. Amy is going on again about being a singer/songwriter at the coffee shop. Amy makes some joke about breaking up with Paul and I seriously HATE that joke. It?s neither cute nor funny to joke that you will break up with your significant other in front of third parties. It?s just awkward and obnoxious. But then again, so is Amy.

Valentina shows up at the vintage clothing store. Valentina tells Chloe that her friends and family might not fit into her knew life, humans and Mai don?t really share the same world, Chloe?s destined for greatness, etc. Chloe is all THIS IS THE WORST THING ANYONE HAS EVER SAID TO ME. Considering Chloe has all of three humans in her life and one is Amy and the other is her needy mother, I don?t feel like this is such terrible news.

Brian stalks Chloe again at her place of business and asks her to lunch before the music festival. He even mentions Thai food which is WHAT I AM EATING, RIGHT NOW. Delicious. Chloe, who is all upset from her convo with Valentina, is like ?I can?t date you right now, I?ve got too much going on.? Brian proceeds to get all butthurt and is all ?oh, you only want to be Friends, I get it? and proceeds to act like every male ever, in the history of time, who finds out you don?t really want to date them. Maybe now Brian can find a girl his own age instead of mooning over a 16 year old girl he barely knows. But then again, maybe not.

Chloe?s overly dependant mother runs into Scarface on the street. Chloe is closing up the store for the night when her mother calls. Except it isn?t her mother?it?s Scarface on her mother?s phone. Cue a freak out! Except that her mom is okay and the phone was just stolen. Chloe tells Valentina, who decides they?re going to finally get rid of this guy. About damn time. The Mai go to stake out Chloe?s house and wait. Chloe stays with Jasmine at Jasmine?s place.

Amy, also known as the biggest thing since John Mayer, is at her singer/songwriter show. Chloe is holed up with Jasmine and has to miss it. Jasmine and Chloe talk about their moms. Jasmine is all ?my mom is super distant and cold? and Chloe has the nerve to feel sorry for her, while explaining how wonderful it is that her mother is inappropriately co-dependant and smothering. Yikes.

Back to Amy at the coffee shop. Amy is singing and playing her acoustic guitar, and honestly, it sounds fine but a bit folksy. Which makes it weird because no way Amy would sing/sound like this. What we are watching is the actress who plays Amy, not the character Amy. While listening to this folksy song, we get shots of Chloe looking sad, and Brian looking sad and OMG they made PAUL CRY. Oh Jesus H. Dumbledore, that is so lame. Please show, don?t make Paul lame! He is the only one I love.

"your body is a wonderland..."

Scarface calls Chloe from the coffee shop and more or less threatens Amy if Chloe doesn?t meet him alone. And, oh Christ on a Cracker, Chloe is going to do it because she is the stupidest fictional character is the world. Amy is IN A PUBLIC PLACE, not tied up in a room somewhere. Until then, you don?t have to do what he says! If he?s meeting you somewhere else, you don?t HAVE TO SHOW UP ALONE. He won?t know you?re NOT alone until it?s too late. You can bring the other Mai with you. OR you can have the Mai go protect Amy. OR you could even call the police to go protect Amy. There are SO many other options besides sneaking out and not telling Jasmine where you are going. I can?t even. Too fucking ridiculous.

"you will do what I say, because you are stupid."

Brian calls Chloe and tells her that if she wants the tickets he bought for their date together, she can have them and bring someone else. Holy passive aggressive behavior batman! Brian, I am kind of?really unimpressed with you right now. Chloe completely ignores this inappropriate behavior and asks him for a ride so she can meet up with Scarface.

Chloe finds Scarface and tells him ?this ends!? Uhhh, Chloe, it won?t end until he?s dead. Do you really think you?re going to get him to do anything you say? Something falls on Chloe and knocks her out. Basically Scarface set up a Wile E. Coyote style trap for her, and Chloe, whose is apparently less intelligent than the Roadrunner, falls for it. Fucking amazing. When she wakes up she finds herself in metal chains. I think I?m supposed to be concerned for her safety, but this whole goddamn mess was so her own fault and I really hope she loses another life. She really deserves it. I don?t like to think murder victims can be dumb enough to deserve to be murdered, but Chloe is really changing the way I look at the world. I mean, if some dude is trying to kill me and calls me and is all ?meet me here alone? which I do, even though he doesn?t have a legitimate enough threat to warrant it, then knocks me out with a trick that even cartoon animals don?t fall for, I think I had it coming. All that said, Scarface is going to drown her.

Chloe, you deserve this.

But not so fast! We have some deus ex Jasmine going on. Some how they escape, but I?m not quite paying attention. They get outside and it?s raining. Scarface says he?s going to kill them and PULLS OUT A SHOTGUN. Which is awesome. He?s about to shoot until he gets knifed in the back by none other than Valentina. Who looks like a vigilante super hero. Valentina is all annoyed and Chloe actually has the nerve to say ?I?m sorry but I didn?t have a choice.? Ummm, Chloe, you had MANY choices. It?s just that you picked the WORST POSSIBLE ONE. But at least Scarface is finally dead, so I don?t have to endure any more of the exact some shots, over and over, of him following Chloe or calling Brian?s dad on the phone.

Valentina is my new hero.

Brian is waiting for Chloe in the car. Chloe?s taking on a ?fuck my destiny? attitude, and now she?s willing to go on a date with Brian again. Yay? After watching how creepy he acted, I?m not exactly Team Brian at the moment. Chloe comes home to find that Alek is still watching out for her mom. Awww, maybe he?s not a douche after all, he?s just a misunderstood boy with dead parents. The episode ends with Chloe cuddling up against her creepy smothering mother.

So what did you all think of this episode? How cool is Valentina? Are we all happy that Scarface is finally dead? Who do you like more, Alek or Brian? And can anyone please tell me what on earth the episode title means? Sound off in the comments below!

Related posts:

  1. The Nine Lives of Chloe King 1?1: ?Pilot?
  2. The Nine Lives of Chloe King 1?2: ?Redemption?
  3. chloe king will probably shed on you


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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Razer's new gaming keyboard is made for new Star Wars: The Old ...

by Mark R - on June 14th, 2011

I suppose that their will always be Star Wars games just like there will always be new Star Wars stories, and a soon-to-be released one is Star Wars: The Old Republic.

When the game gets released from Bioware and LucasArts, Razer will release this Star Wars gaming keyboard. It has a full color LCD track-panel which highly sensitive multi-touch support, perfect for making macros.

Speaking of macros, it also has some tactile keys above the LCD track-panel, just so you can make your move faster. Those keys can somehow change pictures, which is going to make this space-age combat a lot more nifty.

Yeah, I could have written that much better, but just to let you know, the keyboard has a special lighting feature. It can be blue for the Republic, red for the Sith Empire, or green like a lightsaber, so you can customize your keyboard.

I think it is interesting that Razer is putting out this gaming keyboard for this MMO game, and I am wondering if every MMO game is going to have a specially made keyboard. I know that SteelSeries puts out a bunch of them, and I?m wondering why these games just don?t get bundled together with these keyboards.

This one for The Old Republic is the coolest that I have seen, but there is no word on when it will come out, which is the same for the game. Here?s the official site if you are interested.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


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Sri Lanka-India ferry service resumes after 25 yrs

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Apple?s New Policy Might Keep iOS ?Kindle? App Going, But Amazon?s Tablet Plans Could Be Affected

Apple?s New Policy Might Keep iOS ?Kindle? App Going, But Amazon?s Tablet Plans Could Be Affected

Some time ago, I wrote this piece, highlighting my thoughts about Amazon?s upcoming foray into the curated, content-driven tablet market atop Google?s Android OS. My opinion that an affordably-priced (yet fully-featured) Kindle slate is the competing industry?s best chance at putting a dent in Apple?s towering form-factor mindshare remains completely unchanged. Indeed, I believe Amazon, fueled by its copious electronic media coffers, has the potential to offer a compelling reason for many users to make the switch, thereby giving some actual relevance to Android as a premium mobile offering.

However, with the recent news that Apple has changed its in-app subscription policies App Store-wide, the approach Amazon is likely to take will be slightly different than I?d previously imagined.

Before, I assumed Amazon ? with its new Kindle tablet ? would leverage the (impending) removal of its iOS app from iTunes into increased visibility for whatever LCD-based offering the company?s currently designing. In fact, as offensive strategies go, I thought that course of action might best highlight both Amazon?s tablet entry and, to the general masses, the growing importance of dedicated content-delivery behind any hardware they choose to buy.

Now, unless Amazon voluntarily pulls its Kindle app from Cupertino?s ecosystem (which is unlikely and would be quite a lot worse in terms of public relations than had the app been killed by Apple itself), they won?t have the option to take advantage of that tailor-made advertising bonus. And, though Apple is being critically lauded for owning up to what the tech community largely considers a drastic mistake in policy, I?m not so sure Amazon is as enthused as the rest of us. Instead, they are probably going to have to reconsider ? at least in part ? what manner of marketing to put forth once their tablet finally preps for public release.

One alternative that springs to mind is to peg its Google-powered Kindle slate as a lower-cost (but content-rich) alternative to Apple?s iPad lineup. It?s true that many of us ? myself included ? already refer to Android as ?the poor man?s iOS,? but no actual competing product yet shipped could accurately be called ?the poor man?s iPad.? Provided Amazon releases its tablet in a similar form factor to Apple?s bestseller, having the public identify it by such ?deprecatory? phrasing wouldn?t necessarily be a bad thing. Truly, Amazon wouldn?t tout its product in those terms; but, if the moniker sticks, I think it would serve to sell quite a few units and establish a substantial international following.

I expect the Amazon tablet to be of significantly cheaper build quality (or at least constructed using far more plastic) than the iPad or iPad 2, as the reader-centric device will have to be a lot lighter than what Apple?s put out. We?ve heard of inklings here and there that Amazon?s price-point needs to stay at or under $350 to be compelling, and, while I certainly agree, Amazon is not at all afraid of subsidizing some of the manufactory cost for the promise of future purchased media over a lifetime of product use. For the end-user, then, that means the company could conceivably sell a much more expensively-crafted unit for a fraction of what any similar competition charges.

That, by itself, could provide enough of a kick towards the tablet?s adoption to almost immediately place it second to Apple in slates sold; and, regardless of what size of screen the launch product houses, everyone should be concerned about the market share (and mindshare) they?re going to lose to this thing.

Apple, too, should take careful notice, and I genuinely hope Amazon?s cloud solution will introduce some unique elements compared with what Steve Jobs outed last week. Apps ? especially the quality of apps ? will remain an easy advantage for iTunes, but, with Amazon?s own app store and approval metrics already in place, the retail giant could easily create a legitimate, quality-focused app environment that adds real worth to its book-, magazine-, and newspaper-selling presence.

Still, Apple will continue to sell iPads as fast as (and in many cases, faster than) they?re produced each model year. Until that changes, then, there will be little to challenge its overwhelming dominance in the minds and pocketbooks of people the world over. But Amazon has the opportunity here to accomplish two things all other Android tablets have so far failed to do: bring scores of less wealthy customers into the tablet-computing fold and steal a small percentage of iPad users from their beloved slabs of metal and glass.

Thirteen months ago, when HP bought Palm, I said to a friend that I?d actually consider purchasing a webOS tablet if one ever got made. One did, and I still might. But, while I believe Palm?s last hurrah is miles ahead of Android in the user-friendliness and UI arenas, Amazon?s upcoming Android slate has siphoned much of my TouchPad enthusiasm and reallocated it for itself.

If Amazon does it right, they can absolutely play second fiddle.

And that?s a heck of a lot better than missing the concert.


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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Obama walks delicate line on jobs (AFP)

DURHAM, North Carolina (AFP) ? President Barack Obama promised Monday he would not rest until every American could get a secure job, after the 2012 Republican pacesetter branded him indifferent to the unemployed.

Obama traveled to North Carolina and Florida, swing states pummeled by the recession, which will help decide his fate next year, on a day when Republicans were set to upbraid him over jobs in their first big campaign debate.

Facing intense pressure over the economy, the president made the politically tough case that he had staved off a repeat of the Great Depression, but acknowledged that growth and job creation had come too slowly to many.

"I am still not satisfied. I will not be satisfied till everyone who wants a good job that offers some security, has a good job that offers security," Obama said.

"I won't be satisfied until working families feel like they are moving forward, that they are progressing again," Obama said at a North Carolina factory that produces world class energy efficient LED lighting products.

"We are going to get there," Obama said, seeking to strike a delicate balance between acknowledging economic struggles of many Americans, but inspiring hope that better days are ahead.

"I am optimistic about our future," Obama said, though he added: "We should not be complacent. We shouldn't pretend that a lot of folks out there are not still struggling."

Obama's met his Jobs and Competitiveness Council, a group of CEOs and academic experts at the factory, which unveiled a plan for a public-private partnership to train 10,000 new US engineers a year.

The White House is on the defensive after official data showed the unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent last month, and amid other signs the recovery is slowing after the deepest recession in decades.

Republican front-runner Mitt Romney unleashed the most stinging assault yet of the nascent campaign, accusing Obama of being indifferent to the plight of Americans stuck in the jobless trap.

Ahead of Monday's New Hampshire debate, a Romney campaign ad slammed a previous remark by the president that recent disappointing jobs data represented a "bump in the road" to a full economic recovery.

The spot shows people lying in a road, then standing up in turn to declare "I'm an American, not a bump in the road" and holding up a placard with their name followed by "stands with Mitt."

White House spokesman Jay Carney shrugged off the attack, saying that Obama had used a common phrase and adding that the economy was "heading in the right direction" though the path may not be smooth.

The jobs council is headed by GE Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt, and includes luminaries like AOL founder Steve Case and Gary Kelly, chairman and CEO of Southwest Airlines.

Amid deepening fears that the recovery may be running out of steam, Obama, who has sought to mend his tense ties with big business, asked the group to work on further spreading their message that "the sky is not falling."

"You guys can amplify that probably even more effectively that I can ... I'm an elected official, I'm a president ... so sometimes it may get discounted."

The LED lighting firm, Cree Inc. has hired 750 people, including over 180 scientists and engineers in the last year, and has built a new production line -- an example of innovation the White House wants to promote.

Josephine Lynch, a 43-year-old mother of four, said she had been working at Cree for two months, after being jobless for two-and-a-half years in a state where the unemployment rate was 9.7 percent in April.

Recent polls show Obama faces a deep political challenge over the economy.

In a Washington Post poll last week, respondents said by a two-to-one margin that America was on the wrong track while 57 percent did not believe the recovery has even begun, despite seven straight quarters of economic growth.

Later, Obama was due to head to another critical state, Florida, which, like North Carolina, he won in the 2008 election but where a jobs and foreclosures crisis threatens his 2012 prospects.

On Tuesday, Obama heads to Puerto Rico, where islanders are American citizens who do not vote in general elections but have close links to the Puerto Rican diaspora, a fast growing political demographic in Florida.


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NFL alumni raise money in Heimerdinger's honor

Mike Heimerdinger says he was surprised when members of the Tennessee chapter of the NFL Alumni wanted to dedicate this year's annual golf fundraiser in his name for the American Cancer Society.
Heimerdinger said Monday it's quite an honor.
His former boss Jeff Fisher and former players like Eddie George were among 150 golfers playing the Legends Club before bidding on signed pictures by Chris Johnson and Jay Cutler to autographed jerseys from John Elway and Peyton Manning.
Heimerdinger, fired as the Titans offensive coordinator in February, says he is doing just fine. His cancer treatment is keeping him skinny and he just finished another round with three weeks off with three more rounds likely.


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Unlocked iPhone 4 now available in the U.S.

By Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

Unlocked iPhone 4s are now on sale in the U.S. in both black and white. The device is nearly the same as its predecessor.


  • Apple is finally selling an unlocked version of the GSM iPhone 4 in the U.S.
  • The unlocked 16GB iPhone 4 is $649 from Apple, with the 32GB model going for $749
  • An unlocked version means users can upgrade without committing to a new contract

(Ars Technica) -- After offering an unlocked version of the iPhone overseas for some time, Apple has finally begun selling an unlocked version of the GSM iPhone 4 in the U.S.

Rumors had been building over the last several days that Apple was preparing to add such an item to its inventory system sooner than later, and those rumors came to fruition early Tuesday morning.

The unlocked 16GB iPhone 4 is now available directly from Apple for $649, with the 32GB model going for $749. (Bet you're hankerin' for those subsidized phones again!)

Unlocked iPhone 4s are available in both black and white and the device is otherwise the same as the AT&T-locked iPhone 4 that many of us are already familiar with.

Aside from being beneficial for travel -- GSM is essentially the world standard when it comes to cell phones and travelers will be able to use the device on other GSM networks outside of the U.S. -- an unlocked version of the phone means that users can upgrade without committing to a new contract with AT&T.

T-Mobile in the U.S. also offers a GSM network that partially works with the iPhone 4, but those who take unlocked phones over to that network won't be able to use T-Mobile's 3G -- the device works with T-Mobile's EDGE only.



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Videogame jam

A screenshot of a video game developed at Babycastles' game jam

Video game designers and developers attend a game jam in New York City and develop new titles in just 48 hours

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Large video game titles often take thousands of hours, scores of programmers, and vast sums of money to create. But there are groups of independent coders, programmers and designers coming together around the globe to create video games from scratch in just 48 hours.

Game jams are intensive video game programming sessions where electro-heads gather to build independent games over the course of just a weekend.

It's Friday night in New York City and roughly 25 programmers, designers, hackers and musicians have hauled their laptops, tablet computers and other mobile electronics to a damp, low-lit warehouse in Brooklyn.

Inside the graffiti-covered building, a crowd of check-shirted 20-somethings mix and mingle, chatting about programming languages and debating whether side-scrolling games are making a comeback.

For the next 48 hours, these technophiles will slave away, churning out miles of source code and scores of character designs, in an attempt to make independent video games from the ground up.

The event is being hosted by Babycastles, an organisation that doubles as a video game collective and an arcade for independently made games, and tonight marks the group's first jam.

“The point of game jams is to cultivate collaboration”

Gordon Bellamy International Game Developers Association, director

The objectives for many of the programmers, who comprised both students and full-time professionals, are simply to network, share ideas and experiment with their craft.

"Game jams are a means of experimenting with what's possible in the industry," says Babycastles' game jam organiser Ben Johnson.

"Programmers come together for a 48-hour period, we give them a secret theme, and they have that period to make games about the theme."

"It all has to be spontaneous," he says, adding that local game jams help bring together developers from all points in New York, a city largely outside of the eye of the corporate video game world.

Mr Johnson takes the floor at the Babycastles headquarters, where antique arcade machines can be seen with their innards ripped out and spread on the floor, and announces tonight's theme - love.

"You want us to build games about love?" someone in the crowd asks.

"Get to it," Mr Johnson says.

Video Game Developers working on games in PhiladelphiaVideo game developers from 44 countries participated in the Global Game Jam in 2011

International Game Developers Association (IGDA) director Gordon Bellamy says Babycastles' weekend event is one small piece of a "truly global phenomenon".

The IGDA organises a 48-hour jam each year called the Global Game Jam, which saw some 6,500 programmers and designers participating at 169 sites in 44 different countries last January, including sites from Taiwan to Lithuania to Brazil.

In the span of a weekend, nearly 1,500 games were created, which were all based around the theme of extinction.

"The point of game jams is to cultivate collaboration - that's what the jams are about. Game making is a collaborative process," says Mr Bellamy.

Game jams also serve as a platform through which developers are persuaded to "push the envelope in video game development", says Frank Lantz, interim director of New York University's Game Center.

"There's a whole space of possibility that the mainstream doesn't explore because commercial game development has its own incentives and constraints," says Mr Lantz.

The Game Center, which works as an interdepartmental group that offers classes in game design and development, was the third largest site in the 2011 Global Game Jam, with 40 games submitted to the jam from within the university.

Mr Lantz says the individuals who engage in game jams typically perceive video games as a creative form, "something like literature, poetry, theatre and film".

A video game developed by a staff member of the IGDAMany of the video games created at the Global Game Jam can be found online for use by the public

"A lot of what comes out of game jams is in response to the mainstream," he adds.

The video games that are created during the jams ultimately are played by others at the events, with some games later being placed online for public use.

The goal of game jam attendees is to engage in the creative process, and not to worry about shopping the product around afterwards, Mr Lantz says.

But Mr Lantz says he does hope some will continue their work on the games they start at the jams.

Jams fall in stark contrast to the Electronic Entertainment Expo, also known as E3, a yearly video game conference in Los Angeles, which pulls names like Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Activision and Rockstar Games all under one roof for three days.

The conference in Los Angeles finished up on 9 June and saw titles, like BioShock Infinite and Modern Warfare 3, as well as consoles, like the Nintendo Wii U and PlayStation Vita, unveiled by the gaming behemoths.

"You cage all the dinosaurs together in this big stadium at E3 and you ask them to out-roar each other," Mr Lantz says.

Estimates on the number of individuals who attended E3 this year have been projected at over 50,000.

Mr Lantz says he appreciates corporate advances in the industry but feels events like the Global Game Jam add a level of improvisation that is healthy for the industry.

A game designer drawing out a character for a gameGame jams in their current form have been around for about a decade

The Global Game Jam, which was conceived in 2009 by IGDA's Education SIG director Susan Gold, was modelled on a Nordic jam of the same type, founded by Gorm Lai, a freelancer who builds iPhone apps and games.

Prior to establishing the jam in Copenhagen in 2006, Mr Lai says there were events for developers in the region where "coders would just sit in solitude and code on his or her game".

"I thought it would be fun if I had other people to jam with, so I said 'Oh, let's do this,'" Mr Lai adds.

Now Mr Lai says jams about networking, making connections and enjoying the social atmosphere of the jam.

Other jams, like the Indie Game Jam in California, have sought to push similar themes for close to a decade.

Back at the Babycastles space in Brooklyn, 48 hours has passed.

"Hey everybody, time's up!" Mr Johnson yells.

Shuffling under piles of laptops, wires and tablets, the participants of the game jam appear weary but satisfied.

About 10 video games, from side-scrollers to puzzle games, have been made with, original music having even been crafted for a handful of the love-themed titles.

The developers shuffle clockwise from laptop to laptop for about 20 minutes, testing out each other's games, which have names like Spanish Fly and Nostalgia.

"I met all of these people here just this weekend," says one of the jam's participants, pointing to other coders standing around a table.

"We've already been talking about another game we'd like to work on... but first, I think we all would like to get some sleep."

This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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All Nagaland College Students` Union

DIMAPUR, June 12( Newmai News Network): The All Nagaland College Students? Union (ANCSU) today decided to accept the request of Nagaland University Vice Chancellor Professor K. Kannan for some more time to declare the undergraduate results. The student body has, therefore, relaxed the indefinite agitation which it began on Friday.?

The decision was taken during a meeting of the ANCSU officials held in Kohima today, the second day of the indefinite strike being carried out to protest against the failure of the University authority to declare the undergraduate results even after a lapse of 60 days as per the norms of UGC.

ANCSU officials said following the online declaration of BSc results today and also having received an official letter from the Vice Chancellor requesting extension of some more days for declaration of the BA results, the Union?s executive had a meeting and decided to relax the agitation. They, however, warned that they would resume their agitation and resort to own course of action if the Vice Chancellor fails to declare the results within the dates sought by him.

Meanwhile, a statement issued by ANCSU Assistant General Secretary Metsivikho Meyase informed that the Union had received a letter forwarded by the Governor?s Secretariat, with the wise intervention of the Governor of Nagaland, who is also the Chief Rector of Nagaland University, whereby the Vice Chancellor requested one more week to complete the evaluation of answer scripts and four days to declare the Arts stream results after moderation.

The Union, therefore, decided to relax the indefinite dharna. However, failing to comply in declaring the Arts Stream results within the stipulated time as requested by the Vice Chancellor, the Union shall resume further course of action, the release stated.

Source: The Imphal Free Press (unless otherwise specified)
Disclaimer: Source is responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the news.

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Katy Perry's 'Last Friday Night' Gets Teen-Party Makeover From Rebecca Black

Hanson, Kenny G and 'Glee' stars Darren Criss and Kevin McHale also guest-star in teen-movie homage.
By Jocelyn Vena

Katy Perry in her "Last Friday Night" video
Photo: Capitol Records

What happened "Last Friday Night"? Katy Perry's alter ego Kathy Beth Terry is trying to figure that out. In the just premiered video, directed by Marc Klasfeld, Perry pays homage to the teen flicks of the '80s, with the help of quite a few famous friends.

In the midst of a rousing game of sudoku, the brace-faced, headgear-wearing, nerdy Kathy seems initially mad at the house party going on outside. So, what's a girl to do? Well, try to reason with the revelers and get them to stop, obviously.

But those revelers happen to include "Friday" singer Rebecca Black, house band Hanson, with an assist from Kathy Beth Terry's crazy uncle Kenny G, and "Glee" stars Darren Criss and Kevin McHale, the latter of whom has a mad, fantasy-tinged crush on Kathy. And soon, rather than put an end to the festivities, she's drawn into the party, which includes the tropes from movies like "She's All That," "Can't Hardly Wait" and about five flicks by John Hughes.

After Black gives Perry a makeover, complete with spandex, big hair and funky earrings, she's hanging with all of the cool kids. She's drinking, dancing, vomiting and falling over drunk, while the song's lyrics talk about regretting the Friday-night actions that are inevitably documented and spread online.

And, of course, it all comes back to Saturday morning, when a hungover Kathy is both pleased and shocked by what happened the night before, as her passed-out guests and Facebook page remind her of it all. Her parents arrive on the scene, but they don't seem too angry at her party-girl antics, maybe because they're played by Debbie Gibson and Corey Feldman. The only real casualty of the party? Kathy's solar system model!

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Some Personal Property Can Be Kept In Alaska And Hawaii Bankruptcy ...

Many people are afraid to file bankruptcy, even if it is really their best option. A bankruptcy is often referred to as a US federal bankruptcy when the federal law is in opposition to the bankruptcy laws in the relevant state. Since bankruptcy is ultimately a federal matter, federal law in these cases supersedes state law.

Bankruptcy is an option for people who are suffering under such incredible debt that it is unlikely they will be able to repay it. There are several circumstances that may cause people to file for bankruptcy, including the loss of a job, a serious physical or mental illness, and home foreclosures.

There are several types of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most commonly filed, and allows for all debts to be eliminated. It is the most common type of bankruptcy to be filed by individuals. Chapter 13 can also be filed by individuals, but is actually a form of debt repayment plan, and allows filers to repay their debt, either in whole or in part, over the course of several years.

One of the reasons that people fear filing for bankruptcy is that they are afraid that they will have to relinquish everything they own. Unfortunately, with chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court does have the power to seize the assets of the person filing in order to pay the affected creditors.

The first step to file bankruptcy is for a debtor to collect his or her financial information and records. They must submit pay stubs, bank statements, and lists of assets. They also must not open any new accounts after they have filed. The bankruptcy court will then contact the debtor and provide them with bankruptcy information and documents.

The debtor will have to attend a hearing, which will allow his or her creditors to dispute the bankruptcy. The case will be reviewed, and the debtor will be required to attend credit counseling. Then a confirmation hearing is held, during which the judge allows the bankruptcy to go forward. Some time afterward, a discharge hearing is held to end the bankruptcy and allow the debtor to start over with their finances.

The best thing for a person to do is to find out from bankruptcy attorneys what their options are. Bankruptcy proceedings can be difficult and can be an emotional time for the person filing. It is also important that you have all of your financial records available. If you are filing for personal bankruptcy, you should contact some bankruptcy lawyers to help you through the process. It is vital to have a knowledgeable lawyer on your side so that you can protect your assets.

In order to do this, your lawyer will provide you bankruptcy resources and let you know which items are exempt from bankruptcy in your state. For instance, in Alaska, you are allowed to keep certain benefits and wages in order to start your financial life again after a bankruptcy. Some of these include workers compensation, disability benefits, life insurance, pensions, wages and weekly earnings up to a certain amount per week, and child support and alimony.

Personal property exempt in Alaska includes apartment or condo association deposits, burial plots, necessary health implements, motor vehicles, jewelry, and family heirlooms up to a certain amount, books, clothing, tuition credits, money held in escrow, personal injury recoveries, and liquid assets up to a certain amount.

In Hawaii, insurance, pensions, certain categories of personal property such as needed appliances and furnishings and clothing, burial plots, books, housing down payments, motor vehicles and jewelry up to a certain amount, and public benefits are some of the items that are exempt from bankruptcy that will allow someone to support and take care of themselves after their bankruptcy is discharged.

Find More Bankruptcy News

Related posts:

  1. Bankruptcy & Foreclosure : Pros & Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
  2. Personal Bankruptcy in Canada: The B Word
  3. Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy Overview
  4. When Filing Bankruptcy, You Should Seek The Consult Of A Bankruptcy Attorney
  5. How soon after declaring bankruptcy can you buy property?


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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Diane Dimond: False Prophets and Their Profits (

Harold Camping was quoted as saying he's "flabbergasted and stunned" that he
and his followers are still on this earth. He has re-calculated and now says
the Rapture has been re-scheduled for October 21.

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Falling Mortgage Rates May Signal Another Downturn | Daily ...

> Economy, Finance, home buyers, News Item, news-at-noon > Falling Mortgage Rates May Signal Another Downturn

HousingWire says fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs) dropped to their lowest rate since last November, suggesting that another decline in the housing market may be coming. ?According to Bankrate, its survey of major lenders revealed the average 30-year FRM fell to 4.69 percent last week. ?The average 15-year FRM declined to 3.88 percent and the jumbo 30-year FRM dropped to 5.16 percent. ?The four-year and seven-year adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) also dropped. ?FRMs are down for the seventh consecutive week, according to Freddie Mac. ?The 30-year FRM dropped .05 percent to 4.55 percent, and the 15-year FRM fell .04 percent to 3.74 percent. ?The American Bankers Association (ABA) says mortgage applications dropped four percent last week, signaling weak consumer confidence.



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DVD Picks: 'Stanley Kubrick: The Essential Collection'

The cover of Stanley Kubrick: The Essential Collection.

Warner Home Video

It's time for our home video feature. Bob Mondello spent much of his Memorial Day weekend holed up with a new 10-dvd set: Stanley Kubrick: the Essential Collection.

Think of all the movie moments Stanley Kubrick gave us: Roman slaves shouting "I'm Spartacus" to save Kirk Douglas; Slim Pickens yee-hawing as he rides the atom bomb like a bronco; Keir Dullea asking HAL to open the pod bay doors; Jack Nicholson sneering "Heeeere's Johnny" through a bathroom door at Shelley Long in The Shining; Malcolm McDowell grinning maniacally through a bit of the ol' ultraviolence.

Also Lolita, Barry Lyndon, Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut. In just over four decades, Kubrick created some of the twentieth century's most distinctive, and distinctively different, films, nine of which are included here. From epic to satire to sci-fi to horror, this director did everything pretty brilliantly. Also pretty originally.

What becomes clear from this set is that while other filmmakers copy each other, Kubrick quotes only himself. Say, at the beginning of Lolita, when James Mason asks Peter Sellers if he's Quilty, and Sellers responds, "No, I'm come to free the slaves or something?" A little ad-libbed joke to set a comic tone, in case someone wandered in expecting nothing but sex.

In addition to gorgeous remasterings of all the films, there are some nifty extras, especially in the "Limited Edition" Blu-Ray set, which has additional hours of interviews and scenes movie audiences never heard, including an audio-only scene that offers a few extra lines when Charles Laughton's Roman senator commits suicide in Spartacus.

Even the regular DVD collection has plenty to recommend it, like the story of how Kubrick cobbled together different cameras to do the supposedly impossible: shoot scenes by candle-light in Barry Lyndon. And shots of the huge cream-pie fight that became the most famous unseen sequence in movie history. It was supposed to reduce Dr. Strangelove's War Room to chaos, and would have, except the actors couldn't stop laughing. Instead, Kubrick came up with the more chilling ending that arguably makes the film the masterpiece it is.

Nine movies, each controversial on first release, some of the best of them, critically panned. And every one now imitated and celebrated. The title gets it right: Stanley Kubrick, the Essential Collection.


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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Take Care Of Your Acne Problems With Proper Skin Care | Article Buss

Back acne is well-known in a lot of people. Perhaps you happen to be on the list of folks with this situation and also you are ware of how annoying it will be to possess a skin condition. There are plenty of good reasons why you might have this trouble and am certain you might have done sufficient research in countless places on the solutions to treat and how to get rid of back acne.

It is a beneficial concept to to begin with come across out the principle trigger of one?s skin situation ahead of you commence working with any form of remedy. This may enable it to be easy to locate the perfect way on how to get rid of acne from your back. Assure you don?t use just any medicine remedy with out expertise of its root result in. You must to begin with make sure with the difficulty ahead of in search of the answer.

The back acne just such as the facial acne is brought on by secretion of excessive quantity of oil acknowledged as the sebum that may be created by sebaceous gland developing up underneath the skin and which at the finish of it all serves because the camping ground for bacteria. The main trigger of excessive oil accumulation is generally clogged follicles. These are the bacteria producing the unpleasant and annoying skin situation generally identified as acne.

Acne essentially has two sorts, the inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The inflammatory acne can also be acknowledged as blackheads and whiteheads. The latter could possibly be inside the type of nodules, cysts, pustule, boil or papule that is extremely irritating and sometimes leads to dark scars. For individuals that experienced having the inflammatory acne eventually search for methods on how to heal acne scars.

The Back acne does not necessarily take place to teenagers considering of their hormonal changes, adults can also have back acne. Usually do not feel that if you?re not affected by the facial acnes then the back ones can not also have an effect on you. Getting these situations depends upon several things such as your genes, hormonal modifications or poor hygiene.

You can find countless medicines and remedies for acne obtainable in the marketplace today. Even so, you might come across a lot of those who have located relief on how you can do away with acne through natural therapies. Considering the fact that acne is brought on by excessive production of oil within your skin, you could possibly want begin watching your diet plan and your food intake like avoiding fatty foods. It would also support when you take in plenty of water.

It may perhaps also work for you personally if get started being conscious with your hygiene. Ensure which you start out a hygienic life-style. Make certain that your body is constantly clean and try to prevent getting excess moisture on your skin. Should you be the style who?s far more prone to receiving acne, examine the soap that you simply use.

To find out more information on the topic of how to get rid of acne, visit my website about get rid of acne.


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